Dungeon Predator

Chapter 440. Northern Disaster

Chapter 440. Northern Disaster

Translator: Boko

Sand Castle!

Karin's defensive spell created a giant sand castle, which protected both herself and her allies.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Sand pillars rose around Karin and Soren. However, the boomerangs came flying at them before the spell was ready!

"Mysterious law of nature, which increases weight... Gravity Sphere!" Soren shot Gravity Spheres at the incoming boomerangs.

Upon contact, the boomerangs noticeably slowed. They eventually stopped spinning, and fell to the floor. However, Soren had only managed to hit three of them. There were still five boomerangs left.

Whizz! Whizz!

Sephiro's Tempest Arrows rapidly flew through the air. He'd only shot two arrows, but both of them hit the boomerangs dead on. What frightening accuracy!

Bam! Bam!

Now, there were only three arrows left!

'I can do this!' Karin put even more effort into completing her spell.

Completing the sand castle was impossible. The sand just barely assumed the shape of a castle and formed a ceiling. Then, the boomerangs struck.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The sand castle crumbled instantly, and the resulting sand cloud obscured both Karin and Soren's forms.

Honestly, the power behind those boomerangs was ridiculous. How in the world were their boomerangs as explosive as a bomb!?

Despite that, Kang Oh was sure that Karin and Soren had survived the Tuslams' assault.

'They're not so weak that they'd die from that.'

The best he could do was take care of the enemy in front of him. He swung Akanhoff and Blood one after another.

For the time being, Sephiro focused on the other Tuslam. He was well aware that he'd die if he let down his guard for even a second. After all, he'd died to them before!


Kang Oh's Tuslam wielded an axe. The handle was made out of an Amtaurus's thigh bone, and the blade was made out of a Steel King Centipede's tough exoskeleton.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Kang Oh repeatedly bashed on his axe, intent on breaking it into pieces. In his experience, breaking the Tuslam's weapon was the most effective way of defeating them.


The axe cracked as the two weapons clashed, and the Tuslam widened his eyes. After that, the Tuslam did his very best to avoid Akanhoff.

As expected, the Tuslam were adept at combat. After all, the Tuslam prepared a countermeasure for Akanhoff as soon as his weapon cracked.

However, this presented Kang Oh with an opportunity. He would act like he were aiming for the Tuslam's weapon, and then strike at his vitals instead.


Blood's snow-white blade left a small wound on the Tuslam's tough skin. Then, Blood absorbed the airborne shards of light! Due to the Phoenix's Feather, he life stealed way more than usual.

'Let's go!'

He either acted as though he were aiming for the axe and then struck someplace else, or did the exact opposite. Kang Oh wouldn't lose in a 1 on 1 fight with the Tuslam.

Kang Oh gained momentum, and began overpowering the Tuslam. Thus, the Tuslam couldn't help but slowly accrue wound after wound.

On the other hand, Sephiro's fight with the Tuslam was going nowhere. Thus, he bought as much time for Kang Oh as he could.

Sephiro's Tuslam wielded a spear. The tip of the spear was made out of a Giant Kruger's claw, so it was more like a scythe than a spear!

The 'scythe' came flying at Sephiro from overhead like an eagle swooping down on its prey. Sephiro threw himself out of the way.

Absolute Evasion!

The Tuslam's spear struck the ground, and Sephiro quickly pulled out a harpoon-like spear. There were times when an actual arrow, not a Tempest Arrow, was preferable. That time was now.

Mine Arrow!

The arrow struck the ground below the Tuslam's feet.


The ground exploded, and the Tuslam was covered in dirt. At the same time, the arrow broke into pieces, spreading sharp shrapnel everywhere. Unexpectedly, the Tuslam didn't back off. On the contrary, he rushed at Sephiro instead.

Five pieces of shrapnel pierced his forearms, but Sephiro looked far more concerned.

'This isn't good!'

The Tuslam thrust his spear, and Sephiro responded too slowly. Ultimately, the spear pierced through Sephiro's throat.


