Epic of Bee

Chapter 148 The Plot Is So Thick That It Has More Curves Then A Race Track

I watched as Serria touched the screaming Queen's face with her paws, and the screams started to dye down. Whatever was doing this to Mordiraine and her people was not good by any means, and it seems to have been holding them hostage.

Serria took the shaking Queen who was quite now into her, and then a wave of golden light burst from Serria like some kind of pulse scanner from a game. Right after it had happened, Mordiraine gasped loudly like she had been holding her breath for a long time.

"You can come over now; the thing no longer has control over her mind. I am going to go down with most of the guards now to the Clinic to heal the rest, but can I take Bob and Will? I might be able to figure out some more about what is doing this with their help," Serria said, standing up confidently.

I was surprised to see her stand up too firm for this, but I should be. Serria seemed like the type that could only take so much like me before it was time to dig in and get serious.

"Yes, please do, and let me know what you think, but I want everyone to stay out of the SugaBee hive for now! That is an order, am I understood clearly this time? While I fully agree that this was something that needed to be done, this is not something that you get to decide on your own. Both of you two will be punished after this. Regardless of how noble the act, you disobeyed me when we could have just as easily talked about this before we left," I said, and both men nodded, looking down.

It didn't matter if it was the right thing to do; there was a reason there were people that made the final choice on matters. Rather than have people make them on their own when they felt like it.

I walked over to where Serria was still holding the Queen, and I had to take a short pause when I got close to the two of them. It was hard to believe that Serria could handle the smell of piss without even wincing, but then the smell probably didn't matter to her when she heard the Queen's pain.

I walked up to them and looked over at the Queen, and now on closer inspection, I could see that she was very skinny as well. I may have jumped the gun on this, but I was still heading in the right direction.

"Okay, take her down there with you, and I will start going over a plan. We need to figure out what we can do to stop this, so I want Xani, Talli, Gamble, and anyone that might be able to help with thread reading to go down and help to try and learn more about," I tried to say, but then was cut off by a loud klaxon warning signal that echoed through the Navigation floor.

What could this be now? Like there wasn't enough going on, what now? A Predator attack? That would be just par for the course at this point.

"Queen, you need to get over here and see this," was all Gamble would say, and I turned around to look at the map from about three meters away, but I could see what he meant.

"Messia, get this ship moving, NOW!" I screamed as I ran over to my chair and almost jumped into it.

There was no way that this was possible; I had to see it with my own eyes, or at least through the QBee Drones. Before I could do that, I had to get people moving, so I started calling out to people.

"Everyone, there is a slight change in plans. Sierra, take some of the men with you and the two that you had asked for. The rest of the guards get ready to deploy if we need to, but I do not plan on it. We need to get away from whatever this thing is, but I don't want anyone going out there but the drones; this is an order!" I said, making sure to stress the order part, so it wasn't followed loosely again.

Everyone nodded, but I made eye contact with each of my wives, and they all understood, and the four of them took their seats.

"Girls, we are not going out there to fight this thing, there is no way that is going to happen, but we can get as much information as we need. With that in mind, also remember that your drones will not be repaired from last time yet since we have yet to find mechanics, so be careful and do not lose them. We already lost one Drone last fight, and I don't think that we can afford to lose more," I said to the girls, and they all nodded to me.

I settled back into my chair and one more last long look at the Crystal Bubble Hive slowly pulling itself from the mountain. The thing was unfolding massive long legs like a spider, but they looked like they were made from obsidian because they were so black and glossy.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, but then Hilda was before me.

"This thing is a Geo-Sect, but it is not what is controlling the SugaBee. I think that the SugaBee shares a symbiotic relationship with it, but I can not be sure. Regardless, it would not be wise to attack that or try to get close to it," Hilda said, but then I was floating in the air above the Royal Flying Hive Fortress.

I looked down to see the massive creature breaking free from the mountain. Whatever this thing was, there was no way that we would stand a chance of hurting it.

'I think I might have figured out what is controlling them then,' Tirga sent to me, and I turned around, forgetting that she was up here with Carl.

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