Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 279 Mrs Liu's Shock



Xu Fang did not give a response immediately and tilted his head to the side, supporting it with his left hand while his gaze darted to and fro.

From the look of things, he was making an effort to find a solution to his friend's problem. Liu Xueyi could not be any gladder than he had been in his life.

"I would appreciate any suggestions though. Just feel free to throw in anything that comes to…"

"Wait. That's it, I've got it!" Xu Fang exclaimed, rising to his feet.

He turned on his heels and pointed both index fingers at Liu Xueyi. "I think I may have found a nice way out for you," he enunciated, his face immediately lit up.

Watching him feel great about this whole thing gave Liu Xueyi a sense of hope that a solution had come up.

Unlike Xu Fang, he was impatient and needed to hear it. "Hurry and tell me, Fang. I do not have all day."

"Relax. I would tell you, just do not ruin my fun for me."

Shaking his head, Liu Xueyi fell back into his seat. At times Xu Fang did not know the urgency of a matter. More so, he could only wait at this point for the big reveal.

"It is time for a company trip!" Xu Fang announced, throwing both hands into the air.

"A trip?" Liu Xueyi recounted, furrowing his brows deeper.

No matter how he thought about it, he was trying to escape from one trip but Xu Fang was complicating his problems.

"Xu Fang, how can one trip solve the problem of a trip and family dinner? When they are…" He stopped dead on his tracts and lifted his eyes to Xu Fang.

"Oh, now you see what I am saying, huh? Next time do not doubt me."

"I never did. I only asked one question."

"And I gave a simple answer."

<Xueyi: Author where did you pick him up from?>

<Author: I seem to be asking myself the same question.>

<Fang: Author! Xueyi! I Heard that.>

<Author: I spoke out loud. Of course, you would hear or are you deaf?>

<Xueyi: Pffft hehee. Nice one author.>

"Anyways, we can arrange for a trip with some of the staff of the company. It is impromptu but we can rush and do something and make it a weekend trip."

"I know but I am needed on Wednesday."

"Great, then you are travelling on a business trip and then hosting a little vacation for the workers there. That way, you need to hurry in advance since you made plans and forgot."

"Forgot? I do not usually forget things so easily," Liu Xueyi bragged.

Facepalming his forehead, Xu Fang did not know how hopeless Liu Xueyi could get.



"Well, what better option do you have?" Xu Fang shrugged.

"Who knows, the resort director informed me of the meeting and I took hold of the opportunity to book accommodation for my workers. It would be a great way to relax and motivate them."

"Fine. Whatever you say. Anyways, in the end, my suggestion worked. That way your mother wouldn't be able to argue so much. She can just reschedule for next week."

"Okay. True, that can work. Next weekend it would be, though. Should Andromeda come with me, I would want her to rest first and not feel too pressured."

"Indeed, a certain kind of pressure affects them for important meetings such as this."

"Sigh. Thanks though. Time to call Liu's mistress and inform her that things wouldn't be."

"Fighting! I will be cheering you up from my office," Xu Fang immediately announced.

"Sit down there. Where do you think, you are escaping to? You would bear the brunt with me."

"Hey, I am not the one with the girlfriend here. Besides, why should I get scolded along with you?"

"Because we are buddies. You should help me."

"I just need. Now face her yell alone."

Stating his stand, Xu Fang rose to his feet with immediate effect. He had only taken a single step in his pursuit to leave when he heard her voice loud and clear.


He stilled in his step and tore his gaze from the ground to look at Liu Xueyi.

Just as he had thought, while they argued, Liu Xueyi had the guts to call his mother.

To make matters worse, Xu Fang was sure the Mistress of the Liu Family had most definitely heard his voice and the last part.

"Hello, Xueyi, didn't I just hear Xu Fang's voice?" Mrs. Liu questioned immediately.

Swallowing hard, Xu Fang felt a slight shiver run through him and slowly sat back down in his seat while answering.

"Sure. Good morning, ma'am."

"Oh my, Xu Fang, where you running from me?"

"I dare not mum. Actually, Liu Xueyi only placed the phone on speaker just now. I had no idea you were on the phone," he defended quickly.

"Oh, I see. In that case, then, I would pardon you."

"Thank you, mum."

"Now, where is that son if mi e? I called him and he refused to answer his call."

"Oh, he is here and listening, mum. Xueyi," Xu Fang pretended to call out. "Please answer mummy."

"Hahaha, you are such a nice son, Fang. I just hope he wouldn't always be so naughty and behave properly like you."

The second she compared both of them, Liu Xueyi no longer bothered to hide and coughed loudly, while clearing his throat.

"Excuse me, mum. Who did you say is better than I am?"

"Got you, son. So how long where you going to keep me silent?"

"I thought you were having a good time with Xu Fang. Anyways, my bad. I apologize. I missed your call earlier."

"Yes. I was calling you as regards the dinner arrangements. Do you want me to invite anyone for dinner?"

At this point, all Xu Fang had on his face were smiles. He was not invited by his friend but his mother was ready to do that work.

"You know, like your friends, to help Andromeda feel more comfortable."

"Awwn how thoughtful mum," Xu Fang cooed

"I'm cancelling the dinner, mum."

"You what!"

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