Huge shards of light burst out of Sephiro's body.

The Tuslam immediately raised his spear and forcefully swung downwards.


Sephiro's body fell to the floor. He was on the brink of death. All of a sudden, however, Soren and Karin returned to the battlefield. As Kang Oh thought, the two had survived.

"No!" Karin slammed her staff onto the ground.

Sand Disappearance!

The ground beneath Sephiro's body transformed into sand and sucked his body in. Normally, a mage would use this spell to trap their opponent in sand, but it could also be used like this.

Unwilling to lose his target, the Tuslam thrust his spear into the sand. However, he was pressed down by an incredible physical force.

Giant's Stomp!

Soren cast a gravity spell on the Tuslam. Due to her and Karin's efforts, Sephiro was able to escape safely.

Meanwhile, Kang Oh swung Demon Sword Akanhoff, crushing the Tuslam's axe.


Festival of Blood!

Mad Wind's Sword!

Kang Oh fiercely attacked the Tuslam with both his blades like a pack of wolves pouncing on their wounded prey. The Tuslam Tribe were talented martial artists too. They weren't out of the fight even if you disarmed them.

He swung both his fists, matching Kang Oh attack for attack. However, Demon Sword Akanhoff should not be dealt with bare-fisted.

Stab! Bam! Bam!

Kang Oh repeatedly cut through him again and again until he fell to his knees! Then, Darkness Strike activated. Two waves, resembling a blood red bat and a purple bird in flight, flew at the Tuslam one after another.

The Tuslam crossed his arms, but it was largely meaningless. After all, Darkness Strike was much too powerful to block!

Even so, the Tuslam resisted till the bitter end. He dodged Blood and then swung his fist. If not for Kang Oh's Hyper Intuition, then it would've worked. But the Tuslam had no luck.

The Tuslam's fist came flying at him! His Hyper Intuition had already warned him, so he just barely managed to dodge it. That had been the Tuslam's last chance.


Akanhoff split the Tuslam in two. That spelled the end for him.

Kang Oh immediately got back into position. There was still another Tuslam to deal with.

A short while later, Kang Oh's party focused fire on the last remaining Tuslam and finished him off.

"Wow, this is crazy." Karin plopped onto the ground.

"Hoo." Soren calmly caught her breath.

This had been their first experience with the Tuslam. Their power was beyond their wildest imagination.

"I don't think we can take on three," Sephiro said.

"Yes. Let's focus on two for now," Kang Oh said.

Sephiro looked at the old buildings, structures, statues, etc. "Where are you going to place the magic circle? Do you have a place in mind?"

"No. We'll just have to find one."

* * *

The northern part of Arth was a world of snow and ice. The harsh environment (the intense cold) kept most life from surviving there.

However, there were beings that'd adapted to those harsh conditions. For example, the Yetis, who possessed two arms and legs, faces, and hands like humans, but were covered in fur. They weren't monsters; they were actually non-humans like elves or dwarves that'd adapted to the intense cold.

They lived in the north, and possessed a unique culture.

Once upon a time, one of their tribes, the Cold Blizzard Tribe, unified the tribes and prepared to do war with the continent.

The one who'd prevented them from doing so was the Guardian of the Continent, Valan. After Valan annihilated their elite troops, the Yetis, which possessed the largest force in the north, was completely broken.

After that, nothing of importance happened in the north. Of course, that didn't mean that nothing actually happened.

At the northernmost edge of the continent...!

There was a giant frozen temple that overlooked the frozen North Sea. The Great Temple of the North Sea! This temple was larger than any temple in Arth.

Yetis, Yuki-Onnas, polar bears, seals, etc. All of the non-humans that lived in the north believed in the 'Ice Soul', which resided in the temple.

It was said that the Ice Soul was the source of coldness. They believed that the reason the north was so cold was because the Ice Soul remained dormant.

