Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 207 Again


CHAPTER 207 – Again

'What if it was Gu Jun? I may not have seen the face but his back… His physique seemed similar. However, his hair had a diff colour. Hmm, who could it be?' Liu Xueyi wondered in his mind.

Narrowing his gaze, he moved his head slightly to the side as he pondered again, 'Don't tell me that Xie Tian changed his hair colour just to avoid suspicions?'

His eyes widened upon realization as his thoughts rang a bell in his mind There was no way he would stoop that now, right?

But what if he ended up doing such? How would he...

All of a sudden something else caught his attention and he tensed up in his seat.

"What?" Liu Xueyi questioned no one in particular as he looked outside again.

This time, he caught Andromeda's blonde hair from the first floor in one of the restaurants along the main road while still putting on the outfit from earlier on.


Both Bolin and the driver got startled by his sudden order. Good thing the driver was a bit used to different unprecedented situations with his boss.

Instantly, the car was stopped as he quickly took the first opportunity to swerve to the right-hand side of the road.

​ "Xuey…" Liu Xueyi held out his left hand to silence his friend.

"Shh." He moved his gaze to the side a bit before shining out another order. "Reverse a bit and stop right in front of that big eatery."

"Yes, sir."

Following his order, he did as he was told and stopped the car in front of the restaurant.

All the while, Liu Xueyi's eyes remained rooted in one spot. The top floor.

Unlike the last time, he rolled down his window to have a better look.

This time around he wanted to see who the person Andromeda was with truly is. And to his amazement, it was a different guy.

The more his eyes remained fixated on the person she was having lunch with, the harder his chest rose and fell.

Nothing seemed to matter at that point in time but for the fact that his fears had happened.

Slowly, Liu Xueyi's eyes blinked close and when they reopened, no longer was the charm outlining them present.

His stern cold gaze shot in the direction Andromeda was in as his chest tightened and his heart trashed wildly against his chest.

"Xueyi." Rong Bolin's voice resonated with a calming tone, regardless, he was sure Liu Xueyi did not hear him.

Peeling his gaze off his friend once more, his eyes landed on the man beside Andromeda. His eyes opened as the shock washed over him.

There was no way he could forget that face for anything.

He had seen Andromeda come undone in the club at their estate a few times. But each of those times she was alone.

However, only once did she go out with someone and like every other time, he called Liu Xueyi.

But from what he was told, this was the same guy whom Andromeda kissed.

Whether or not she mistook him for Liu Xueyi, he could not tell but he knew that Andromeda and Liu Xueyi were dating and weren't having problems.

However, judging from the state they were in now, he began to rethink his thoughts.

Before he knew it, Liu Xueyi's left hand had dropped to his side and formed a fist at his side.

He could tell his friend was losing his cool and now he knew while.

Earlier in the morning, it was a different matter and for all, he knew it could have been an old friend.

However, this other guy was trouble.

With his attention still on Liu Xueyi, he wondered what thoughts reigned on his friend's mind at that moment.

Fortunately for him and the commotion, Liu Xueyi would have caused, he saw the answer sooner.

With not another second more to waste, Liu Xueyi's right hand moved to open the door but before he could do anything, he felt a hand press down on his balled fist on the seat.

Disregarding what his friend was trying to do, he sneered a bit and called out. "Bolin, get ready we are going to…"

"Don't," Rong Bolin interjected swiftly. "Do not do that."

"Bolin, I…"

"No. Stop it. You are much better than that. For all we know nothing wrong can be…"

"Everything wrong is going on. He wants her. He told me himself."

"Do you trust her?"

From the depths of Liu Xueyi's heart, he knew he trusted Andromeda and all she did was a mistake. However, he wished she would take his feelings into consideration.

There has been no other girl he paid much attention to. How would she not know where his heart was?

His trust in her wasn't even a question, to begin with. He trusted her the most right now out of all the girls in his life.

Liu Xueyi let out a harsh breath before retracting his fingers away from the door and leaning back into his seat.

His body was swelling with much rage at the moment but thanks to Rong Blin's words, he was able to calm it down a notch while keeping his thoughts clean.

To say he was jealous of all he had seen today was just the tip of the iceberg. Each time he saw her with another guy, his blood boiled.

His heart ached just watching her give time and attention to someone else as his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.

He was not usually this insecure but ever since knowing her, he wished to protect her, have her heart, love her, and give her the stars and the moon.

He also wished to scream to the world that she was his and his only.


Giving a slight nod, as his driver knew that whenever he was in such a state, he did not want to speak or hear from anyone, he adhered to the order given and drove off.

"Give her a chance to explain later to you, okay?" Rong Bolin chipped in his last bit of advice.

But when he did not get any response from Liu Xueyi other than have him stare blankly ahead, he removed his hand from atop his and focused on himself.


As far as Andromeda was concerned, she was busy trying to clear and help her brain relax over lunch and small talk.

Up till that moment, Xie Tian had still not brought up the issue of the last time they went outing together.

Perhaps for some reason, he knew it would bring back bad vibes and most importantly, it was going to probably make Andromeda angry.

Howbeit, he tried to keep everything neutral. He went to the point of reeling in stories from the past to get her laughing and happy.

And for the major part, Andromeda smiled but never gave the cracked-up laughter she used to.

At this point, he did not need someone else to tell him the obvious truth.

It was as plain as the day that her heart wasn't with him anymore.

"Andy," Xie Tian began. "You see, I…" He let out a soft breath, lowering his gaze to their table.

"What is it?" Her soothingly sweet voice inquired.

Slowly, he brought back his gaze to look at her once more, shocking Andromeda with the slow smile that worked its way across his face and into his eyes.

"I am sorry for my behaviour the other day."


His heart sunk the most. "I am truly sorry for how I behaved dragging you with Liu Xueyi like that."


"Yes. I know you clearly stated you no longer love me, but Andromeda what I feel for you is like nothing I have felt for anyone and I do not want to lose you."

"I am sorry, Xie Tian. You lost me once. You lost me then. My feelings for you are no more."

Andromeda exhaled sharply but the look in her eyes held a tinge of sadness and her resolve remained firm.

She was sad because had he made this same decision five years back, then she would not have been in Wu Bai's hands and would definitely not have suffered so much when it came to love without even knowing she was being used.

And who knows, perhaps they would have still been together.

However, life had its game and this was the one where they both lost, at different points in time in their lives.

"I am sorry," Andromeda apologized this time. "I can't accept your feelings."

"But why? Since you loved me before, you can love me again. Why? Tell me."

"You know why, Xie. You do."

"I won't believe you."

A slow smile spread over her mouth and spilled into her eyes, twinkling in the glow of the light from the window.

"You are beautiful," Xie Tian complimented.

"I know. Thanks. And you also know why. I love Liu Xueyi. And if this is an apology dinner, you would also respect my wishes."

Without saying much, she dabbed the corners of her lips a bit then gently placed the napkin on the table as she made an effort to rise to her feet.

"You kissed me."

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