Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 436

436 Chapter 436: Findlay’s evolution

82 enemy and 15 friendly corpses littered the blood soaked snow of the winter highlands section. The thick stench of death, flesh and metal assailed the noses of the survivors. Many of which were injured, some very badly. A brutal result but in the end a victory and that’s all that mattered at this stage, surviving the ordeal to fight another day.

“Alright, everyone that can still move safely make your way to the medical centre, those who can’t, stay where you are, and the transfer team will come get you. Finally those in critical condition don’t give up, the healers will arrive soon with plenty potions to see you through, you just need to fight until then.” Frost loudly proclaimed while covered in the blood and guts of those he just smited.

His booming voice and natural charisma drew the attention of everyone present. His powerful visage filled his monsters with strength and lessened their pain.

Those who could move did as instructed while those who couldn’t stayed where they were to avoid further injury. They also encouraged the critically injured to keep fighting until help arrived.

Nanna and Loki already sent down orders to the medical centre and were in the process of teleporting the much needed medical staff and their supplies.

Frost reunited with his left and right hand, both of whom sported similar attires to himself.

“Looks like the two of you had your fill of fun hehehehehe.” He chuckled as noticed Findlay and Khuno were more red than blue.

“You should look in the mirror milord you’re far more drenched than either of us hehehehehe.” Khuno teased Frost back causing him to finally take in his current appearance.

“[Clean up]” He instantly casted clean up magic on himself as well as Findlay and Khuno, removing the saturated blood stains as well as the horrible smell that he now started to notice now that the battle was over.


The three chuckled lightly but clear signs of pain were in their voices. 15 comrades died here today and all of them were of high rank. 4 ronsos, 5 ice revenants, 2 yuki-onnas and 4 frost revenant knights. Not the most they’ve ever lost but certainly the most in terms of power. The late stages really weren’t kidding around and that was just the first wave without a B-rank. The three heads couldn’t help but be wary of the future.

However Khuno tried to lighten the mood a little. He looked over at his comrade, Findlay before slapping his back.

“Well looks like someone’s going to get the opportunity to reach milord’s level, can’t say I’m not jealous hahahahaha”

Findlay smiled genuinely appearing a little smug before replying.

“It wasn’t easy but yes and don’t worry I’m sure you’ll get your chance soon.” He slammed Khuno’s back hard as some sort of revenge, leading to the two of them lightly tussling which brought a genuine smile to Frost’s face.

“Findlay teleport to the medical centre for a full check-up, I’ll call you when we’re ready.” Frost spoke in a serious tone, breaking up their tussle.

“Yes master.” Findlay, who was currently in a headlock, responded curtly before wrenching himself free from Khuno.

“Khuno you’ll be present as well; it should serve as a good example for when you eventually make the same transition.”

“Y...yes milord.” Khuno coughed out of embarrassment before standing straight and saluting Frost.

Multiple space warps opened around the winter highlands, some depositing people while others transporting them to another area in the dungeon or in Frost’s case the private space.

“Master welcome back.” Nanna and Loki both announced before running towards him head first, wrapping him in a hug.

“Good work Frost.” Maya made her presence known next, smiling gently as she looked at her young master. She nodded in approval after seeing no injuries (at least major ones) and that he’d taken care of the blood bath he just took. Being covered in monster blood and guts was not an appealing look especially on someone like Frost.

Under the children’s lead he sat himself down on the sofa and listened to their reports as well as Maya’s praising of said work. This caused Nanna to blush slightly while Loki arched out his chest with pride earning them some affectionate hair ruffles.

After replacing all the lost forces the four of them sat down for a pleasant meal, separating personal and professional life. This was followed by a relaxing bath which Frost felt he sorely needed. Loki decided to join him as did Nanna but given that she was a girl and almost a teenager they couldn’t go in together, so Maya joined her on the female side to keep her company.

With Frost fully decompressed from his battle it was time to play with the dice.....Findlay’s evolution.