Obviously, the Great Temple of the North Sea was both a holy ground and a forbidden zone. The brave, robust Seal Tribe and Polar Bear Tribe safeguarded the temple, and the Yetis were given the task of maintaining the temple, as they were skilled with their hands.

Certain Yuki-Onnas were selected as female shamans. They either performed ancestral rites or various ceremonies.

However, great power was seductive. One shaman desired the power of the Ice Soul for herself. Her name was Saila. She was the future Great Shaman.

She was the daughter of the current Great Shaman, which was the equivalent of the churches' High Priests, and would one day inherit the position.

However, she didn't want to become the Great Shaman. No, she hated the position of shaman itself. She wanted to leave the north and freely roam the continent.

Unfortunately, the role of shaman was hereditary. For that reason, she was forced to remain at the temple and become a shaman. In spite of that, Saila didn't give up on her dream.

'If I use a portion of the Ice Soul's power, then I'll be able to leave this place! Then I'll be able to explore the vast world!'

Her position was quite high amongst the shamans. After all, she was the Great Shaman's daughter, and the future Great Shaman!

She used her authority to go in and out of the innermost part of the temple, where the Ice Soul was partly exposed, and steadily absorbed its power.

Originally, she had planned on absorbing enough power to leave the north and no more than that. But things change. Power was addictive. Saila couldn't help herself.

She gradually absorbed more of the Ice Soul's power. At some point, she absorbed so much power that her body couldn't withstand it, and she lost all reason and went on a rampage.

The temple's warriors attempted to stop her, but their resistance was futile. Saila also froze the Yuki-Onnas who'd dragged her here against her will and broke them to pieces. No one could stop her.

With so much power at her fingertips, Saila escaped the temple and headed south. Even though she'd lost all reason, she apparently hadn't lost sight of her dream. She always wanted to see the Arth continent with her own two eyes, so she was moving accordingly.

This was a calamity. After all, the Ice Soul's power would freeze everything around her. She would freeze at least half of the continent along her way!

* * *

Kang Oh, Sephiro, Soren, and Karin defeated any Tuslam in their way, and searched for the appropriate place to set up a magic circle.

However, finding the right place wasn't as easy as it sounded. There were a number of conditions that made it a viable spot. It had to be a place outside of the Tuslam's reach, and be out of the way enough so that they wouldn't immediately fight as soon as they exited the magic circle. Plus, it had to be easy for them to move to and fro. All these conditions made it difficult to find the right place.

At that moment...


A horrific roar resounded through Talastrum, and Karin and Soren widened their eyes.

"W-What was that?"


Kang Oh remained calm, as he'd heard it many times. Sephiro was the same.

"There's definitely something here..." Kang Oh muttered.

"Oppa." Karin pulled on his sleeve. "What was that noise?"

"I don't know. But you can hear it occasionally."

"Is it Talastrum's boss?" Soren asked.

Kang Oh shrugged his shoulders. "It might be, and it might not be. We'll just have to see for ourselves."

"Yeah." Soren nodded her head.

"First, let's find a place to set up the magic circle!"


Sometime later...

"This is the place!"

Kang Oh's party was inside of the sewer system. The place reeked. But due to the horrible smell, the Tuslam didn't set foot here. Plus, there were several exits here that led to different parts of the ruins.

This was the best spot to set up a transfer magic circle!

"There's a small room over there." Soren pointed at the room.

"That's the perfect place for it." Kang Oh looked through the door, and he then sported a satisfied smile.

"I'll set up the transfer magic circle immediately," Soren said.

"Thanks. I'm counting on you."

"It'll take a while."


Soren went inside the room and began setting up the magic circle. He'd occasionally watched Eder create transfer magic circles, so he wasn't all that interested in the process. He leaned on the wall, crossed his arms, and waited for Soren to finish her task.


"Future Guardian of the Continent!" A soft voice suddenly whispered in his ear. It was the Whispers of the Earth.

'Damn it. The Guardian of the Continent missions. They're a time sink, yet they don't reward you and they're hard as shit!' Kang Oh scowled.

He really, really didn't want to do it.

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