Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 221 New Trouble 2



Meanwhile, Beatrice Zhang decided to carry out her plan by setting up someone else to make matters easy for her.

While she could suspect that Peng Xiaoli had a hand to play in her misfortune, that was all her pretty little guesses could help her with.

"Miss Zhang," Taylor Zhao called out to her from where she stood behind her desk.

"Yes?" Beatrice asked without sparing a glance her way.

"Are you sure we want to do this? What if this cannot prove your innocence?" Ty Zhao asked.

"What do you mean? Are you doubting the fact that I can make all of this go away?"

"No. It is just, I doubt what the link with Peng Xiaoli and your plagiarizing Andromeda's work would be."

"What?" Swallowing hard, Taylor averted her gaze from Beatrice however, Beatrice Zhang's eyes flared. "You said?"

She could not bring herself to answer her boss. Because at this point, nothing was going to work out no matter what she tried.

"Who plagiarized? I never did such a thing. Besides, anything I do is for the good of the company. So, if I fail, know this, you and the company would fall too. And I think you know a job like being my assistant isn't one you come by easily?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Are you really sure?"

"I am." To further add to Beatrice's conviction, Taylor Zhao lifted her right hand at her side and pledged, "I promise I won't let anything like this repeat itself again."

"Better. Now, get to work. We need to leave convincing evidence to prove to everyone that Peng Xiaoli is helping Andromeda and she was the one that stole the designs to give them to Andromeda and sabotage us."

"Got it ma."

Dropping her hand to her side, Taylor Zhao instantly got back to work as she prepared all of the evidence needed to prove the young lady wrong.

At the corner of the office, however, Beatrice Zhang dropped her legs, uncrossing them as she leaned forward to pick up her glass of wine.

Lifting it up to her lips, her eyes locked on the sketchbooks she made which were going to serve as evidence against Peng Xiaoli and a few other works.

She had decided to play Andromeda's game and corner into submission. This way she could escape the vast fall that awaited her and take Andromeda down.

'Andromeda Kai. My ladder turned nemesis. Worry not, I would prove to you that such dirty work remains done by those of true power and influence. You would come to crawl before me, I promise you.'

A dark glint flashed before her eyes as she settled her gaze on Taylor Zhao as well.

From the way the latter's hands shook as she packed the evidence, she could tell she was having wavering feelings and it annoyed her.

This was someone who was supposed to be her protégé. She could not believe that what Andromeda did could make Taylor have her resolve shaken.

'Sigh. I need to do more things on my own from now on. Should anything occur, I cannot trust that she would keep a calm front while being interrogated.


While things went smoothly for those who plotted, Andromeda and Liu Xueyi enjoyed each time they could spend with each other.

Be it cooking, bathing, swimming, or going out for a snack, everything done brought an immeasurable amount of joy to her face and heart.

For once she felt loved and cared for in her life.

It was not like Gu Jun did not do things like this with her but it was different. Especially the bathing part.

However, by the next day, she could not let go of the fact that he still kept something hidden from her.

And also, their lovemaking did trigger a distinct part in her memory, she wished to know no matter what.

He had asked her once what she needed it for but she couldn't answer. However, now Andromeda felt she needed it for closure.

"Xueyi," Andromeda called out in a sweet tone while bringing him a plate of cookies and fruit juice on a tray.

"Yes, love?" he asked, peeling his gaze from the news he was watching. "What is it?"

The second his eyes landed on the tray, he rose to his feet and intercepted her midway.

Taking the tray from her hands, Liu Xueyi helped her carry it to the table and waited for her to sit before joining her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hungry, I would have placed an order for us," Liu Xueyi questioned.

The last thing he wanted was for her to stress herself after having to bear with his stamina during their coupling.

Regardless of his concern, Andromeda saw it in a different light.

Left to her, she was finally getting to do what she wished to and with someone who genuinely loved her.

"It is nothing," she responded with a calm voice.

Immediately Liu Xueyi sensed the sadness in her tone and knew something was wrong with her or in this case, bothering her.

With how she was, she tended to do things when she was bothered or sad. Staying calm was not in her genetic makeup.

His brows knitted as his gaze scanned her face carefully. The second he caught a glimpse of her forced smile, he found his proof and inquired from her quickly.

"What is the problem, Andy?"

"Nothing," Andromeda lied.

She knew better than to hide from him. When it came to Liu Xueyi, she was nothing but an open book and it scared her sometimes.

If there was one thing, she wished she could read him too.

"Andy, look me in the eyes," Liu Xueyi prompted in a deep voice.

Even with so much concern laced in his time, she found it hard to do what he asked.

Left with no choice, Liu Xueyi moved closer to her and hooked his hands with her chin, turning her face towards him.

"Speak love. Do not scare me."

Her lashes fluttered slowly as she released a deep sigh. "Fine."

"Good girl. I am all ears."

"Please, tell me exactly what happened that night."

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