Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 418

418 Chapter 418: Speaking with father (3)

“Thanks for all your help father, it was nice talking to you.” Frost had the answers he needed; it was now time for him to put some of them into practise before indulging himself in Maya. She could only run temporarily, once the kids training is down she’ll have nowhere to hide.

“Ehhhh so soon, are you sure there’s nothing else you want to ask me, tell me or just chat about.” Dark complained, revealing his loneliness.

“Aren’t you rather busy being one of the two creation Gods?”

“Ugh....yes yes I am but you caught me during a break so we can keep talking if you want.” Dark fumbled a bit as he desperately came up with a lousy excuse.

Though he was the Dark God he was actually quite free. Most of the things he created were automated and taking care of themselves. Lesser Gods would be in charge of monitoring areas of Nova as well as the actions of the many races and kingdoms. All he really needed to do was step in during emergencies and occasionally look over the lesser Gods reports.

Most of his time was made up of him playing around, adding a new thing here and there when it popped into his head, tending to his garden or for the last century he focused on designing the dungeon cores now however his schedule was quite open. Without anything to do and with his soul be damaged he was quite prone to boredom and loneliness, talking to his kids helped alleviate that feeling. Many of the lesser Gods would look at him in reverence and wary while the higher levelled ones like the primordials always wanted something from him whenever they hung out.

Like the damn Primordial Ice king, that sneaky bastard was the worst one always pilfering him of his prized wine and other awesome products. Just thinking about his annoying face brought a scowl to Dark’s face.

However other than Light the Primordial Ice King was actually one of Dark’s closest friends. It was him who created the high earth rank cold flame for Frost, though his payment request was quite outrageous.

Dark’s mind floated back to the discussion he had with the Primordial Ice King a while back. His gaze then focused upon Frost.


“Father are you alright?”

‘Why is he looking at me like that?’ Frost felt weird upon seeing Dark’s gaze. It was as though he was being left out of something important, yet it involved him.

“Yes I’m fine just thinking about something else. So is there anything you’d like to chat about while I’m still free?” Dark asked again with a gentle smile.

Frost felt it’d be cruel to reject his father’s honest request. Maya was currently busy training Nanna and Loki, and the next wave wasn’t due for at least another hour or two, he could spare his father some of his time.

Thus Frost told Dark about his experiences over the past several weeks. His exploration into the glacial mountains, his meeting with his teachers, Sam and Lola. His visit to Kranor an enclave in the external regions, his partnering with Kiba, the Glacial winged tiger who was practically a big fluffy kitten. He then spoke of Daki and couldn’t help a lustful expression appearing on his face as he described her.

Frost thus thanked Dark for blessing him with such an attractive appearance getting a jolly good laugh from the old man.

Frost then described the monster stampede, how his defences were faring, why he chose to fight as well as his future plans once it was over, all of which warmed Dark’s heart, he loved hearing about his son’s adventures and wished all his children regularly did the same. Of course he could look in on them on occasion, but the feeling wasn’t the same and his interaction with each of them during the family meeting was rather brief, not enough time to go in deep like Frost was doing right now.

“Oh I almost forgot, thanks to the dungeon being connected to the local mana vein Maya was able to conclude that the cause of the monster stampedes every few years is due to corruption. Once the corruption reaches a certain point the mana vein explodes violently sending all the nearby monsters into a frenzy.”

“That’s not uncommon. The mana veins distribute large batches of mana throughout the planet, ensuring that life can thrive in nearly every part of Nova. This process can have some side effects, such as blockages and corruption. To rectify these effects the veins burst out in high doses, neutralising the problem before returning to normal.” Dark wasn’t surprised by the effects on the local monster population.

Mana abundance grants great beneficial qualities to flora and fauna but too much can have the opposite effect, being akin to poison. madness and frenzy ware just some of the known side effects.

Once the mana vein calms down however the affected fauna and flora would return to their natural states.

“Yes Maya mentioned that however it shouldn’t be happening so often, and the monsters affected shouldn’t be directed to anywhere in particular, ignoring their baser instincts.” Frost mentioned the most important part causing Dark to frown and rub his chin in thought.

The glacial mountains covered a vast area on the Yangmir continent and were generally under the purview of the Primordial Ice King.

Dark rarely interfered unless the situation was dire. Frequent mana vein corruption was unusual but from what he could surmise the situation didn’t have any serious effects on the mana vein’s long term health. Therefore such a problem wasn’t really a problem in the eyes of a God, mortal creatures die all the time after all.

Maya understood this logic so she shouldn’t be that bothered by the situation.... unless there was something more afoot. Dark jerked his asking Frost to relay all he knew about the situation and the more his son talked the more pronounced Dark’s frown became.

“Someone or something is artificially interfering with the mana vein yet not enough that it would grab the attention of myself or the other Gods, how...devious.” The armrests of Dark’s groaned under the pressure of his grip. Messing with the mana veins was a very serious crime, one that could have disastrous consequences for Nova.

“That was Maya’s conclusion as well. She and I plan to investigate the situation in the future.” Frost agreed with his father’s statement, something artificial was at work.

“No, such work is not your place. I’ll speak with Shiva; the glacial mountains is under his dominion so it should be investigated by him.” Dark then looked at Frost as the memory of his last conversation with Shiva the Primordial ice king came back to the forefront of his mind once again.

“You’re due to visit Shiva in the coming months because of the high earth ranked cold flame he created at my request. Only if he asks or gives you permission at that time should you then investigate the cause of the mana corruption, nothing before that. We have protocols in place to prevent further problems when dealing with the life blood of Nova. Tell Maya this as well, she should understand.” Dark spoke with a serious tone, his mischievous and relaxed mood now changed to one suited for work.

“Understood.” Frost replied acquiescing to his father’s instructions.

“Haaaaaaa looks like I actually have to go out and do something. Thanks for the chat, I really enjoyed learning about your recent activities. Hopefully next time we meet you’ll be able to tell me more.”

“It’d be my pleasure father.” Frost smiled gently, his heart fluttering.

“See ya Frost, oh and say hi to the two phoenix kin for me.” Dark then cut of the communication and leaned back into his chair.

“Fuck why do I need to go and meet up with that sneaky bastard so soon, can’t I get any peace after working so hard.” Dark roared out his complaints, cursing his life and taking out his frustrations on a summoned punching bag.

Though Dark spoke of Shiva in such a way the Primordial Ice King was in fact one of his closest friends, one in which he actually got along with quite well. The problem however was that the Primordial Ice King quite enjoyed Dark’s prized wine collection and somehow always managed to con him out of a couple bottles whenever they met over the past couple centuries resulting in Dark developing a slight irking possibly even fear of the man.

Unfortunately now that he’d learned what he had and already informed Frost of his intentions he couldn’t really back down from this meeting. He had to go.

“Hopefully he won’t be too brutal with his requests.” Dark opened up a special dimension that held his prized collection of wine, wondering which bottle or two he’d end up losing today.

Back in the private space Frost also leaned back into his chair but his mood was the stark opposite of his father’s. A bright smile adorned his face and his body felt as light as a feather.

The azure spark quail had already worked its wonders making him feel 110% and now the issue with mana vein corruption was going to be investigated by the Primordial Ice King taking a load off his shoulders. Now he just needed to enjoy the fruits of his hard labour.

A lusty expression grew on his face as he envisioned the battle that will soon be taking place between him and Maya.

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