Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 138 Unwanted Visitor



For the most part, Liu Xueyi did not expect anyone to pay him a visit and if his friends were coming, they always let him know beforehand.

No one came to his lair unannounced and that got him thinking.

Knock! Knock!

The softness of the knock told him it was a lady and the first person to come to his mind was Andromeda.

'Andy?' Liu Xueyi pondered in his mind but got shook the thought away. There was no way she would visit him after what happened today.

Was it his mum? No. Mrs Liu had no business visiting him out of the blue. She had her husband to tend to, he thought.

Then who?

Finally, he stopped playing the guessing game and stood up to answer the door.

This was one of the pecks of staying alone. He had to do things by himself, especially when it became a bother like this.

Click… Click!

He turned on the doorknob, pulling the door open to himself as his eyes landed on the person before him.

A satisfied deep smile shone brilliantly on her face appreciating the sight of the man before her, leaving him speechless.

"Hello, Xue-bear. How do you do?"

He had been stunned for some time but hearing her call him that, the er name he disliked hearing, he quickly snapped from his trance and responded.

"Gao Yuemi."

"Yuemi is fine, Xueyi. Do not act formally with me."

"No. Acting formal would be me calling you. Miss Gao. Anyways, that is not the point."

"Okay," she began, placing a hand casually on her hips as she pushed them to the side in a more relaxed but flirty manner.

"Tell me, what is the point? And are you going to keep me standing on your porch?"

"Yes." Her eyes widened at his honest answer before he shook his head, shaking those thoughts away from his mind. "I mean, no. Please come in."

Taking a step back, Liu Xueyi paved the way to allow her entry into his house, watching as she did slowly, taking in the simplistic painting and luxurious decorations.

His house was painted white and adorned with less complicated designs. However, every piece of furniture, painting and other designable artefacts in his house spoke of his wealth.

She recalled he loved collecting things and seeing them first-hand, she adorned how grown and achieved he was.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Liu Xueyi announced, offering her a seat far from where he was seated a few moments back.


Unhurriedly, she took her steps till she got to her seat, making sure to give him quite the show of her shapely butt and a sexy figure clad in a red velvet handless gown.

Unknown to her, his attention was anywhere else but her. He was not one for ladies who threw themselves at a guy and preferred to do the chasing.

Once she got seated, Liu Xueyi immediately went on an investigation spree.

"So, tell me, how did you find this place?"

"What are you, twelve?" Gao Yuemi questioned, letting her jaw drop a notch. "Information darling," she drew out the last word.

"I asked your mother and God bless aunty. She was a dear to let me have your address."

The more she spoke, the more he took note of the fact that he needed to caution his mother this time around and prevent her from doing this again.

What he had failed to take note of before, was the lunch bag that was with her when she came in.

Not that it was not conspicuous, it was that his mind was occupied with Andromeda and her presence.

"Here," Gao Yuemi said placing it down on the table in front of her.

She leaned down a bit, ensuring part of her cleavage showed as she did that, hoping to catch his attention.

When she finally sat up and lifted her eyes to look at him, she had hoped to be met with a lecherous gaze or catch him feeling embarrassed, instead, she was faced with the ever-annoying bland look he gave back then.

'Damn it, did he not see or is he just acting up with me?' Ga Yuemi thought in her mind. 'Aish, I would have to do more I guess.'

"What is that?" He asked, masking his look of irritation at her earlier behaviour.

"I stopped by at your house."

"The Liu Residence. That is not my house but my father's," Liu Xueyi corrected sternly.

"Okay. The Liu Residence. Well, aunty just finished preparing a meal. Guess what it is?"

"My favourite," he stated with a forlorn look, guessing easily while Gao Yuemi was left in shock.

"How did you know? There is no how you can perceive it. I made sure."

"Sorry to burst your bubble Yeumi, but whenever mum wants to visit or say send someone, she sends my favourite and does this once in two weeks. Today just happens to be the day."

The look of pure shock and disbelief on her face was enough to make him lose it and laugh out loud, but as quickly as that thought came, Gao Yuemi shook her head and stood up.

"Where is your kitchen, I would serve you?" She announced, getting ready to dash off in search of the dish set when his hands latch unto hers, pulling her body towards his tall frame, stopping her escape.

Her eyes blinked in shock, as she placed her free hand on his chest while staring at him with wide-open eyes.


The way and manner in which she called out his names like someone in a soap opera or drama would have gotten some guys swooning over her act but not Liu Xueyi.

Her actions only geared his senses to think fast and he let go of her hand, stepping back. Sadly, due to how she took hold of the opportunity to fall against his, Gao Yuemi lost her balance.

She tried to steady herself into a favourable position but fell backwards, landing on her butt with her eyes closing from the effect.

"Owwie!" she cried out loud, hoping for Liu Xueyi's sympathy.

One… Two… Three. Six seconds passed but she got nothing.

Slowly she fluttered her eyes open, waiting to see Liu Xueyi standing there so she could scold him and act all pitiful, pouting before him, however, what she saw was…

No one. He was gone. Nowhere in sight like he was not just there, seconds ago.

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