Epic of Bee

Chapter 152 The Path

Bob didn't speak right away because that was an ancient term that talked about Legendary warriors of the past. They were ones that had been able to walk the Path and move around the battlefield like Wraiths of death.

"Only what the legends tell us, why do you ask? You're not trying to tell me that Will and John are slipping into the Drift and walking the Path, are you?" Bob asked, but even he knew that his words we stupid and childish.

​ Gamble ignored the question and continued to explain.

"This will track them, but the Path will give them greater speed than you could ever hope to match. Take this Door-Stabilizer I created. I created it to make temporary gateways for use on the Hex-Comb walls, but it should work just as well with the SugaBees walls," Gamble explained and then handed Bob a small Hexagonal device.

Now, Bob was looking at his small Crystal Screen, and he could see the blip that was Will on it, but it was all over the place. While in the Drift, Will would be very hard to track or an exact location on him, but it would give him a general direction.

After the Queen had called for the gathering group to be beamed down, Bob had started to run. This was going to be the hard part now for Bob.

Bob had a little understanding of what Will and John did when they slipped into the Drift after Gamble had explained to him about it, but that didn't make this any easier.

The Hive was like nothing like Bob had ever seen, and it was like walking into a crystal palace, but Bob had no time to be looking around. Will was already two levels down, and Bob pulled out the DS that Gamble had given him and pushed it to the floor.

The effect was so fast that Bob almost wasn't able to catch himself as he dropped. He landed in front of two walking Sugabees, but they hardly noticed him after looking at him briefly.

Bob sighed and prayed to his Queen in thanks for this unique ability and then pushed the DS down and dropped. After three more drops, Bob was on the same level as Will, and he started running with his monitor in hand.

"Why couldn't I have just been wrong!" Bob heard Will growl from up ahead, and Bob ran faster to catch up.

When he burst around the corner to the large cell that he heard Will's voice coming from, but froze when he got into the room. Bob stood stunned for a moment, but the sound of Will's growling voice being directed at Bob snapped him out of it.

"Who are you, and why are you down here?!" Will growled, but then Bob put his name tag back on, and Will cursed.

"Sorry, I knew that you were going to do something like this, and I couldn't let you do it alone, but you were right, it seems," Bob said as he looked at all the bodies that were partially frozen in glass.

There were about one hundred and fifty people with their limbs and the back halves of their bodies held by the glass. They all looked stared and on the verge of death, but none of them spoke or complained, but Will walked up to a gaunt female and put a hand to the side of her face softly.

"We were scared that this is what it was going to be, and this is our fault. We failed these people when we let the SkinWalkers go," Will said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"There is nothing that we can do about yesterday, Will. you know that just as well as I do. All we can do is work on today and make tomorrow a better day. So, we are here, and we know that it's here, but how long till it figures out the same thing?" Bob asked as he walked up to Will and the girl that was slowly waking up.

"How did you get down here so fast?" Will asked, ignoring the question, looking into the girl's eyes that were slowly opening.

"Who… are you?" the girl asked in a hoarse voice before Bob could speak.

"Help, we are going to get you and as many as we can out of here. Bob, fast, we don't have time to waste right now!" Will said, and Bob handed him the device that Gamble had given him.

"Hold it up to her, and it should destabilize the nectar and release her," Bob explained as Will did just that.

As he did, the girl fell free, and Will caught her small weak, and frail body gently.

"Thank you, but you must save the Queen eggs, or we are doomed," the female said but then passed out in Will's arms.

"We are never going to have time for this all!" Bob complained, but Will glared daggers at him.

"Both of us will work as a team and start pulling the people in the center. When we are done in an area, I will go back up top to get Tok to target this area. Give me the tracker that you have been using, and I will give it to him," Will explained, and Bob handed it over.

"What are we going to do about the Tellarider's?" Bob asked as they started to work, practically running.

"Nothing, at the moment we don't know where the Mother is, and we do not have time to look for her. It is more than likely that it already knows where we are here, but there is nothing that it can do about it yet, but that won't last forever," Will explained, and Bob nodded.

After the finished the first chamber, Will had the DS device back to Bob and then slipped into the Drift, taking the Path back to beside Tok. The man had been run through the wringer by Will with games of I kill you, so Tok wasn't startled.

"Will, what In Condor's Flying Ass do you think that you are doing up here and not with Ashia?!" Ryan roared, and Will flinched.

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