Frost, Findlay, Khuno, Kiba, Maya and even the kids all teleported to the training space. A room completed isolated from the outside meaning no chance of interruptions. Nanna and Loki were also ordered to keep quiet throughout the entire process, just in case.

“Well how are you feeling?” Frost asked Findlay who was the current centre of attention.

“Great master. No injuries and I’m in tip top shape.” He replied while animatedly slamming his chest. The docs patched him up with potions and spells of all kinds to make extra sure.

“Good. What about your energy levels, can you eat anymore?”

“Urgh!” Findlay loudly groaned and showed a nauseous expression. The moment he was healed up Frost had him teleport here ahead of everyone and start stuffing himself with magic crystals, topping off his already maxed out body.

His skin felt itchy and was bulging or rather swelling up, causing no small amount of discomfort and even pain. He literally felt he was going to explode ten crystals ago but pushed through to his current state.

Frost rested a hand on his shoulder and sent a small stream of his own mana into Findlay’s body.

‘Damn he’s like a veritable keg about to explode. All he needs is an accidental spark.’ He was smiling as he thought this since it was the exact situation they needed right now.

Dark’s protection required unreal amounts of energy to break through and on top of that was the energy requirements needed to reconstruct the monster’s body into one equivalent of B-rank, a very different degree of power and life force. An already difficult prospect with a relatively low chance of success was made even harder thanks to the limitations placed on Frost and his siblings. Findlay’s path was going to be anything but smooth.

“Thanks to my father’s machinations your evolution process into B-rank will likely be very different from your first one.” Frost remembered Findlay’s transformation into an ice troll commander after he granted him his name. A process that was quite magical and smooth, lasting less than a couple minutes, with no signs of pain or discomfort.

Frost gazed at Findlay with a concerned expression.

“Not only will this process likely be painful and filled with pitfalls we have no idea what you’ll evolve into. The resulting archetype will be based entirely on your own path just like in nature.” Previously he’d been able to choose the direction of his monsters evolutionary path so as to best suit the dungeon’s needs. That feature has thus been removed for the higher ranking evolutions.

Findlay visibly frowned before nodding his head. He wasn’t in the dark to such a scenario. Channelling such levels of volatile foreign energy through his body was most certainly going to hurt. Even just sitting here he could feel it trying to escape the confines of his body. But he was still willing to embark on this path.

Frost smiled reassuringly before taking a step backwards.

“I’m going to start the process, are you ready?”

“Mmm go ahead master.” Findlay responded with a determined gaze and somewhat mad smile.

Nanna and Loki looked on with reddening eyes, their worry evident as they tugged onto Kiba’s fur. Whereas Kiba and Khuno had eyes filled with jealously, the latter even clenched his fists tight as he sorely wished to be in Findlay’s position.

Maya was silent, she was prepared to act if things went downhill, to do her job as Frost’s guardian.

Frost receiving Findlay’s go ahead clicked on the dungeon menu, starting the process before stepping further back, next to Maya. He grabbed her hand causing her to smile gently.

‘He’s nervous hehehehe.’ Maya giggled inside as she felt Frost’s hand that was sweating and lightly trembling, yet his face showed complete confidence. A side only she was privy to know of a secret between the two of them.

Once Frost started the process Findlay felt a restriction on his body come loose and his body naturally started the evolution process. The stored energy within started to move, gradually circulating his body and picking up speed with every rotation.

Once several rotations had completely.

“Urgh!” Findlay let out a painful groan as blood rushed out his mouth. His skin ballooned out thanks to the rotating energy, forcing his blood to the surface. The blue coloured ice troll now looked red all over, the pain could be easily imagined.

“Arggghhhhhhhh!!” Eventually the pain was too much for Findlay to remain silent. He roared out as he felt his body being torn apart from the inside, the rotation speed of the energy becoming more and more aggressive. Seams along his muscles burst open leaking blood and streams of the violent energy crashing throughout his body.

Maya and Frost quickly moved in front of Nanna and Loki to protect them from being struck by a rogue burst.

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