Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 416

416 Chapter 416: Speaking with father

Frost trembled as the intensity of divine energy flowed through him and entered the dungeon core, a feeling he never got tired of. Dozens of monsters thus showed up within the dungeon before being given their assigned tasks by the welcoming committee.

With his duties for the moment taken care of Frost leaned his neck back and sunk into the sofa, relaxing for a spell while he waited for the glorious meal his girlfriend promised.

“Dinner’s ready.” 20 minutes later Maya’s charming voice alongside Nanna’s cute voice floated through the living room announcing that dinner was ready.

Frost opened his eyes with expectation, a wild smile forming on his lips. His stomach growled as the appetising smell entered his nostrils. Loki was no less enticed, jumping up rapidly from the sofa he ran to the dining table and took his seat, ready and waiting for Maya and his sister to carry over the food.

Frost followed swiftly after him bringing a gentle smile to Maya and Nanna’s faces.

The family of four thus partook in the high quality meal that was azure spark quail, cooked using the recipe Maya received from her grandmother.

By the end of the meal Frost had tears in his eyes, the taste was absolutely sublime but there was something else in the meal that warmed his heart, perhaps it was the taste of love Maya mentioned when she devoured Nanna’s first solo cooking. Either way it was by far the most delicious thing he’d ever eaten.

Frost’s gaze then drifted over to Maya who was finishing off the last couple bites of her meal.

‘Well perhaps the second most delicious thing.’ A lustful smile appeared on his face as he was reminded of their night together. His feet stretched underneath the table in search of Maya’s.


Maya jumped a little at the contact and looked over to see the lustful expression on her boyfriend’s face.

‘Impatient bastard’ She grumbled and batted away Frost’s feet with her own but smiled at the same time.

To escape Frost’s aggressive clutches Maya decided to take Nanna and Loki to the training room once their stomachs settled. Their personal training had been on the back burner recently given their need to manage the dungeon. Something Maya wanted to rectify. The two kids had a lot of potential, digging it out now would grant them far more possibilities in the long run, she had high hopes for these two.

Frost clearly had a disappointed expression on his face but knew that he needed to patient and not rush these things, besides it wouldn’t do good to send Nanna and Loki to bed so early just so he could get intimate with Maya. Plus there was something he needed to do.

The azure spark quail had already started getting to work. Frost felt all his ingrained exhaustion evaporating making him feel invigorated and as a light as a feather, but such feelings didn’t make what he had to do any easier.

“Haaaaaaa” Frost sighed as he sat on the sofa alone, the dungeon menu was open in front of him displaying the function to contact Dark. His hand hovered over the icon that would request a call with Dark, struggling to click it.

Frost didn’t really want to rely on his father for the answer. He wanted to find out the features by himself and experience the joy in doing so like Dark initially planned but his current situation made it so he couldn’t take the long route.

Click! Ring ring, ring ring, ring ring

Frost eventually clicked the button and in response the dungeon menu started ringing like when he used the communication crystal.

It ran for about 6 seconds before Dark picked up and his image was displayed on the screen, a video call.

“Hey hey Frost how’s it hanging son?” Dark answered with a jovial tone like a typical dad character.

Unbeknownst to Frost, Dark purposely waited 6 seconds so as to not seem desperate to speak to his son or that he was quite free, it wouldn’t do good for his image as the Dark God after all.

Hearing his father’s easy going voice and his warm greeting Frost forgot his nervousness and trepidation in calling him. He subconsciously smiled and felt his heart flutter, he missed his father and was happy to speak to him like this.

“I’m doing well father, what about you?”

“Haaaaa I’d be a lot better if my children called me more often hmph.” Dark put on an exaggerated hurt expression, reminding Frost of their first interaction. He let out a slight chuckle at the memory before replying.

“Well I’m calling you now aren’t I?”

“Yeah but I bet it’s just because you want something. None of you just call me just to chat and catch up well none of the boys anyway hmph.”

“.....” Frost stared silently at the image of his father puffing up his cheeks and not looking his way, childish in his actions but funny and the Dark, Frost knew.

“...Are you quite finished with your drama?”

“Tsk you really aren’t cute Frost.” Dark clicked his tongue, swiftly changing to an annoyed expression.

“So then my dear son what is that you want, free DP? Treasure? More of my precious wine or perhaps you want to a talk about the birds and the bees huh?” Dark smiled mockingly hoping to get a reaction from his cold exterior son.

“...You’re a little late in that regard old man.” Frost smirked



“...Eh? you’re serious!” Dark suddenly stood up in shock, pointing his finger at Frost through the screen. He couldn’t believe it, Frost was only a few months old and had that personality, this news was a complete surprise to usually omnipotent Dark God.

Dark stared deep into Frost’s eyes and saw no falsehood, his son was speaking the truth and from his gaze he could feel a slight mocking towards him.

Dark lowered his finger and looked down in contemplation.

‘Am I losing my touch? There used to be nothing I didn’t know about.’ He looked back at the screen, at his 7th child.


Frost nodded his head in response.

“...Nice.” Dark smiled and presented a thumbs up, praising his son as a fellow man. Frost revealed his teeth as he smiled, his chest puffing out with pride, revelling in his conquest.

“So why have you really called? Can’t be just to stroke your own ego and brag to your father about your accomplishments?”

“Haaaaaa yes this call of mine isn’t for a simple catch up. I need some answers that I don’t have time to find out on my own.” Frost finally got to the reason for his call. He explained the current situation his dungeon was in. About the monster stampede and the fact that Findlay had hit an obstacle in his evolution.

“Hoh? I’m aware of the situation in the glacial mountains but I didn’t think you’d willingly take it on at your current stage, rather bold don’t you think?” Dark had returned to his chair and cracked open a bottle of wine and some snacks while he listened to Frost’s situation. A little payback for Frost’s obvious gloating.

“Well so far it’s been going rather smoothly, a few bumps in the road but nothing my dungeon hasn’t been able to handle, until now that is.”

“So your planned defence against the later stages relies heavily on your general Findlay was it? evolving to B-rank?”


Dark brought his hand to his chin rubbing it as he thought.

“If you can’t beat the waves why don’t you block off your dungeon’s entrance?”

“....You mean run from the fight.” Frost clenched his fist, his aura subconsciously oozing out of his body and affecting the air in the living room. Thankfully Nanna and Loki were in the training space otherwise they may have felt suffocated.

Dark however smirked at his son’s reaction. He was impressed with his son’s growth as well as his refusal to back down from a fight. Courage was needed if one wanted to rule and be someone of worth in Nova.

“Alright, alright chill I’ll give you some of the answers you seek. You’ll get to finish the fight you started hehehehe.”

“Thank you father.”

“Well first off your guesses are correct, I have placed limitations on the monsters that you and your siblings can summon.” Frost felt a small weight come off his shoulders, knowing that Dark had in fact limited his monsters meant it wasn’t Findlay’s fault or something he had done wrong that prevented his evolution.

“The reason for this is to keep the power balance in Nova as well as protect you and your siblings from a bloody revolt. Right now your strength allows you to summon entry level C-rank monsters as that’s the limits you can effectively control. That Findlay may be very loyal to you but in general monsters obey the strong.”

“So Findlay’s level will remain frozen until either I reach a higher level of power, or I expand the dungeon to empower my influence.”

“Generally yes but even if you grow to a higher level of power Findlay still won’t simply evolve to B-rank, that would be far too easy.” Dark smirked, enjoying teasing Frost along to the answers he needed.

Frost frowned as a headache began to thump away.

“Alright I’ll bite why won’t it be easy for Findlay to evolve even if I meet the required criteria?” Dark’s smile grew.

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