Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 286 Sterling Royal Resort



Whether or not Andromeda left the restaurant on time wasn't, particularly Liu Xueyi's problem.

For one, he was mad at himself that he got jealous easily. This was something that he almost never did even in his past relationship.

But with Andromeda, that almost seemed like an impossible case.

He did not understand the reason why he became like that, but he knew he could not continue with it.

As much as that was a case he knew he had to work with, he also knew Andromeda was no child.

The last thing he wanted was to choke her just because he was in a relationship with her. And as such, working on himself was the best course of action.

Even with all of these, what pained Liu Xueyi more was the fact that he wished to be with her that night and leave her place but now, staying away was the best course of action.

At the very least till his emotions calmed down. Not that having angry sex wasn't good, it was but he just wanted to love her.


It did not take time for days to roll over on them and Wednesday's dinner went by as well.

Following the announcement Xu Fang gave, most of the workers, specifically the fashion team, were scheduled to leave for Sterling City on Friday morning.

As the head and Creative Director, of course, Andromeda was amongst those going on the trip.

At the appointed time, everyone got into the vehicle taking them for the journey. By the time they arrived, it was already noon.

"Finally," Jian Xiaofei exclaimed as she alighted from the luxurious bus.

Not long after, Peng Xiaoli and Andromeda came down as well with their luggage in their hands as they waited for directions from Xu Fang and Fu Chu Hua regarding their lodging details.

Soon enough, everyone on the bus came down as well and gathered towards a corner of the hotel, while waiting for Xu Fang.

Taking long strides in their direction after speaking to the driver who brought them, Xu Fang came to a stop in front of the many faces eagerly waiting for him.

"Thank you all for the patience so far and I trust that the journey was splendid?"

"Yeah," everyone chorused with glee on their faces.

While this was not a new routine organized by Liu Corporation, it was the first for some of the new fashion designers that came after Andromeda.

And just like the others, Andromeda did not have such an opportunity with Liu Corporation nor did she ever get one with Divine Pearl.

Back then, Wu Bai did his best in frustrating all of her efforts for such and would always remind her of the many vacations she would get after their marriage.

Little did she know he took that as an opportunity to bang the living daylights out of Beatrice Zhang as most of the time, he never came back with the rest of the workers and claimed to be held back by a meeting or two.

And since Beatrice Zhang was the top designer, she often stayed back with him.

'Sigh! How stupid I was back then.' Andromeda thought within her.

"Okay just hold on for a little while, someone would love to address us before we lodge."

His lips pulled back into a charming welcoming smile, distracting everyone from whatever worries they had.

While most of them fell for the smile and handsomeness of the man before them, Andromeda let her eyes trail elsewhere, taking in the sight before her.

To their surprise, the door at the entrance of the hotel opened to reveal a young man dressed in a casual black and white vintage shirt and a white pocketed short and matching white air force Nike sneakers.

Walking out of the hotel, with both hands shoved into his pocket, a light breeze blew past, swaying his pitch-black hair to the side as the collar of his shirt moved a bit to the side, revealing the sparkling white inner singlet he wore inside.

When he got to where they stood, he lowered his glasses a little, giving them a wink before straightening his back and facing them properly.

Several gasps erupted from behind Andromeda when they got a quick glance at the eyes of the man who stood before them.

One look at him, and they would have even mistaken him for a star.

Who would have thought that the cold and indifferent young master of the Lou Corporation could be as charming as he was when he was not dressed in a suit?

Taking a quick glance at the faces present, Liu Xueyi made an effort to make eye contact with every one of them before finally letting his gaze settle on the one person, he had waited days to see.

Rather than holding his gaze, Andromeda turned her face away and crossed her arms over her chest.

With how things had ended with them after the restaurant episode she was not happy with him.

For one, she had called him that day after getting home but he never answered his calls. The next morning too, she rushed over to his place to visit him only to be informed of his departure.

Right there and then, Andromeda knew he was really angry at her.

It had also made her sad but then, seeing him all happy and enjoying himself now, she regretted wasting her thoughts and emotions feeling sad.

His smile was relieved, seeing that she was all right. Once more, he peeled his gaze away as he glanced at their vicinity before addressing them.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to Sterling's Royal Resort."

Not wanting to take too much of their time due to how tiring their journey must have been, he briefly informed them of why they were there and the things they needed to know before sending them off.

"Good. Now, let's all go in and get our rooms."

"Thank you, sir!"

Quickly, everyone picked up their bags and followed Fu Chu Hua.

However, just before Andromeda got a chance to join the train of people, she felt a hand wrap around her waist and pull her close to the side.

As soon as their bodies collided, Andromeda took a sniff of his cologne and felt her heart race in her chest.

"Hello, Miss Kai."

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