Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 164 Xie Tian's Confession




It did not take long for them to arrive at their destination and got settled in right after, taking one of the booths for their comfort.

Unlike the last two times, she was here, this time she had a companion ready to be with her. As such, Andromeda was least troubled by what was to happen.

Before long, they ordered their drinks and played simple games where the loser had to drink a mouthful of wine every time he or she loses.

At first, they played rock paper scissors with Xie Tian losing a few rounds, thus drinking his punishment away.

Several other games followed after, and this time around, Andromeda got her fair share of the losing game as well, taking her punishment in good faith.


Seated at the opposite end of the club in one of the biggest booths, a man's heated gaze remained glued to the pair who were having fun by themselves for a long time.

Sensing the state the lady was in, he shook his head and took out his phone from his pocket.

Within a minute, he had placed a call through to someone and waited for the receiver to answer the call.

"Hello?" The familiar deep voice resonated out.

"Ah, there you are."

"What's up, Bolin?"

"Same old, same old. However, I believe it is getting too old for me to be babysitting your girlfriend, Xueyi. Don't you think?"

He sensed the breathing of his receiver stilled, and a smile tugged up n the left side of his lips at once.

"Where is she?"

"Where else do you think?" Rong Bolin questioned in turn.

A soft sigh fell off his lips at that instant before he responded to the question. "is she drunk?"

"Quite on the contrary, but who knows what would occur at the end of the night. Anyways that is not entirely why I called."

"Then why did you?"

"She is drinking with an unfamiliar guy," he informed Liu Xueyi.

Liu Xueyi who had been walking over to his kitchen stopped halfway, clenching his fists so hard by his side.

He inhaled calmly, his chest expanding by the second, before slowly letting out the air.

Once his mind felt better and the anger that had begun to rise suddenly dwindled, he asked, "A guy?"

"Were you deaf?"

"Rong Bolin," Liu Xueyi voiced out through gritted teeth.

"Yes? Fine," he puffed out air from his lips, bringing his body out from the seat he was sitting on.

"Yes. She seems friendly with him though. I would have gone there myself to make sure but I think you should be the one. Hurry, you know me, I won't be here for long."

"Got it. Thanks."

"No worri…"


Rong Bolin's smile deepened as he brought the phone away from his ear.

'Always the eager Lion when it comes to her. Sigh guys, I think our brother fell head over heels with the new girl.' Rong Bolin affirmed in his mind as he kept on watch for his friend.


Soon it was already an hour since they began playing and they both had begun to get tired due to the stress from work.

While that was one effect, the wine added to their situation, causing him to be tipsy but for Andromeda, it was worse.

She had lost the last game they played and drank her fill for four rounds. At the fifth, Xie Tian stopped her seeing how she had begun swaying her head from side to side.

"Alright that's enough young lady," he cautioned her before snatching the wine bottle away from her hand.

"What? I can still play. I would not lose," Andromeda spat out as her brows drew closer before releasing them with a smile. "You scared I would win?"

"Nope. I am scared of getting your lousy head drunk."

He reached for her face and flickered his fingers on her forehead. "Ouch!" She cried out in defence and leaned back, away from his reach.

"Wicked," Andromeda added, shooting him a playful glare.

"Yeah. At least that should wake your tipsy brain up, right?" she did not bother answering and pouted her lips in return.

As sweet and naughty as those mischievous eyes of hers looked, it did a lousy amount in scaring him off. In the end, she got Xie Tian laughing at her sorry face.

By the time his laughter died down, he turned his attention back to her. Even in her drowsy state, Andromeda noted the creasing of his brows and how his chest heaved deeply, releasing sharp breaths and inhaling slowly.

She did not need a second telling that something was going on in his mind and something he wanted to pour out but hesitated

They had been friends for years now, excluding her five years of disappearance.

She knew when he wished to be serious and right now was no exception.

"Andy," Xie Tian began.


"I have something to tell you," he took a pause, keeping his gaze calm and normal.

"Okay, shoot."

Although Andromeda urged him on encouragingly, he felt a weight on his shoulders, thinking about where to start or what he was going to say.

After some thoughts on it, he decided to try.

"We've been friends for a very long time now, and it pains me that I wasn't there for you when you needed me."

Her eyes twinkled with a warm smile but Androemda remained silent.

"You see, back then I knew you were... You had a crush on me, and I am ashamed that it took me years to recall your feelings for me."

She felt a knot tighten in her stomach at the words that fell off his lips. Those were memory days she wished to shatter but she found herself being open to them once more.

Without needing a soothsayer, she knew where this conversation was heading but she could not stop it, nor could she hide away.

"Andromeda Kai," her heartbeat sped faster at being called her full name by him. He always shortened it and she was used to it.

Howbeit, this time he didn't and went for the kill.

"I love you."

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