Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 199 Curious And Cute



Letting out a sigh, Liu Xueyi shook his head at her. "Why do you think Xu Fang is being punished and why he could not tell you what he did that got him in that situation in the first place?"

Her lips fell open in realization but the way her eyes squinted at him; Liu Xueyi knew it would take proper explanation before she would believe his words.

​ "Wait, Xu Fang knows you and I had a one-night stand?"

Yet again, her funny twisted curiosity got the better of her and she asked another stupid question.

At this point, Liu Xueyi could no longer hold it in and faced palmed himself in front of her.

"Another question one would not expect you to ask, at least not yet."

"Okay, what questions should I ask?"

"Like I thought you wished to know what happened to me, how come you are worried about if he knows?"

"Of course, I would ask. I am a girl damn it!"

"Love, everyone in the city knows you and I are together and have done it from that video. Is it now you are bothered about my friend?"

She lowered her head at her dumbness. He sure had a point.

"Fine. But they would not know we had a one-night stand."

"I agree and yes. Xu Fang knows. I told him the day I found the video. He had drugged me, same with…. Wait, I should punish Rong Bolin too. They both drugged me," Liu Xueyi stated thoughtfully.

He had failed to think about it since but now that he did, he could not punish one and let the other go scot-free. Nope.

He was not a biased individual.

By the time he brought his gaze to her, Andromeda had a blank stare on her face, as she tried to fathom what was wrong with him.

"My apologies," Liu Xueyi began, giving her the best-assuring smile he could muster at that point.

"So, they drugged you…" Andromeda's voice trailed off as she kept an even suspicious eye on him, trailing his body in a questioning manner. "Why?"

"They wanted me to get laid."

His openness made her take a step back but the suspicious look in her eyes still did not go away.

"Why? Do not tell me you were a virgin too?" Her eyes flew wide open as her jaw dropped in shock at her own words.

There was no way, was there? He… the CEO all the other girls wanted, a virgin?

"Oh my God!" She peeled her wandering gaze back to him and instantly her lips puckered out as her eyes became sad and full of pity.

"You lost your virginity too?" Andromeda blinked charmingly at him, expecting a sincere answer.

Sadly, Liu Xueyi who before he could correct her thinking, was already pitied by the one who needed pitying.

"Aish!" He yelled out, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. "You are impossicant."

Andromeda giggled at his usage of words as she tried her best not to blush. "There is nothing like impossicant, naughty CEO."

"Whatever. With you acting cute, it is hard for one to think properly," he confessed and turned his head away.

He was doing his best to avoid looking at her cute face lest he threw caution to the wind and actually kissed her again.

"Anyways, if it pleases you to hear, I am not a virgin. I am no saint but I am loyal."

Why he had said that he did not know. At first, he planned on leaving her curious but finding her cute, he just couldn't.

However, rather than being pleased with his confession, Andromeda's lips tugged downwards and the glimmer in her eyes died down.

He had thought she would be happy that he was not one and was experienced in bed as well as a loyal man but the reverse was the case and he did not know why.

'He took my virginity but I was late to take his. Hmph!' She had felt those thoughts only replayed in her mind; little did Andromeda know she was an open book before Liu Xueyi.

"Are you sad? Why?"

"You are clueless. I won't give you an answer too," she pouted her lips.

"This is different Andromeda. You were happy I was a virgin and pitying me when you are the one, I should be…"

She lifted her hand in a threatening manner to smack his hand and halted midway as she bit down hard on her lower lip.

"Wait, you are angry because you did not take mine?"

Instead of answering his question, Andromeda eyed him and half turned on her heels, crossing her arms in front of her chest. In the end, she earned a chuckle from him.

"You look cute when you are mad. Cute and hot."

Hearing him compliment her made her heart swell. Instantly, a thought came to her mind and she decided to take this time to her advantage.

"If I do, then for this cute and hot face, answer my question." Finding her words suspicious, Liu Xueyi's eyes glinted at her.

Feeling his intense gaze on her, Andromeda wrapped a curl of her hair on her finger and toyed with it as she bit down on her lips nervously.

"What happened after y-you… went in?" Her voice came out low at the end of her question as she clamped her lips tightly shut.

"Why? Didn't I say…"

"You must answer my question," Andromeda interjected quickly.

"Nope. I told you, that is off limits," he stated, taking a step back.

"But I…"

"You are impossible to deal with. I had better go so you can rest. You need it."

"What? But I…"

"Bye!" Liu Xueyi cut in quickly and turned around. Before Andromeda could catch on or latch on to his arms, he had sprinted across the living room and found her door.

He did not wait to hear what she wanted to say, leaving her to herself and her thoughts as the door shut loudly behind him.

"What?" Her lips hung open in disbelief with what had just happened.

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