Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 186 Shocking News



While Wu Bai never imagined that Andromeda's threat would be real and not empty, he went ahead with his preparations.

At first, he wished to speak to Beatrice about what Andromeda said just to be on the safe side but when he did not find Beatrice in her office that day, he forgot about the matter and focused on more important things.

Sadly, his nonchalance and ignorance weren't going to spare him from her hands.

He was seated in his office going over the program of the event in his hands and making sure everyone who needed to be invited was going to be present for the show when he got a call.

Ring! Ring!

Pulling his brows close together, Wu Bai arched them a bit at the telephone buzzing beside him.

Reluctantly, he dropped the program of the event in his hand on the table and picked up the telephone.


"Sir. Good afternoon. I am calling from the media department."

"Hmm, what is it?" Wu bai questioned with an utmost bore in his tone.

"Sir, there has been a launch by Starlight Apparel."

"Okay. I know. I heard they were releasing an addition to the Estrella naciente clothing line, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Hahhaa, so this was Andromeda's stupid prank. I see. She wishes to draw attention to their company by releasing her clothes soon. Impressively stupid," Wu Bai chuckled deeply.

Left to him Andromeda was at her wit's end. She was lost and losing this pathetic way was going to be her downfall.


"Nothing. I said um our competitors would be shocked when they take a look at our latest designs."

"About that si-ir."

"What? Don't stutter now. Speak."

Sensing the problem and the shout that was aching to be released soon, the young man gulped before delivering the message.

"I called the fashion designers department, just now to make conformation and their reply wasn't favourable."

"What do you mean by that? Why hasn't Top designer Zhang called me to inform me of the problem if there is any?"

"She seemed out of it when she got wind of the news," the young man reported again.

"Then out with it!" Wu Bai hollered at the young man over the phone.

"My apologies sir, but Starlight Apparel released their new limited-edition clothing line today, this afternoon."



"What is sir? What did you say? Speak clearly, ASAP!"

"Yes sir. I mean… Well. They released their new line about thirty minutes back."

It took some seconds first before Wu Bai could get himself and give a favourable reply to the young man.

He had tried to think properly about the news informed to him and decided that whether or not Andromeda did what she wanted, it would prove to the world what a sore loser she was to release her new line.

"Fine. Let her do as she pleases. I do not care."

'But sir…"

"No need. Nothing would ruin my mood. My red carpet begins at 6 pm. This is just 2 hours to the time. I want my brain calm/ She is trying to mess with me, us to make Divine Pearl lose face," Wu Bai explained.

"I think she has done more than that sir."

"Ohh…" Wu Bai slammed his left hand against his desk, shutting the young man completely.

"Listen to me."

"I think hearing this, sir you would reconsider. The outfit released, was exactly as the outfit Divine Pearl was going to release later tonight."


"Yes sir. Every last one of it. All the designs, and clothes were properly crafted."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"No sir. I have forwarded the messages to your assistant's email sir. Or you can search for their latest post on Instagram and on their website."

"Darn it!" Wu Bai's brows furrowed deeply, reeling out some wrinkles on his forehead as he slammed his palm against the table in rage.

He could not deny how he was feeling was so terrible.

But to think that his opponent would result in cheating and stealing from him… Wu Bai could not believe his ears.

"You know what, thanks for the information. I would take it from here. From now on out, keep your focus on them. Any news, any change, whatsoever, let me know, understood?"

"Got it, sir."

Wu Bai did not await any more words from the man and ended the call.

He placed his hand on his jaw in a thoughtful manner as he lifted his head up to the ceiling of his off his office.

Several thoughts ran through his mind at that instant.

Part of his memory included what Andromeda told him. She had offered him mercy but he failed to believe her.

She was going to play it safe but he trusted himself so much.

A pang of guilt hit his heart so hard he felt his world was spinning.

Suddenly he recalled the times he had tried to look for Beatrice Zhang that day.

At first, after he was informed, she was not in the office, he left and went to the cafeteria, hoping she would be there.

But the moment he arrived; her assistant informed him she had stepped out of the cafeteria shortly.

Moving to the next place he was told she would be at, he went there and found she had left as well.

With that, he ordered her to arrive at his office but later was told she was busy going through the final designs for the fashion show.

Because of how eager he was for the show to prove Andromeda wrong, he thought nothing about it, until now.

Now that he had thought properly about it, it was obvious she had been avoiding him.

Without being told he knew there was a great explanation that was kept from him and who better than Beatrice Zhang to tell him?

And he knew she'd been informed, yet she failed to tell him. Instantly he knew something fishy was up.

Rising to his feet, he decided to make a surprise visit to see her in the office and demand an explanation.

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