Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 211 Because I Simply Love You


CHAPTER 211 – Confession

"Because I love you, Andromeda."

Andromeda's eyes blinked severally at him while her ears ensured she heard him clearly.

"I love you. I have always loved you," Liu Xueyi confessed as he clenched tighter on his fist.

He was tired of hiding it out of fear. He was in love with her and that was the truth.

His heart fluttered whenever she was close by.

He felt the need to always want to protect her and when his gaze lands on those succulent lips of hers, he is tempted on several different occasions to protect her.

Things were quite different for him. Nevertheless, Liu Xueyi was determined to prove to her and confess all of his love.

"My heart aches when you reject me, Andromeda. Truly. And each time it pains me when I hold myself back even after being that way before you. All of that night, every memory shared is still vividly replaying in my mind."

"Yet you won't tell me about it, you selfish dummy." Andromeda tried to force a smile but a part of her felt hurt.

"I want to know too, you know."

"I know. But I will tell you when the time is right. All I ask is for you to give me a second chance, Andy. Give me a chance to love you right more than you think you deserve."

His eyes twinkled with mirth as he beheld her face under the light in the living room, giving her that beautiful glow.

Feeling shy from having his heated gaze on her, Andromeda turned her face away.

She had hoped by so doing, she could conceal the blush that threatened to give herself up.

"I love you. I know I messed up in the past and I act insecure and possessive when I have no right. I know. I am wrong but I am scared of losing you."

"You won't lose me Liu Xueyi."

"How sure are you? I feel like I am already doing so."

Slowly Andromeda tilted her head to the side as she drew in a deep long breath while settling her gaze on him.

"You do not know do you?"

"Know what?"

"All of my meetings today, Liu Xueyi. All the guys I met today, not once did I not speak about you to them. Although we are not dating for real, I have been bothered about my feelings."

His brows drew close together as he tried to make more sense of what she said.

"I met with Gu Jun, my best friend this morning because I wasn't settled and that was because of you. I met with Xie Tian because he wanted to apologize but even then, I turned him down. I crushed his feelings. I met Sun Yichen accidentally, still, I boasted of you."

"But you did all those to the two of them as an act."

"Yes and no."

"Andy…" Andromeda held up her hand to stop him and she continued.

"Do you think I would let anyone kiss me?" Liu Xueyi pried his lips open to answer but the second he was to respond; he felt the words get stuck in his throat.

She had a point and one that he had not taken note of.

"From how you and I have been close, I expect you to know me better. Everything that happened to me today was centered around you and till now you still do not know why?"

As much as Liu Xueyi could guess, he was careful not to assume and make a mistake.

Instead of picking a definite answer, he shook his head, wanting her to do the honours of revealing the truth. After all, he did as well.

"Because I simply love you."

His eyes widened a fraction as he swallowed hard and closed the gap between them. "You said?"

"I love you, Liu Xueyi. For a very long time. And that was why I had you refrain from kissing me because I did not know what to believe anymore."

His chest tightened when she said those words. Only now did he see he had just been too scared and blinded by his own thoughts that he failed to think about hers.

"I did not know where you stand and I was hurt back then because I stayed five years with someone who did not love me and only used me. So, with you…"

Before he knew it, the tears that had glistened in her eyes fell freely from her eyes running down her cheeks.


She shook her head, holding out her hand firmly. Liu Xueyi felt his own heart tighten as an unknown pain surged through him.

"I… I didn't know if you just wanted to flirt or if it was real and with having my virginity taken and everything, I did not know what to believe. I loved you so I allowed it. However, I felt used. I mean if you love me, you would have said something and not..."

Andromeda recounted the many times they had been together. How different yet so familiar the feeling felt.

She did not know but her body knew how. Only he knew how to ignite the flames of desire burning in her heart.

Her eyelids dropped to a close with more tears running down her cheeks.

"I am sorry but I had to make you feel that way because I didn't want to make another mistake like I did before with…"

Before she could finish her sentence, Andromeda felt a pull on her stretched-out hand as Liu Xueyi drew her closer to him.

She had felt he was going to hug and comfort her. However, rather than such, she felt his warmth press on her as his lips claimed hers in a more passionate manner.

Instantly, Andromeda's eyes flew open as she stared at his shut eyelids while he took the opportunity of her gasp to slide in, taming her tongue.

A few seconds passed by and she let her eyes come to a close too as she returned his kiss, melting into his domineering mouth.

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