Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 111 Give Me A Name


CHAPTER 111 – Give Me A Name

"Listen to me and listen carefully."

Andromeda's eyes dimmed. Her brain went numb while the breath she was holding in, finally was released bit by bit as she awaited his instruction.

Sensing her abrupt silence, Liu Xueyi's eyes fluttered close and he gave his order. "No matter what, do not go online."

"What!" She forgot about her initial fear and questioned him. "Why?"

He ignored her question. Not because he could not tell her but because the words were heavy for him to say to her.

'My love, listen to me and trust me.' He stated in his mind with utmost fear settling in.

"Tell me, what is going on, Xueyi. Do not keep me quiet."


Unlike how Andromeda woke up, especially having spent her entire night watching a series, Liu Xueyi was up fixing major things within the company's new business plan and searching out better ways to strategically move them to the next level.

In the brightly lit room, he rolled about on his chair, with one elbow resting on the armrest while tapping away on his chin with his fingers.

His piercing gaze swept through the room, matching several thoughts in his mind, searching for the best to come to a delicate but grand plan.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of his phone's ringtone echoing in his study.

Lazily, his eyes dropped, peeling his gaze from the far end of the room he was looking out and moved towards his table.

Without picking up his phone, he answered the call, placing them on speaker.

"Boss, good morning." The deep base of a man's voice echoed out from the other end of the phone.

"Yes. What news have you?"

"Boss, I have sent a file to your email," he informed.

"Okay. What gives?" Liu Xueyi replied with less enthusiasm.

He was already tired from pulling an all-nighter if they weren't going to hint to him on what the file was about, then he was not bothered.

His eyes dropped lazily, waiting silently for more info to resume his thoughts quickly.

"Sir, I think we have found her."

Liu Xueyi's eyes fluttered open slowly without much care for what was being said.

It was as though he did not just hear what was said until his subordinate spoke again.

"Sir." He waited to get a response before repeating himself.

Personally, being one of the men in charge of finding this girl since that fateful night, he had firsthand seen how bothered Liu Xueyi was.

But now, having him act normal, he knew without being told something was up.

"Yes. I am list... Wait!" His eyes flew wide open and Liu Xueyi snapped his head to the phone.

"Excuse me?" His doubtful but hopeful voice rang out.

A soft sigh fell off the lips of the man who called. Thankfully, his boss snapped back to reality.

"Sir, I said she..."

"You found her?"

Immediately his heart thudded fast in his chest and his breathing came in deep and strong.

"Yes sir."

That was all he heard and he grabbed his phone bring it close to his ears.

"Really? Where is she?"

"If I am correct sir, after all our investigations and snooping in, we found out that she has always been with you."

"What!" This time around Liu Xueyi yelled into the phone, pulling his hand down and bringing it in front of him.

His hands shook visibly and his hold on his armrest tightened.

Several emotions ran through his body and his mind flashed back a million times, bringing different images of the night into his mind.

Though blurry he could catch glimpses of their skin pressed against each other and when how great he felt when he thrust into her for the first time.

His breathing stilled suddenly. That single thought had flung him from his reverie and his brain buzzed.

He was stupid and a fool. He did not need someone to ring the bell anymore but he could guess and not guess.

Both withstanding, he inquired just to be sure. He needed to be sure else his brain would not be able to handle the emotional damage.

"Give me a name," his commanding voice resonated from within as his breathing returned.

"Andromeda Kai."

Badum! Badum! Badum!

He could feel the sharp beating of his heart against his eardrum as reality dawned on him.

His thought was right but more importantly, he felt like cursing himself.

How could he not have known?

Their kisses, lips, chest, and the feel of her hands on his skin, sending his hormones into overdrive were similar.

Maybe not in the same manner since she was drugged but only she brought out that side in him willingly.

He faces palmed himself at the thought. "I have been such a fool," he muttered under his breath.


"Nothing. Sorry," he apologized weakly.

His brain was still turned upside down by this news this early in the morning and now...

"Oh by the way sir, there is a video online you need to see. It was also the video which confirmed our search."

Liu Xueyi's brows knotted forming a line between them as his eyes narrowed at his phone screen.

"What video?"

"Your email sir."

"Alright. Thanks. I would get back to you."

He ended the call and proceeded straight to his email.

More than anything his heart wished to see if it was one where he sauntered like a drunk or not.

However, the second he downloaded the file and played it, his heart flew into his mouth, leaving his eyes the widest they have ever been.

By the time he was done, Liu Xueyi sat there, leaning back against his chair with his hand on his forehead, massaging his temples.

Seconds later, the light on his phone screen came on, accompanied by his ringtone.

Lazily, he let his eyes drape over the phone to see the caller.

Honestly, he was not up for calls at this point but he knew better than anyone, that the caller was important and just what he needed.

Reaching for his phone again, he lifted it from the desk and answered it. "Hello."

"Xueyi," Xu Fang's voice came in with surprise. "What the hell am I seeing online?"

Another heavy sigh was released and this time he stood up from his seat. "Xu Fang."

"Yes, brother? Talk to me. Tell me. What am I seeing online?"

"It is what it is," Liu Xueyi stated frustratingly.

"You never told me you threw Andromeda away. How could you let her fall into the hands of another man? How could you give up on her and even at that, not tell us or let us take a chance in winning her love?"

The more he spoke, the more Liu Xueyi felt like knocking some sense into his head.

"There was no telling because there would be no giving. I love Andromeda."

His voice came off strong as he bellowed at his friend. "Then f*ck why did you allow someone to have her and now it's all over the internet?!"

"Because!" Liu Xueyi paused and bit down on his lower lip hard. He never wished for anyone to know about this incident but only now did he know why she was drugged.

Sadly, to be framed and he managed to fall into someone else's pit.

"Because," he sighed softly. "I was the one."


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