Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 109 The Fang's Rage



~Kai Residence~

Meanwhile, several reporters had taken the information of the bombarding fashion show around and the news carried it.

For those who were thrilled about fashion, they could not escape this hot gist and what was worse was the fact that social media did more than enough justice broadcasting it.

Fang Mei took her seat as she picked up a cookie from the plate of cookies lying on the small stool by her feet.

She had been very busy assisting her husband with some company matters that week and felt exhausted.

The only reason she wasn't working that evening now was that he took an early trip that Friday night. So, she had a night of rest and the weekend off till his return.

Suddenly she heard the brisk steps of someone descending down the stairs and hurrying into the living room.

As much as she did not want to be disturbed, Fang Mei could not deny that the noise called for alarm.

"Mother! Mother! Mother!"

Her brows furrowed deeply when her daughter ran into the living room in nothing but her nightgown and her phone in her hand.

The look of pure dread in her eyes was uncanny and Fang Mei knew something was amiss.

However, cautioning her was the first thought that came to mind as she did not want the most important person in her life to be disturbed.

"Fang Diayu, what is your problem? Do you want to wake little Kai Chen up?"

Sensing her mother's favouritism again Fang Daiyu frowned as well, folding her arms underneath her bosom. "Mum, are you done caring so much for that heavy sleeper?"

"Fang Daiyu, that is your brother and heir to Kai's fortune. How can you utter such nonsense?" Fang Mei queried.

She blew out air from her mouth and shook her head. It was useless speaking about her kid brother. He was the favourite just because he was a boy and a Kai at that. Her mother's trump card.

"It's the truth. Anyways, do not dampen my mood, mum. You need to see this."

"Sure, I would want to know what got your lousy feet out of bed. Now out with it, I want my peace of mind."

"Ho-ho, by the time I tell you, there would be no peace of mind left to get back to. Not for me at least and I seem to know who hates her the most."

Fang Mei's eyes dimmed, just having to listen to her daughter's words. "Speak then. Do not make me wait."

A soft sigh fell off Fang Daiyu's lips as she extended her hand outwards, showing her mother her phone.

"Huh, the screen is showing black. What am I to see there?"

Gosh, she really wanted to face palm herself at her mother right now. That woman knew how to frustrate her when she was vexed about anyone disturbing her only son.

Quickly, Fang Daiyu retracted her hand, put on her phone screen and went back to the said page. "Here, have your fill."

For a moment there, Fang Mei found it hard to settle her gaze on the phone screen. Snatching it from her daughter's hand she brought it close to have a proper look.

"Starlight's Apparel mysterious top designer and creative director revealed."

Her brows kneaded the more as her brain narrowed its full attention to the news under.

"Starlight's Apparel top designer revealed," she read out again.

"Fashion show, themed Estrella Nacinete finally reveals the brain behind the designs."

"It was with great shock to find the stunning beauty behind the superb designs tonight. And she is none other than, Andromeda Kai."

Her eyes widened, her breathing stilled as her shock unable to be contained as she glanced up slowly from the phone to look at her daughter.

Her lips parted but the words she had thought of, failed to be said.

"There, mother. She hit it big. She is now, Liu Corporations' top star in the fashion industry. Mother, Andromeda that bitch did this."

Every vile word spat out from her lips held the same hint of anger if not less than what was being formed in Fang Mei's mind at that moment.

"How dare she not remain in hiding?" Fang Mei said through gritted teeth.

"Read on, mum. See the pictures," Fang Daiyu urged her from where she stood.

Obeying, Fang Mei lowered her gaze to the phone in her hand and continued reading.

"The beautiful damsel stole the attention of everyone like a nymph, even better than the models did."

"It was a rise for Starlight industry."

"Indeed, only one name shall ring in the fashion world from now on. Andromeda Kai."

Fang Mei clenched her fist at her side, feeding her eyes off the screen over and over again.

Before long, veins began to pop out at either side of her head. Her breathing ragged heavily. Her anger had risen too much.

She flung the phone at her side, letting it fall on the couch as she sprang to her feet.

"That bitch!"

"Mother. I thought you said Beatrice Zhang took care of her. How come she is getting such a high position now? Sigh… I should have known when I saw her with Liu Xueyi that day."

Fang Mei's eyes flew open again and she snapped her head to the side, staring at her daughter, obviously waiting for an explanation. "What day?"

"A few weeks back. Remember when I had a mark on my cheek?"


"Andromeda did it."


"I met her with Liu Xueyi that day and he defended her. I thought she was just his mistress, sleeping around with men to get money. I never knew she would hit it big with him. Hmm, what does she have that I don't for Liu Xueyi to go for her?"

"Hmm," Fang Mei breathed out, ignoring her daughter while her mind thought of something.

"How could Beatrice have allowed this to happen and that her ex? Don't they know it would ruin them?" Fang Daiyu complained thoughtfully.

"Sure. I bet Andromeda was sneaky this time. That daughter of a bitch really took after her mother. Hahaha, she has some claws now. I wonder how sharp they are."

"Mum, are you happy she is doing big?"

"Yes. If not, she would be an unworthy opponent like her sorry ass of a late mother."

"What if she comes to contest for father's wealth?"

At the mention of such a possibility, Fang Mei's gaze darkened at her daughter.

"Never you make mention of that before me again. Kai Chen is the rightful heir of Kai Beifang. And no one, not even Andromeda would be able to change that. Understood?"

Sensing her mother's dreadful aura, Fang Daiyu had no choice but to nod in understanding.


"But mother, what would you do? I told you, instigate to father that she is a slut soiling this family's name and have him disown her. The earlier we fight for his fortune, the better."

"I know. I know. She just hit big let her. That way, when she falls, she would fall big as well. Her scandal would be glorious. Just watch and see."

"I trust you mother. Please make it painful as well."

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