Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 241 I Won't Cry



Having told Andromeda all that was planned against Beatrice Zhang, it wasn't hard for her to recommend Peng Xiaoli and for the job to be given to her as Andromeda's assistant.

Not wanting to stress her, Andromeda had the young lady resume office the following week.

At first, even though Peng Xiaoli protested, she later got to understand the reason why.

Judging by what she told Andromeda, the latter knew that two sets of possibilities would occur.

One was the fact that Beatrice Zhang would indeed make such a move to fix things using her crooked methods and the other was the fact that she may refrain from doing so.

In the end, she needed someone to watch her.

Although Andromeda offered to hire someone, Peng Xiaoli refused and took the time off to monitor Beatrice.

Meanwhile, right after an exhausting Thursday, Liu Xueyi made it a point where, when he was called upon, he would do his best to be available.

In the end, what should have been half of the day turned out to be pretty different as he ended up staying there till 6 pm.

By the time he got home and met missed calls, his eyes scanned through the list till they landed on Andromeda's name.

His brows pulled together as his lips let out an exhaustive smile.

"I forgot to inform her because I felt I had all the time. Hmm, she must be worried sick about me now."

Settling his thoughts, Liu Xueyi quickly touched the dial icon and brought his phone to his ear.

A few seconds passed and the call already went through while he waited, breathing heavily as he anticipated her answering her call.

"Hey," Liu Xueyi heard her low voice call out and instantly his brow arched up while the other brow remained creased.


"Yup. How are you? Good evening."

"I am..." He wasn't sure how to respond to her kind of tone. At first, he had hoped for a yell or scream when he called but low and behold, he got this. "Fine, I guess."

"Hmm. Why?"

"I don't know. You tell me," Liu Xueyi voiced out a little, not hiding the irritation in his voice.

As quickly as those words fell out of his mouth he breathed out sharply. "I'm sorry. I just did not... No there is no excuse. Forgive me."

His eyes pried open at that moment as he gazed ahead into the darkness lurking at the corner of his room.

"I don't want to," Andromeda blurted out.


To be honest, for Liu Xueyi, that was the least answer he expected from her. Considering how goodly-natured she was, he had expected her forgiveness out rightly but now...

"My love..."

"I don't want to. Don't patronize me," she quickly cut him off and placed her phone on speaker as she let it sit on the sofa beside her.


"I'm not a kid," she fumed out once more.

"But you are my baby. Look, I am sorry. I had no right to behave that way."

​ "Well, you did."


"I'm not listening. I won't forgive you for not thinking about me and for lashing out."

"But I didn't," Liu Xueyi stated.

At this point, all he could think of was pleading his case before her and not to make matters worse.

He was tired, beat, to say the least, but that was not all. She wasn't happy and it was his job to make her smile, not sad.

"You almost did."

"But I didn't."

"I was worried about you, you know. Not even a text. I was concerned, Xueyi."

Just listening to her petition and hearing her voice break a little, made his heart clench and his chest tighten.

He did not want her to worry about him but at this stage, if he did not let her in on his personal life, then things would be complicated when he had to explain his whereabouts at times.

Yes, it was easy to do and call it business and Andromeda would understand but should she ask in detail, he would be forced to lie to her and currently, the last thing he needed or wanted was a situation where he had to lie to her about who he truly was.

"I would make it up to you, love."

"Go away."

"You sure?"

Rather than answering, Andromeda pursed her lips and refrained from speaking. Of course, she did not want him to leave.

If there was anything it was the fact that she did not understand this aspect of herself.

She was so worried whenever he wasn't around or within reach that her heartbeat increased exponentially.

And as much as she knew that time would help him be more open to him, she couldn't help it.

However, no matter the reason, all she wished for him to do or say was pet her, rub her head and make her feel like his personal baby.

It was funny. If anyone had probably heard it that would be their reaction but to her, it meant the world.

"Okay then, since you are silent, I would leave. I am truly sorry love. I hope you forgive me."

The second the words left his mouth, Liu Xueyi ended the call and did not give her any chance to change her mind.

To him though, she was mad at him. Sadly, for Andromeda, he was the kind that gave space when someone was mad.

Little did he know she meant the exact opposite. All she wanted was to feel him near her once more.

To be held, hugged, petted, kissed and loved by him.

However, when Liu Xueyi ended the call, he felt a certain sadness wash over him.

'Sigh. I know I should probably leave her to calm down first and then try to talk to her again but I do not know why. Now I feel the urge to see her even more.'

He shook his head slightly but the thought remained stuck in his mind like glue.

"No. I need to make it up to her. I may be tired but all I want is to see her, apologize to her and kiss her."

He did not wait to give the thought another go as he rose to his feet, picked up his car keys on his bedside table and exited his room.


Stuck with a dumped call, Andromeda stared unblinking at her phone for a long time.

She could not believe he would end a call on her like that. First of they weren't coming so where was that coming from?

Couldn't he sense the fact that she needed and wanted him?

A low scoff escaped her slightly parted lips as she lifted her eyes from her phone to stare ahead.


Her eyelids closed momentarily but she refrained from doing anything more. Seconds later, Andromeda tried controlling her breathing slowly.

'Deep breaths. Take it in. One…. Hmmm…"

She drew in her breath for a long time before exhaling sharply.

Slowly she repeated this action until her anger began to subside. After what seemed like forever, she pried her eyes open.

But instead of the strong front she planned, her eyes glistened with tears as she did her best to hold it in.

"That dummy!" She yelled out to her own shock as her body trembled from holding in so much rage.

Falling freely backwards, Andromeda brought her palms to cover her face as she let the tears that she had been holding fall freely.

"Why couldn't he see that all I wanted was him?" Andromeda questioned out loud as she dropped her hands by her side.

"Stupid boy. I won't talk to you again. And I won't cry."

Immediately after she said the last words, more tears streamed down her pretty face. "I won't cry. I won't cry."

Each time she chanted those words, more tears flowed out.

First, she was sad he did not understand her. Secondly, she was mad at him for ending the call on her like that. And thirdly, Andromeda was mad at herself for being this vulnerable to his actions.

She reached up again and this time she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Stop crying," she scolded herself, ignoring the way and manner her chest rose and fell with each breath taken.

A couple of minutes flew by quickly but there was still not a call from Liu Xueyi. After thinking about it carefully, Andromeda placed a call to him.

She waited for his response but to no avail. He refused to answer his call.

At this point, she felt her anger begin to resurface and swell in her body.

Bringing her phone up to her line of sight, Andromeda's brows knitted as her eyes narrowed to his name.

"Tsk. I won't listen to you, Xueyi. In fact, I would make you jealous. Hmph!"

With that, she rose to her feet, leaving her phone on the chair as she took a few steps away from the couch.

Ding Dong!

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