Epic of Bee

Chapter 158 Getting Ready For The Hexpansion

The two of us walked into the Navigation Level, and I could see my wives all sitting in their unique chairs, looking at floating windows. I was going to go over and see what they were working on, but I was drawn to the three-dimensional map that was laid out on the table.

"Woah, you all have been very busy, Bees!" I said with excitement as I looked at the map, at the outside of the ship.

There were now five rings of Hex combs stacked up and three out. Now, the ship was actually starting to look more like the floating Hive that I had envisioned when I got the first Hive Task.

Now it was partway complete, and I could also see that there are towers being constructed on the outside edges of the HexScape. There were eight of them, but there weren't any completed yet, but it was good to see that things were getting done.

"I think that you can complete the last Hive Task now. There are three hundred fifty-six Hive points left, but we are getting more all the time, and we have used all the Hex points," Messia explained, and I looked at her wide-eyed.

"How many Hive points have you used so far?" I asked, and Messia gave me a weak smile.

"Over three thousand, but I figured that it would be best to have everything that we could upgrade with the points that we have. I left you enough if you would like to try and use the Gatcha System, and we were are not allowed to activate Pelleta's Life Vines, but I think that you might want to talk with her about it first" Messia explained.

"Why is that?" I asked, and Xani was the one that spoke up.

,m "Because they don't have a description, and I don't really know what they will do. They also cost five hundred Hive Points for the first upgrade, So we do not have enough for it right now anyway," Xani explained, and I nodded in thanks for the explanation, so I didn't have to pull up the menu.

"Alright, if you all have everything in order, then I will talk Serria with me, and we will head down to complete the last thing on the list. Well, not the last thing, but the most important thing that I needed to get done besides evolving everyone. That is going to have to Bee the next thing we need to tackle when I get back up here," I said to my Wives, and they all nodded to me.

"Yes, we will all be waiting for you to come back up with a pair of gods," Miasma said to me with a warm smile that I returned, and they made eye contact with each girl before turning with Serria.

"Ready to go down and invite our patrons down to the mortal plane?" I asked Serria with a smile, and she returned it.

"I don't really care what we do as long as it is with you, but I won't lie and say that I am not just a little bit excited. I can't believe that I was just a basic healer who never really got out or seen anyone a month ago, and now I get to stand here beside you! And we are going to summon Gods to come and join us!" Serria said with excitement, and I could help the massive grin that stretched my mouth to the point that it almost hurt.

The two of us walked onto the Levi-Stone pad, and I just pushed the button on the pole that was standing in the middle of the pad. Gamble must have been up here again, but I hoped he hadn't changed my room around too much; I was just starting to get used to it.

As we lowered, I looked around, but there was nothing that had moved or anything that looked new, and I was relieved. While I appreciated everything that Gamble did to my room, I wasn't ready from a room switched every day.

With the way that everything in my life was constantly changing all the time, it would be nice to have a little bit of continuity for once.

The two of us reached the bottom, and as we stepped off, I pushed the button on the pole that was standing in my room and not on the pad. The pad lifted back up, and I led Serria over toward my bed, but she was looking all over the place in awe.

"This is your room? There are so many things here! This place is like a castle!" Serria said as I tried to keep her moving to the bed, but it seemed like she needed to make a stop every two steps to look around.

I finally decided to let her get her curiosity out because I could also see that she was getting a bit hyper. I let go of Serria's hand and told her she could go look around, but I was going to bed to sit and wait for her.

It had already been a long and stressful day, and it was only half over. So, I wanted to just go and sit down to relax for a moment while Serria looked at everything.

After answering a dozen different questions about all the different things in my room, Serria finally came over to join me.

"Okay, I am mostly ready to sit still," Serria said with a smile as she sat down next to me and surprised me with a kiss.

I loved the way that this simple kiss that she gave me seemed to just blow all the stress right off me. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling nearly as tired or weary, but that was no reason to stop the wonderful kiss that we were sharing.

I almost got lost in Serria's kiss when I somehow ended up with her tail in my hand, but thankfully she stopped me before things got too hot.

"I think that we are sup[posed to be doing something right now, aren't we?" Serria asked me with a look that made me want to tell the world to piss off for a while and leave us be!

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