Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 230 Ploy In Place



"Xiaoli!" Beatrice thundered in rage.

She could not believe the audacity with which Peng Xiaoli had the guts to speak to her. To make matters worse, she did it in front of so many people.

If she did not squash her and put her in her place today, then she knew earning their respect would be too far from it.

"Peng Xiaoli, how dare you speak to me in such a manner?" Beatrice bellowed at her.

"How dare I?" A sinister laugh fell off her lips briefly as she centred her gaze once more on Beatrice. "I didn't say anything that wasn't the truth. Besides, if you are careless about your health, I do."


"Stop screaming. This isn't a marketplace, Ms Zhang. I suggest you calm it down first and do not bark like a rabid dog. I am sure no one bit you on your way from work today."

Feeling insulted, Beatrice Zhang took a step forward as she lifted her hands, ready to impale a hot slap on her face.

However, before she could do what she had in mind, Peng Xiaoli mimicked her earlier pose and crossed her hands in front of her chest and added, "Except, you went to the slumps to befriend one of the bad boys."


Her words had caught Beatrice off guard, making her pause in her action and peer wide eyes at Xiaoli.

Sensing her trick working, Peng Xiaoli lowered her voice and hinted, "If you did, then we would have to wonder about a lot of things. What would the top fashion designer of Divine Pearl be doing, hanging out with some street boys."

Just listening to Peng Xiaoli speak made the hair on her body stand on end as she gritted her teeth in maddening rage at being caught.

More and more she wished to shut her up, but she was careful enough not to make a terrible scene and have Peng Xiaoli yell out.

Who knew just how much of her dirty secret was known?

"Especially right after being supposedly framed up. Or in this case, were you trying to pull another stunt?"

"Peng Xiaoli! What nonsense are you talking about? How dare an unnerving liar like you and a thief dare paint me evil?!"

'Oh, I see, you want to play the victim. As expected, sadly, for you, things would go my way this time.' She thought within her as she dropped every trace of her wicked smile.

"Exactly," one of the men standing behind Beatrice took a step into the office as he pointed his middle finger at her. "You are a liar, a disgrace and a thief."


"Yes. Stop playing the good girl card. And to think I always believed you were good," another lady voiced out from the little crowd outside her door.

"What did I do to deserve such accusations?" Peng Xiaoli inquired boldly.

"What did you do?" The young lady scoffed as did many others while their angry gaze drifted back to her.

"You have the nerve. You remained here after your betrayer of a boss left so that you could steal intel from us and pass it to Starlight Apparel. Or do you think we would not know?" A second lady voiced angrily.

"I hate snitches like you the most who always pretend," a third lady voiced out in disgust, giving Peng Xiaoli the shitty glare.

"Yes. You are a thief, a liar and a snitch!" The others echoed from the door.

"Lie? I did not lie. What everyone saw was the mishap your top designer caused. How come I am to blame?"

"Because we know what little social climbers like you can do," the first lady interjected sharply.

"And look at who is calling me a social climber, Misao? I am not the one doing all I can to curry favour from a top designer that is on the verge of falling, now am I?"

The first lady gritted her teeth as her brows knitted together while she glared even more at them.

"Shut up, you evil girl!"

Ignoring all of their bickerings, Peng Xiaoli shifted her gaze back to Beatrice Zhang and with a taunting tone, asked, "Is this all you can do?"

"Oh no. By the time I am done with you, you would be shocked at how far I can go," Beatrice responded.

For someone who was cornered a moment ago, the look on her face showed intense boldness and rage.

Instantly, all traces of her shock and fear faded as she lowered her hand again, bringing them to her chest and folding them underneath her bosom.

"You think I would come at you without genuine proof?"

"Proof? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I believe you were the one who stole my designs and handed them over to Andromeda."

"And why would I do that? "When she has raw talent that you do not?"

"Speak ill of me all you want. I am not affected." She turned sideways a bit, paying attention to those behind her. "Why not check to see if what I say is true or not, huh?"

Watching the look on their faces, Peng Xiaoli's brows furrowed deeply as she narrowed her gaze on Beatrice Zhang.

"What are you doing?"

"We came here to demand the truth from you. And from the looks of things, I can see you would not tell us."

"Tell you what? Everyone can see the truth for themselves. There is nothing…"

Immediately Beatrice Zhang lifted her hands before her, forcing her to keep quiet.

"I would do the talking. As your senior, I request a search of your office. If you say you are innocent then let them check. We are looking for the snitch."

"So why me? Have you searched the other offices? Besides, I am not sure I am aware of any broadcast of a search going around in the company, duly signed by the CEO."

"Low-level staff like you do not need that. Guys, come in," Beatrice called out with a snap of her fingers. "Search her office."

Instantly, three guys walked into the office, surrounding Peng Xiaoli. "Yes, ma."

"Search for anything incriminating related to that fashion show. Flash drives, hard drives, anything. Even her laptop."


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