Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 146 Wet Dream Confession



Irrespective of what she thought, Liu Xueyi could care less but wanted to return to the kitchen and be with Andromeda.

Now, all he needed to do was find a way to shoo her off.

"What do you want, Gao Yuemi?" Liu Xueyi asked while he kept his poker indifferent face straight.

"What does it look like I want?" She retorted, turning her head to the side. "I brought you some fruits to make a fruit salad of and tender my apology to you for how I acted that day."

He scoffed out a laugh at her attitude. As much as there was sincerity in those words of hers, he could well tell she used it to get close to him.

Not that he minded her being close or trying to rekindle their friendship of the past, but the fact that she came at this point when he wished to win Andromeda's heart wasn't convenient.

"Gao Yuemi."

"What? I try to make such a nice gesture for you and all you can do is have a girl over."

"Nope. Point of correction, she is a lady," he stated clearly to her hearing.

"You mean because you picked up a slattern on a Friday night?"

His eyes darkened and he exuded a deadly aura as he glared daggers at her.

He could ignore someone insulting him but having Andromeda being slandered, Liu Xueyi could not stand it.

Instantly he felt a certain part of him being irked and he wished to kill someone.

"You would speak respectfully about her, Gao Yuemi or I would not be polite to you," he warned sternly.


"Besides, can't a man be with a lover at y age? And since when did you become my mum? Mind you, my mother would not question my actions with women."

"And look at where that got you with Gong Yimo."

He balled his fist at his side, gritting his teeth as his jaws clenched hard just hearing her mention the one forbidden name he wished no one ever spoke of.

He hated the topic to the point that down to the look in his eyes, told Gao Yuemi she had crossed the line there and she immediately changed her words.

"I-I'm sorry. I never meant to say that."

"No. You did. And you know what?" He released his hands, placing one back into his pocket. "You have overstayed your welcome. Time for you to leave."

Her jaw dropped completely when she noticed he was not even going to invite her in. At that moment she felt a pang of jealousy swell up in her heart and it annoyed her so much.

Her eyes flinched a bit while she thought things through in her mind and looked for what to do.

'Damn it. I want to see who this new girl is and how she managed to steal his heart.' Gao Yuemi concluded in her mind.

She wished to see if really Liu Xueyi was in love with someone else and fight for her right to be with him.

She had usually handled situations before with girls in the past who wanted the men she wanted and so, she felt really confident.

But the problem now was entering his house when he stood by the door like a macho bodyguard.

"So, you are really not going to take the fruits I painstakingly went to get for you?" She lowered her gaze to the bag of fruits beside her. "I won't leave until you accept them."

Gao Yuemi turned her head to the side again, proving her words of defiance to him.

He sighed for the umpteenth time since seeing her that morning.

He didn't want his mood to be ruined and he wished to return to Andromeda but she was being a bother and if he made her cry, his mother would not let him get away with it.

In the end, he found it better to appease her than annoy his mother.

Sensing her reluctance to leave, Liu Xueyi sighed and decided to take her offering.

"Hand it over and I accept your apology."

"No. Pick it up yourself. I do not want to graze hands with you," she implied, keeping her head at her side, to prove to him she was still mad.

Not wanting any more trouble, Liu Xueyi felt it was better to do as she asked than delay.

Since she was far from the door a bit, he took some steps forward and leaned down to pick up the big bag from the ground.

Her gaze flickered to Andromeda's car once more, sealing her resolve on her plan as she gritted her teeth.

Unbeknown to him, that was her plan to get him out the door and the second he did that, she took to her toes and sprinted inside the house, leaving a puzzled Liu Xueyi outside.

To say he was shocked was an understatement but when he realized what her aim might be, he grabbed the bag, since he was already holding it and rushed in with her.

On getting inside, he caught sight of her scanning his second living room before rushing back out to the main parlour. Liu Xueyi wasted no time and dropped the so-called as he dashed for her next point of search.

The road leading to the kitchen.

With his towering figure standing in place, hovering above her, Gao Yuemi dared not to take one more step to pass him.

"Pst… Xueyi."

"You have done enough."

"No. I want to see it. What are you hiding?"


"Lies!" She fired back at him.

At this point, there was no way Andromeda could deny she did not hear their voices.

Her curious ears got piqued with interest causing her to make her way over to the door, hoping to get a good grasp of what was being said or who it was.

"Gao Yuemi, I have tolerated you enough. Now stop acting spoiled."

"I am not. I am your childhood friend."

"Yes. And like you said, in childhood. You do not have to roam about me anymore. We are not kids."

"But my fee…" she shook her head, shaking back the strong urge she had in her to cry. "But you like me!" She spat out loud, making sure the woman in Liu Xueyi's house was going to hear.

"Gao…" He hinted at her to lower her voice but she took that as her cue to do worse.

"You do like me. You have feelings for me, Liu Xueyi."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Seriously! Yuemi, if mother put you up to pester me, it is enough," he coerced through gritted teeth, hoping to prevent Andromeda from listening to all the rubbish.

"Pff," she spat out air, pouting her lips at him as she once more crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"If you didn't then explain to me why you had a boner that day at the office."

He felt like facepalming himself but now more than ever, he needed to clarify some things to her.

"I had a dream, not because you hugged me."

"Hehe," a blush crept up her cheeks hearing him admit such a thing and then another idea came to mind again.

"Did I make you feel good before that made you dream of me and get a boner?" She bit down on her lower lip, giving him her trademark sexy eyes.

"No. We never had anything like that, Gao Yuemi stop this."

She noticed with ease, how hard he was trying to prevent their conversation from being heard or taking a drastic turn.

"Hmm. I smell food," Gao Yuemi stated, ticking her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

She wore a smug smile as she gazed up at him, lifting her chin up a bit, to show him she wasn't going to back down. "What are you scared of? That your woman friend would find out?"

"No. I am not scared."

"Good. Then I hope you can tell her you got erect in the office thinking of another woman, me."

At that point, Liu Xueyi threw caution to the wind and let out a husky laugh. Right now he couldn't care if Andromeda heard him or not.

In fact, he wished she would hear it without having to say it to her face.

"You want to know who I was truly dreaming of, Gao Yuemi?"


Her eyes blinked, unsure if she was willing to hear the truth.

"I shall tell you whom I had a wet dream so hot in the afternoon about even though it was cool."

The same dark aura she had seen before when she spoke about his ex-lover exhumed again like a dead man walking, sending chills running down her smile.

However, unlike before, he had a wicked grin adorned his face as he lowered his head a bit, ready to echo the words loud and clear.

"Andromeda Kai. I had a wet dream of being intimate with my girlfriend."

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