Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 420

420 Chapter 420: Testing the limits of the azure spark quail (2)

‘Perhaps if we do it some more I’ll get better acquainted at taking such a monster.’ Maya thought before her right foot slowly stretched out in search of the monster that wreaked havoc on her delicate body.

She quickly found it standing straight upwards, still as rigid and as hot as the beginning of the night.

Frost’s smile stretched from ear to ear as he felt Maya’s movements, curious as to what she was doing.

“How the fuck can you still be this hard!?” Maya question in shock. It was as if their love making over the past 10 hours or so never happened.

“Oh I can easily go again if your up for it?” Frost asked with malicious intent. His left hand sliding under the sheets to latch onto Maya’s quiver cheeks.

“Bastard don’t even think about it, you’ve destroyed my delicate and frail body enough for one night!” Maya argued back through clenched teeth, powerless to stop Frost’s naughty hands.

“Hoh frail and delicate you weren’t frail and delicate last night. If I remember at one point didn’t you use your overwhelming strength to shove me down and start....”

“Ahhh s...shut up! Not another word!” A pink blush grew on Maya’s face as Frost’s words conjured up a certain point of their activities last night.

“And for someone so frail you certainly left a fair amount of markings.” Frost drew Maya’s attention to the many bite marks around his chest and abdomen before chuckling. Maya was anything but innocent, full of wild passion and a sexy figure to show for it.


“If you don’t shut up I’ll give you another marking right here right now!” Maya suddenly emitted a chilling bloodthirst as her jaw enlarged and became filled with razor sharp wolf teeth. A marking from that would be anything but pleasant.


“.....” The two lovers stared at one another in a silent stand-off. Frost was wagering whether he should continue to tease her or not.

His mind drifted back to the feeling he got when Maya marked him before he overlapped that image with her current set of razor sharp wolf teeth. A chill ran down his spine.

He thus stopped caressing her ass and kept his mouth shut.

“That’s better hmph!” Maya’s jaw returned to her usual dainty one and she showed a triumphant smile before cutely giggling. That however caused her to be hit with waves of pain once again, taking the steam out of her victory.

“Pfft” Frost forced himself to hold back his laughter and wiped a solitary tear from his eye.

A few seconds later he looked down at Maya. He saw her body quivering slightly, signs of exhaustion and intense muscle pain. His eyes showed deep affection as well as guilt.

“Haaaaaa” after letting out a small sigh Frost manoeuvred himself to straddle over Maya.

“W...What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Maya acted like a cat that had its tail stepped on, lashing out to hide her fear. She really couldn’t do anything about his weapon right now. Frost just had to wait patiently for it to go down naturally.

“Just relax I’m not going to doing anything bad.” Frost responded in a gentle tone before covering his palms in a thin layer of cold flames. He then gently placed his palms onto Maya’s back and started massaging her with his cold hands, hoping to alleviate her pain somewhat.

“Mmmmm” Maya let out a moan, as Frost caressed her back. There was no sexual connotations just a deep set of care and comfort. Maya relaxed herself and enjoyed her massage, thinking that perhaps the pain was worth it in the end.

“I saw Sam doing this for Lola one night in the dungeon. He called it a massage and stated that it’s a technique every man should know if he wanted to have a happy life.”

“Mmmmm” Maya moaned again as Frost pushed down on her shoulders.

“I didn’t really understand what he meant at the time, but I do now.” Frost continued his motions, relieving a great deal of pressure and pain from Maya’s back. Considering her body shape she was quite prone to taught shoulders and a tense back. Frost’s touch was working wonders, she needed to make sure he supplied her with such bliss on the regular.

Maya was able to enjoy her lover’s delicate touch for around 5 minutes before a certain distraction overpowered her relaxation.

“Frost. I know you mean well and it’s not as though your massage isn’t good cause it is and it’s exactly what I need right now but the mood’s kind of ruined when that monster of yours keeps stabbing me in the ass whenever you move.” Maya couldn’t take it anymore; it was too big and noticeable to ignore.

