Chapter 527 - Will This Help?

Chapter 527 - Will This Help?

Xie Ming gritted her teeth as she felt a little fearful because of the increasing speed of the horse and their unstable balance.

If this horse didn't stop in time, then they will get badly hurt.

What is more worrying is that they have now covered most of the farm and have come so far from where they were shooting.

If this horse keeps running like this, he may either exhaust himself to death or get badly hurt because there are fences in front, and if he crosses that, there will be mountain area.

It will be really dangerous for the horse himself.

She can feel the heat coming from the horse. Her instinct was right.

There was something wrong with the horse. Seems like it has been drugged.

Though she has no idea what drug it is, however, it doesn't feel natural the way this horse suddenly became so crazy.

" Give it to me." She was earlier tightly holding onto Jiang Yan's waist which resulted in their unstable balance.

She stretched her body forward and tried to hold onto the rope that he was holding.

He was bewildered for a moment because he was worried that she might fall but she not only held onto the rope tightly but helped him get his grip on it.

She pursed her lips as she held onto the rope tightly and pulled with a force.

At this moment, she couldn't think of anything because if she didn't do that, this horse would have broken the fence in front.

The horse stopped with a screech resulting in both of them fall on the ground badly.

" Ah"

Jiang Yan fell on his left shoulder which made him groan in pain.

" Xie Ming, are you…

" What are you doing? Come here. It's dangerous." He shouted in horror when he saw Xie King who also experienced a really bad fall but she stood up again without thinking about anything and stood in front of the crazy horse.

The horse was neighing loudly and moving around her crazily intending to hit her.

However, she stood in front of the horse without blinking her eyes and stared directly into the eyes of the horse.

Her aura..has changed all of a sudden.


Jiang Yan was shocked to see her like this in this situation. Generally, people cry or run away in his situation but she was staring in the eyes of the horse without even blinking.

" Ssh.. calm down. It's okay. Everything will be fine."

" I know you're in pain, but I promise that I will not let you in pain anymore if you allow me to touch you."

The horse didn't stop neighing loudly and continued moving around trying to hit her.

" I am not here to hurt. I will not hurt you. I know it must be hard, but you can believe me. I am your friend."

" I can treat you. It's okay. Everything will be fine."



When Xie Ming was trying to control the horse, Mr. Han, Xu Lan, and others came in a jeep.

They were shocked to see that the horse had stopped and Jiang Yan was on the ground.

But the most shocking thing was...Xie Ming was talking to the horse.

Will this help?

" What is she doing?" Mr. Han was frustrated as she glanced at the horse owner and said, " Do something. It's your horse. "

The horse owner was in shock as well. This was the most well-behaved horse that he had. But how can he act like this?

Even he was surprised.

" Give it to me." He asked the injection from his helper which he had asked him to bring earlier. It was the injection to drug the horse, to make it lose consciousness.

They generally use this kind of drug to tame the horses who are overly enthusiastic. It can harm the horse physically but it reduces their struggle and energy to control them.

Xie Ming's eyes widened in horror when she saw that the man was walking behind the horse carefully and was about to inject him the drug.

" STOP! Don't give it to him" she shouted which made the horse conscious of his surroundings and he kicked the owner hard which resulted in him to fall down

" Xie Ming, what the hell are you doing? He was trying to control him. Why are you acting so willful?" Mr. Han shouted as he found that Xie Ming was acting ridiculous.

They are trying to save them but she is making things difficult.

She gritted her teeth as didn't reply to him and looked into the eyes of the horse who was acting crazier than before

" Just stay out of it. I will handle it. Don't you dare touch him." She snapped at the owner who was again signaling his men to hold the horse and bound him with a rope.

" Relax. Calm down. The pain you are experiencing will go away in a blink. Just let me touch you." She said every word slowly and carefully.

In another's eyes, she might look stupid but she knows what she was doing.

In her past life, her father not only treated people but animals also. Unlike this world, they don't have special doctors for animals in the past.

A doctor used to treat everyone and her father was the military doctor. He has treated many soldier horses and some of them used to be more dangerous and crazy after they get hurt.

She has seen the way her father used to tame those horses.

He used to say that unlike people, animals are not that greedy. The only thing he wants from a person is his sincerity and nothing else.

If you look into their eyes without blinking and try to calm them, they will listen to you. But, you need to be careful.

One can lie but their eyes can't. You need to be sincere with your words when you speak.

So one should never lie to an animal. They can't speak, but it's not that they can't feel the emotions.

These were the things which had really touched her heart.

That's why she was trying to calm this horse so that she can use acupuncture to reduce the effect of this drug.

Thankfully she had also treated a few horses in her past life, so she was used to all this.

So she was confident that she can control him if these stupid people don't create more problems for her.


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