Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 277 Change In Plans



By the following day, things began smoothly in the company just like every morning without stress.

Unfortunately for Liu Xueyi, they were not planning to stay the same way for too long.

Recalling his plans with Andromeda that day, Liu Xueyi tried his best to finish up his meetings and attend to things that needed his authorization and check to give him an early leave.

But when the call came in and he answered, the report he got left him startled.

"Hello, Ye Yuan," Director Chao Jin Ho greeted.

"Director Chao, good morning."

"Morning. How is everything with you?"

"Good. And yours?"

"Alright so long as everything goes according to plan."

Immediately Liu Xueyi got his reply, his eyes gleamed, sensing something was up.

For starters, it was already suspicious having the Director call him without reason. Something had to be up for that kind of call to happen.

And for a business man like him, he hated surprises or beating around the bush like his father hated it.

"Hit the nail on the head," Liu Xueyi voiced impatiently.

"Fine. You do not have to be so brash about it," Director Chao muttered. "Anyways," he began and cleared his throat properly.


"I hope you are ready for the scene we would be shooting in Sterling's City's Biggest resort?"


"Yes. We are scheduled to leave on Wednesday," Director Chao Jin Hi informed him.

"Excuse me?"

"What I did inform you olwr would be travelling for a few scene shots and then we would also go abroad for another."

Liu Xueyi's brows furrowed deeply by the news. He was told of shooting at a different scene and maybe he was informed it was out of the city but he could not recall with so many things going through his mind.

However, what shocked him most and worried him was the fact that the day if departure was the very day set aside for Andromeda to meet with his family.

There was no way he could call his mother and cancel out at this minute.

Honestly, he would want to as well, but he hated impromptu arrangements like this. It was already an hard thing having to fix up schedule, rush things and double the workload to give himself and Andromeda time for this dinner.

Now he was going to get thing even terrible.

"But I..." He paused, thinking of the next possible excuse he could come up in with.

"I am sorry, Director Chao. I do not think I can make it."

"Why, He Yuan?" You are the main leading character. This scenes are important for you too and your image amongst other things."

"I can't. I already have things planned for those days. Besides, from Wednesday through till Friday, I would be occupied with work."

"And if I ask what work that you won't ever say," Director Chao said and reached for the space between his brows and massaged them gently.

"I am sorry. It is just against my work ethics. I do not want to mix my work lives together."

"Alright. I understand. However, I need you there, Ye Yuan. You have to do something about it."

"It is not going to be easy. How about Friday?"

"That's hard. We do not have such time. Bookings have been made."

"Fine then. I would see what I can do and get back to you in it."

"I think I like this idea better than an outright no," Director Chao stated.

Another sigh fell off his lips just thinking about it. He had forgotten about such an important task already. And now merging it with work was going to be problematic.

"No worries. I need to get off this call now. Have a lovely day, Director."

"And you too, Yuan. Bye."

The moment the call went dead, Liu Xueyi breathed out sharply. He did not let another secongmd go by and quickly searched out Cu Fang's number.

It was a bit busy at the company and taking a break was going to be hard. Also, there was the subject of his mother.

A cogent reason would have to be easier to set her mind down and end this issue with the dinner.

Sadly, with how troubled his brain was, his thoughts became jumbled up and he needed help.


Just at the second ring, Xu Fang's voice came from the other end of the phone, earning a sigh of relief from Liu Xueyi.

"Xu Fang, where are you?" He asked before his friend got the chance to say anything.

"Iny office, why?"

"Hurry to my office please. I need your help," Liu Xueyi briefly explained.

"Alright. It seems pretty serious. Relax I would be there in three minutes."

"Okay. Thanks."


Getting Xu Fang's agreement ment a lot to him. At the very least now he could narrow his thoughts properly with the help of his friend.

Withal, as he dropped the call, his phone buzzed in his palm, making him jolt on his seat as his eyes glanced at the caller quickly.


Alarmed Liu Xueyi straightened his back on his seat, changing his position as he stared at the ringing phone in his hand.

Without a doubt, he was sure of the reason why his mother called him. It was definitely something about the dinner.

Sterling his resolve, he placed his phone down on the table with the screen facing the deska s the call went silent instant.

One thing was sure at the moment, if he took the call and conversed with her, he was sure she would spake about the dinner an dthe arrangement she had begun making.

At that point he was not going to have the heart to keep her hopes up and not blantky tell her to cancel.

Now, as good as that was, but he couldn't just tell her he was travelling on business. Especially with his busy body if a father having string intel on all of his activities. There was no way he could go away like that with triggering questions from there and his true identity as Ye Yuan.

Just thinking about it made his head hurt. This was why he needed the help.

Knock! Knock!

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