Frost stopped his movements and sat back, his weapon still rock solid and pointing upwards directly above Maya’s bountiful cheeks. He scratched the side of his nose, feeling a little embarrassed but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. If the thing actually calmed down when he was caressing his girlfriend’s soft and smooth back then there’d be a problem.

“Haaaaaaa well thanks to you I’m feeling a fair bit better [heal].” Maya let out a deep sigh before casting a healing spell, alleviating another dose pain.

“Care for another round then stud?” Maya turned around and winked at Frost before raising her hips upwards, encapsulating Frost’s protrusion in her cheeks.

“...Damn you’re gonna be the death of me.” Frost said before instantly taking Maya up on her offer.

One round of course turned into three. Maya was forced to kick Frost out the bedroom so as to stop him from trying anything more and to stop herself from further giving into her own desires. Her body was truly at the limit this time.

Thus Frost was forced out of his own bedroom with a mixture of a reluctant and satisfied expression. Thanks to the azure spark quail and his massage he managed to relieve himself much more this time but still he felt that he still had a lot more to give.

‘I wonder how Daki will fare when it comes to stamina?’ His mind wandered to his other girlfriend who was patiently waiting for him to come and pick her up. Unlike Maya she wasn’t inexperienced. In fact Daki had the bloodline of a succubus a species known for their expertise in the bedroom. She even had a reputation for draining all her previous partners dry resulting in her many relationships being rather short term.

The moment Frost first heard this he couldn’t help but imagine how he’d fare in such a high level exchange.

A lascivious grin grew on his lips as he turned his head to look back at the bedroom door.

‘I’ll just have to make sure I get a lot of practise before then.’

Maya on the other side of the door shivered the moment Frost made his internal vow but she was in too much ‘discomfort’ to take notice. Seems like her ‘hardships’ were far from over.

With his romantic time ending early,, Frost was forced to start working. He sat on the sofa and brought up the dungeon menu.

“Findlay can you report on what happened while I was resting?” Frost immediately called his chief general for a report.

“Certainly master.”

“Can you do it in person I’ve got something else to discuss with you.” Frost still needed to inform Findlay about the issues regarding his evolution to B-rank. Relaying the information his father gave him yesterday took the backseat when his other option was getting intimate with Maya.

“.....Alright please give me a couple minutes to finish up here.” Findlay responded curtly before ending the communication.

A couple minutes later Findlay teleported to the private space. However he was flooded with dozens of small gashes across his body, each leaking droplets of his ruby red blood, dyeing his skin and clothes.

Frost’s eyes opened up in surprise before he immediately removed a mid-level health potion from the dungeon vault and tossed the vial to Findlay.

“Thank you master.” Findlay caught the vial and downed the contents in a few gulps. His wounds started closing several seconds later and his lost blood was gradually being replaced.

“[Clean up]” Findlay then cast [clean up] magic removing the blood and stains before taking a seat.

“Were you in the middle of battle when I called?” Frost moved to the kitchen and started preparing some tea.

“Just finishing off the current wave’s upper ranks, the rest can be taken care of without me.” Findlay responded back, highlighting the fact that his absence from the battlefield was alright.

“Got it.... How have we been faring?” Frost placed two mugs on the counter and added some tea leaves before starting up the kettle magic device.

“Practically speaking considering what we were up against we’ve been doing pretty good. The additional ronsos, other C-rank monsters and upper D-ranks certainly helped. While you were convalescing the dungeon suffered from 3 waves, two of which were night raids containing more ghosts and undead monsters. fairly easy pickings for the ronsos as well as the cold flame traps you installed in the third and fourth sections. But inevitably especially with the current wave losses were inevitable. Many of our weaker D-ranks perished as well as 3 frost revenants, 1 frost revenant knight, 3 lesser yuki-onnas and unfortunately we also lost a ronso.” Findlay frowned as he brought this information up.

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