Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 167 Outing



"Hola," Andromeda beamed a slight smile at him, managing to hide all of her worries.

She hoped he would not take note of anything wrong or going on with her. However, due to that mental distraction, she failed to notice his mood in her presence changed from the usual self he portrayed when alone with her.

"Hello, Andromeda," his monotone voice came out clear but sad. Although Andromeda noticed it, she tried her best to not be a push with him.

Who knew what he would do if he found out she cared so much? He would most definitely make use of the opportunity to shower her lips with kisses.

Not that she minded though. In fact, she had been dreaming of his sweet kisses for a while now that even presently, a faint blush had already crept up her cheeks unknown to her.

Inhaling deeply, she allowed the sweet smell of his cologne to assault her nostrils, bringing back memories of the time they spent in his house and the soft yet fierce demanding kisses he showered her lips with.

It did not take long for Andromeda to already reminisce those scenes and to the shock of Liu Xueyi who was observing her, she had soon become a blushing mess.

"Andromeda?" His calm voice was instantly laced with worry when he called her name. "You okay?"

Shaking her head, she managed to lift her head to look at him.

Her big mistake because the second her eyes met with his, she felt a rush of adrenaline hit her as her heart began to beat at a fast rate in her chest.

She recalled instantly when she voiced out her confession yesterday night and immediately lowered her head.

She felt so shy to a great degree and she did not know why she was acting like a child.

"You're not okay?" Liu Xueyi questioned further, wanting to make sure. If she wasn't feeling well, he would cancel the outing to enable her to rest.

However, before he pushed forward those thoughts, Andromeda shook her head again before lifting her right hand between them to stop him from even suggesting this.

She cleared her schedule and overworked herself, even going out when she did not because she wanted to spend this time with him.

There was no way she planned on missing out on an opportunity to be with him.

After her call this morning and coming to terms with the fact that she actually loved him, she resigned her fate to him and planned on sticking to him, showing him signs that he meant a lot to her.

One of the things she had hoped to hear from him upon seeing her after not meeting each other for days was his compliment. Sadly for her, he was more concerned about if she was okay.

She pulled her lips out into a pout, lowering her head as she did so.

"Why? I should take you to the hospital instead?"

"No," she maintained her pout, waiting for him to get the gist quickly but Liu Xueyi still did not.

"Then what do you want me to do? Accompany you back in?"

Andromeda could not believe that a guy as smart as he was would be so dense when it came to women's affairs.

Left with no other choice, she knew she would have to say something or she may end up ruining her outing with her silence.

"Damn it, Xueyi!"

His eyes went wide with shock at her unprecedented outburst but still, he couldn't grasp it. Her cheeks were red and he could feel her begin to get hot, plush her actions just now.


"I do not want to go back. I want the outing, dummy."

He retained the shocked expression on his face for a few seconds more before the corners of his lips pulled back into a side smile.

"Is that all? Why are you grumpy?"

"You still need to ask?!"

She lifted her gaze, thinking that whatever spell he had on her was completely gone now that she was mad at him but to her amazement the second her eyes landed on that smirk on his face, further making his already handsome face more enchanting, her brain buzzed and her shyness immediately returned.

Hurriedly, Andromeda lowered her eyes, turning her head in a different direction.

It was hard to look at him, especially those eyes of his that seemed to know everything with just one look.

"Hmm," an idea instantly crossed his mind as he flickered his gaze on her body, taking note of her outfit once more.

He realized how it was for girls to be complimented on everything they did. They loved it when someone they are with recognizes the effort they put into dressing up.

Sensing that may somehow put a smile on her face, Liu Xueyi took a step forward, closing the gap between them and leaned down, bringing his lips close to her right ear.

The second she felt his presence wash over her, Andromeda stilled, holding in her breath for as long as possible.

To make matters worse, Liu Xueyi did not speak the moment he came in close and simply allowed his warm breath to tickle her skin and ear.

He knew what he was doing. And from the times he had drawn closer to her like this, Andromeda was always a big blushing mess.

Just when she thought he would not speak, his hollow voice echoed deep into her eardrums, stealing the breath away from her lips.

"You look gorgeous by the way. Enchanting to say the least, Andy. And your hairdo, I love the curls you made at the base. It suits you."

With each word of compliment, he fed her ears, Andromeda felt her heart swell and her breathing ceased.

It was both exhilarating and scary. How in heaven's name could one man's word make her body react this way?

"And I love that you particular chose to dress up for me," Liu Xueyi added as he moved his lips closer, edging them down to her ear lobe.

Slowly, he took it in between his lips before releasing it and pecked it softly, then he pulled back.

He kept his intense gaze on her, refusing to let her go even if it was just for a little bit while he showered her with untold affection from his look.

No matter what he did, Andromeda still did not look up. She was too embarrassed to even let that happen.

On the other hand, watching her behave like a big jellyfish for him made him so happy. It meant to him that she still had some sort of hold on her heart.

"There," his voice broke her out of whatever state she was in at the moment, pulling her back to how flushed she was now. "That added blush makes you gentle and cute."

Andromeda shot her head up without a single care and muttered a few words in complaint as she immediately stomped away from him, going to the passenger's seat of his car.

She did not wait for him first, before pulling the door open for herself and instantly got inside before closing the door and waiting for his arrival.

His eyes twinkled a soft smile at her actions. Although he did not hear all she said, he was sure he heard something about, 'You only recalled to compliment me now.'

If he had known that was why she sulked up since he would have done so earlier.

Howbeit in his defence, he was both enthralled by her beauty and hourglass figure and at the same time, his mind kept recalling what happened last night, that he got lost on what to do.

Liu Xueyi shook his head as he made his way over to the driver's seat.

Once in, he fixed his seat belt and they drove out. On their way, he realized that if she was out drinking last night, then she may have slept in late and in turn missed or skipped breakfast.

"Have you eaten today?"

Andromeda who was least expecting that question had her lisp parted as she struggled to give a definite answer.

"What? Did the cat get your tongue or something?"


"I haven't kissed you yet, you are already speechless," Liu Xueyi added.


"No," she hurriedly replied. "I'm… I uh, I ate a cookie." She mentally faced palmed herself for her stupidity.

She wanted his kiss, yes but she did not like the fact that he felt he could always win whenever he kissed her.

It wasn't fair.

<Andy: Author, how can you be partial and make Xueyi always have the last laugh?>

<Author: I am innocent.>

"That is no food," Liu Xueyi scolded her mildly. "Fine. I only took coffee and a bread toast. Let's head out to eat first. After that, we can go to the cinema, alright?"

"Okay, thanks."

Their drive to the restaurant was filled with more silence than their usual talk or bantering.

As much as Andromeda perceived something to be wrong, she chose to observe him further to see.

It did not take long for them to arrive at the restaurant and highlighted.

All through breakfast that morning, things remained calm still and by this time, she was sure something was definitely wrong with him. Or in this case, her.

She did not know what she had done to him if it was due to the fact that she told him not to kiss her anymore or if it was something else.

Regardless, all she felt at this point was regret for making him stop. Having a proper gentleman as her boss wasn't funny when they were away from work, she honestly preferred the free Liu Xueyi.

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