Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 120 Fang Duo's Plot And Jubilee



~Kia's Residence 3 Hours Ago~

Although Fang Mei was a bit in her early forties, she spent some time on the internet when she was not busy with her secretary duties with her husband.

On several occasions, Kai Beifang had forbidden her from working again and staying at home but she insisted she was up to the task and remained at his side.

While Kai Beifang could not think straight about it, Fang Mei simply did not want another woman snatching her husband from her as she did the first mistress of the Kai family.

So, when she was less busy, she took to working out, searching trending gossip, making plans and looking beautiful.

Before her daughter, Fang Diayu came to inform her about the news, she got wind of it personally.

The shock that appeared on her face when her eyes landed on the said video and the statements below, calling Andromeda a slut who slept around to get her fame only made Fang Mei's lips tug upward.

She spent the next thirty minutes going through the comments and news about Andromeda that by the time she could barely contain her shock to call her daughter, only smiles filled her face.

Her eyes twinkled as more thoughts of mischief escalated in her mind.

Fang Mei gave a bitter laugh, lifting her head a bit to call on her daughter.

"Daiyu! Daiyu!"

She got no answer after a minute and shook her head.

'Do not tell me that naughty girl is busy sleeping when such sweet gossip is going around.' Fang Mei thought within her as she rose from her seat.

"Fang Daiyu!"


Fang Daiyu who could not help but re-watch the video online several times, was so deep in her thoughts trying to figure out whom Andromeda slept with that she failed to hear her mother's call.

"Fang Daiyu!" Fang Mei hollered this time.

"Mom, coming!"

She dashed away from her bed, with her phone in her hands as she ran off to tend to her mother's needs.

The second she reached the living room, she saw her mother with one hand on her hips and the other hand raised, holding her phone as she arched her brows, smirking at her daughter.

"Do not tell me," Fang Daiyu gasped in shock, bridging the gap between them.

Her eyes flickered from her mother's face to the side and landed on her phone.

Sheopeend her eyes the more, realizing that in truth they were on the same page.

She guffawed at her mother. This was indeed the ideal way to steal the money for them.


"I know!" Fang Mei husked her daughter.

"She did it. We didn't even have to set her up. She disgraced herself."

"I know right, hahaha. And she had the guts to call us sluts."

"That good for nothing daughter of an old hag. Tsk, at least since she feels she is wild, this should tame her."

"Sure. Oh my God!" Fang Daiyu yelled out in jubilee.

She rushed into her mother's arms as both of them began to jump in joy.

They spent close to five minutes moving from one place to the other and laughing at the defeat of their enemy.

After some time they stopped and rushed close to stand beside the other.

"Have you read the comments?" Fang Mei questioned quickly, scrolling through her phone.

"Sure. Not so much but damn! I couldn't stop watching the video. It had her face shown perfectly well."

"Yes. Like whoever videoed that, did a pretty good job."

I know mum. I know. Sadly, they did not show so much into their sex. It would have trended on porn sites. I would have uploaded it there myself."

Fang Mei's eyes went wide as she stared at her daughter in awe.

"Oh my, aren't you a chip of the old block. That would have been a genius plan you know."

"Yeah and guess the second genius plan I have cooked up, mom?"

"Hmm," Fang Mei scrunched her nose at her daughter.

Her eyes went dim as she tried to play the guessing game but after some seconds she released a sigh.

"I am not good at guessing. Tell mum already."

Soft chuckles fell off Fang Daiyu's lips in a sweet manner as she clasped a hand over her mouth, recalling to be courteous and less loud.

"Well…" she trailed, watching to ensure she snagged her mother's interest.

"Well?" Fang Mei asked slowly as well, hoping to match her daughter's show.

"Oh come on," she jumped on her toes, tired of waiting. "Tell me already."

"Fine. All I see is an opportunity for you to get rid of her completely."

"Get rid?"

Her flew open and she whipped her head from side to side, making sure no one was out there eavesdropping on them.

"Fang Daiyu, be careful and watch your mouth already."

"I am careful, mother and I am just voicing out your innermost thoughts and heart desires."

"Still. We can't say those out loud. And I do not mean we should kill her. Not yet at least.

A wry smile found its way onto her lips as she looked at her mother.

"If you did it before, why would it be hard? Anyways, for now, I mean to cut her off the Kai family's inheritance. Do not forget your son."

"Sure." A dark glint flashed in her eyes at the mention of her son.

For him, she was ready to do anything to ensure his stable future and theirs.

"I would ensure Kai Chen and you get the inheritance of this family and once that is done, we can get rid of any obstacles that may stand in our way."

"Now that's what I am talking about. I bet there would be no way, dad would not have seen that video. Hell, it would embarrass him."

"Hmm, this may not be good," Fang Mei quickly informed, her facial expression turning serious.

Fang Daiyu drew nearer to her mother with knitted brows. "Why?"

"Because your father is out on a business trip and he doesn't need such a scandal to disturb the contract and all he wishes to sign.

"So? They would know sooner or later and that is perfect, he would want to disown her sooner than later for embarrassing him."

"I see. You do have a point if you put it like this," Fang Mie agreed.

"Better still mum, why not we send him the links to the video and the video itself? That way, he may see it on time, disturb his focus, enrages him more and he loses out."

"But making him lose the client would affect us," Fang Daiyu reasoned.

"I know but to get the big fish, you have to use bigger bait. This is the beginning of Andromeda Kai's downfall and who best than the woman who take her mother out of the way to do it?"

From the words her daughter spoke to her, Fang Mei's thoughts spiralled free and she thought of the possibilities.

"Think of it. The full Kai residence and company to your name. It would all be ours. Those who mocked you in your early years would choke on their words now."

"Yes," her eyes darkened some more. "This would be the perfect way to get our aim."

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