Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 177 She Got Mad



No matter how she tried to look at it, she did him no wrong but he accused her wrongly when the only other person she willingly let do as he pleased to her was clearly him.

Finally, Andromeda pried her eyes open and without bothering to keep on with the discussion, she gave her silent order without issue.

"Drop me."

Liu Xueyi's breathing stilled instantly when he heard that. He blinked severally, hoping to clear his mind of such thoughts.

But when Andromeda stated her words firmly once more, he knew better.

"Liu Xueyi, drop me off."


"I didn't stutter, stop the car, now."

He peeled his gaze from the road, luckily, they were on a lonely path with no vehicles in sight, as he furrowed his brows at her.

"What do you mean by stop the car?"

"Liu Xueyi, my patience is growing thin. Drop me off."

"Like right now?"

"Yes, right now."

"Andromeda are you..."

"Now, Xueyi! I am done. I do not want to go anywhere with you. Just drop me and leave me alone. I'm done."

"If I do, have you considered the fact that you would not be getting a c…"


She was done listening to him. Nothing he said at this point made sense to her, neither did they matter.

She did not care about his concern anymore because right now it felt as though all his care was faked.

His lips fell apart in bewilderment by the words that could fall out of her mouth. Never would he have believed that would be the case.

Never would he believe he would hear the time she would tell him off this way and as hurtful as her words sounded to his poor heart, the only emotions that could be conjured were the ones of pure rage.

Without uttering another word to her, he swerved his car to the side and came to an abrupt stop, pulling over.

His chest rose and fell with great burst as his grip on the steering maintained a firm stand.

From the corners of her eyes, Andromeda could see the wrinkles that formed on his forehead and the veins that popped out from the side of his head.

Never had she seen him this mad in all her months of knowing him but she could not care less.

If he could not apologize then there was no need. He hurt her first.

And if that was how he planned on behaving, she was glad she saw this part of him first.

She unbuckled her seat belt and without sparing him another glance, she opened the door and stepped out, slamming the door after her as she stormed off going in the opposite direction.

From the sound his car made, Andromeda knew he sped off, ignoring her and her anger.

The sheer thought of him not caring about her fanned the flames of her rage even more and she continued storming off in the opposite direction.

'Arrgh damn it. He thinks I need him to go wherever I want or what? Does he know I ditched my friend just for him? And what do I get?'

She fumed, even more, throwing her hands in the air to pour out her anger.

'I would just board another vehicle. Maybe calling for a cab would be better.' Andromeda finalized in her mind.

All of a sudden, she froze in her action as her eyes lifted up to her hands.

Her brows lifted in response as realization dawned on her at what had just happened.

Just like a screentime play, the situation that occurred before came flashing before her eyes very vividly to the point that Andromeda felt like she was a spectator to her own sad tale.

The memory of when she entered his car and angrily shoved her bag into the bag seat as she buckled her seat belt came flooding her mind.

She cringed, shutting her eyes tight as she brought both hands down in a slow fashion.

She pried her lips open and let out a resounding scream in anger.

"Liu Xueyi!"


All the while, Liu Xueyi battled with his own internal thoughts on her behaviour and when she stormed off, after banging his door, he scoffed at her and put his car on the drive and sped off.

He could not tolerate her attitude now and more than anything, he knew it was better he left now before he said more hurtful words to her and informed her about the kiss.

Without being told, he knew her anger was justifiable and she was mad about what he said.

In his bid to conceal the kiss from her, he ended up insinuating she followed other men which were no different from what the news called her.

'Argh, damn woman!' He screamed internally as he stepped on the accelerator of his car.

He did not care if he was driving fast and thankfully, he had not gotten to a major street, thus giving him the leverage to vent all of his inner anger and jealousy.

'I have done everything for you to realize how I feel about you but you instead push me off and state I shouldn't kiss you. I felt it was because of your ex-boyfriend but what did I get? You kissed another.'

His eyes narrowed on the road ahead, as he continued on his dangerous driving path.

For the next few minutes, he took a different route, driving in a quiet zone to clear his head and thoughts of all the worries disturbing his mind.

"You can kiss another guy but I am not allowed to even indulge another woman's fancies. Sigh, you really think you have me wrapped around your finger, don't you? I would prove you wron…"

His words got cut off immediately when he looked into the rearview mirror and saw the disbelieving sight.

Liu Xueyi did not wait for another confirmation as he turned his head to the side to confirm what his fears might be.

Seated at the center of his car's back seat was her bag, resting properly, while its owner suffered outside without it.

Immediately he packed his car once more and turned around to pick up the bag.

A soft sigh fell from his lips when his hands finally touched the bag as his mind went back to how she may have forgotten it.

After recalling what had happened when they got into the car, Liu Xueyi shook his head.

With Andromeda, there was no telling what could happen to her and considering the path he left her on.

'Looks like you really have me wrapped around your fingers, Andy. I hope you are okay though.'

He dropped her purse on the passenger's seat in front which she had first occupied and quickly started his car again.


On the other hand, when Andromeda noticed her bag wasn't with her, she decided to place a call on her phone, to get his attention.

At that point, she did not even consider entering his car should he come to get her. All she planned on doing was getting her purse and entering a cab home.

Turning her head from side to side, Andromeda squinted as she tried to see ahead, hoping to find somebody whose phone she could make use of.

But no matter how much she checked, she was really in a deserted zone.

Her shoulders shrugged at the thought of being left alone in such a quiet place. Who knew the kind of danger that lurked?

At this point, she did not need somebody to tell her what to do. Staying there meant everything bad for her.

Her gaze lowered to her feet as a frown appeared on her face.

Heaven knows she was neither prepared for the situation she was in nor her anger.

Just looking at her heels, she felt hopeless about her situation but it was either that or she trekked barefooted in the harsh sun.

"Sigh, the earlier I see someone, the quicker I would be saved from my misery.

Left with no other choice, she hurried on her steps and trekked in the direction Liu Xueyi had taken.

Judging from the path she was in; it was obvious he took a different and longer route to the park.

Two thoughts reigned in her mind at that instant. It was either he did it on purpose to speak to her before they arrived at the park or he intentionally wanted to leave her there.

But no matter how she thought about it, there was no way he would have known she was going to get out of the car.

And if that was the case, then the former was the reason.

She felt something prick at her heart but ignored it and continued on her way.

Minutes later after trekking, the sun rose to an even higher degree, burning her skin as hot sweat broke out on her forehead, face and neck.

Before long she began to feel itchiness in her thighs and feet. Andromeda stilled her breath as she came to a stop briefly.

'Oh no. It has begun. God. I need to find someone soon or else…'

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