Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 414

414 Chapter 414: Frost drakes (3)

“[Earth’s upheaval]” No longer restraining himself Frost activated one of his advanced mastery level skills [earth’s upheaval]. A launching skill that he purchased from the dungeon menu, equivalent in rank to [wyvern’s maw] and [sky fall].

Frost’s glaive shone with a deep green lustre and the image of a large, heavy rock appeared behind it, granting his glaive incredible weight. A moment later Frost swung upwards, striking the undercarriage of the frost drake.

Usually such a move would just jolt the several ton creature and perhaps damage its scales but with the enhancement of the skill [earth’s upheaval] the result was completely different.

The frost drake suddenly felt as though it was being smashed by a giant’s club, its ribs broke apart as it was easily lifted off the ground and sent crashing into the ceiling.

This however wasn’t the end, Frost launched himself after the drake. He grabbed its tail and tore it out of the dented ceiling before flinging the creature at its teammate.

“[Skyfall]” Frost then activated another one of his advanced mastery skills, summoning four glaives around him similar in appearance to his own glaive. A mad look was on his face as he did this.

The four glaives pointed downwards with Frost and his original glaive in the centre before Frost kicked off the ceiling diving towards the still falling drake and the one lying below still unable to move.

Don! Don! Don! Don! Don!

The falling drake viciously smashed onto to the left drake, forcing it prone as more and more cracks appeared on its back. Next before the right drake slipped of the left drake’s back the five glaives appeared and pierced through both their bodies, sticking them together.


Frost then leaped from the right drake, leaving his glaive embedded so as to pin the two monsters together.

“Now let’s see how you stop me this time.” With an evil smirk Frost summoned out his back up glaive an upper 3 star weapon he purchased through the dungeon. It wasn’t as decorative as his primary glaive and lacked an engraving, but it was heavier. Fully metallic, made from duram as well as frigid iron, a solid weapon.

“[Wyvern’s maw]” Frost activated the first advanced mastery skill he learned. Energy flowed through his body and into his glaive before coagulating into the head of a wyvern. Another species that was derived from dragons and in many ways the eternal rival of the drakes.

Drakes were dragons without wings, four legged creatures that were bound to the earth whereas Wyverns were dragons with the inability to use breath attacks but had wings. They were weaker physically than drakes but far faster and were usually venomous. Lesser dragons that both thought themselves more pure than the other. To be killed by a wyvern could be seen as somewhat insulting or honourable depending on the drake.

These two were clearly the type the feel insulted, they roared with wrath, wishing nothing more than to rip the wyvern head to pieces but that was impossible. Frost’s glaive pierced through the two of them pinning them in place, they were sitting ducks now.

Not one to drag things on Frost swung down with his glaive unleashing the massive wyvern head.

“Roooooaaaaaaarrrrrr!” The wyvern roared out before dashing forward.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

Then with three bites that consumed all the energy that created it the wyvern devoured the heads of the drakes, leaving them headless and silent.

Once their flailing stopped Frost felt the last vestiges of his energy dissipate. His legs no longer able to support him collapsed, his ass hit the floor before he leaned back, and his arms spread out like a star fish.

“Hu hu hu hu fuck!” His breathing was laboured, and his entire body was trembling, and he was in no small amount of pain.

‘Guess using three advanced weapon skills in a row was a bit too much.’ Frost strained himself to look at the corpses of the two frost drakes.

‘Dammit those skills likely mixed bits of shattered bones into the meat and their skin and scales are completely ruined now haaaaaa.’ Frost complained internally lamenting his lack of patience and sudden burst of anger.

The dungeon didn’t have too much in terms of viable C-rank materials thanks to the fights always being quite brutal and evenly matched, a shame really.

Frost frowned. ‘I need stronger monsters, the burden is too much for me, Findlay and Khuno to be in charge of taking the wave leaders on while also being worried about the other monsters and preserving as much of the corpse as possible.’ He then strained his neck to look over at Findlay and Khuno, his worries increasing upon seeing Findlay practically out cold.

One or maybe two fights were ok but Findlay and Khuno have been present in nearly every wave over the past few days. It was no wonder they were forced so hard against the drakes.

Frost realised he had a couple options. One being to purchase tens of more ronsos, thus eliminating the need to protect weaker monsters and increase their upper tier forces. This however was quite costly and wouldn’t help too much against the higher ranked invaders. However there would be no downside to this, so he’d likely do this anyway.

Option two was for him to see another leap in strength thus unlocking mid-grade C-rank monsters which would be effective against wave leaders and perhaps even assist Frost in holding back a B-rank monster if one does unfortunately show up. However given that Frost had just achieved a large leap in strength it’d be impractical to rely on him doing it again within such a short space of time.

Option three was the option he was originally relying on for this situation, Findlay’s evolution. With Findlay reaching B-rank not only would he have a monster that could take on C-rank intruders without too much issue he was a leader based archetype that increased the strength of his allies. Frost expected that when Findlay evolved to B-rank his [invigorating shout] and other buffs would see a dramatic improvement thus improving his forces as a whole as well as him gaining an even more powerful general.

This option however has hit a major bump in the road, Findlay even after fighting madly for the past few days hasn’t seen his level change and Frost didn’t know why.

“Master are you ok there?” Loki’s innocent voice could be heard coming through the dungeon menu. He was worried since Frost had collapsed onto the floor and seemed to be barely moving.

“I’m fine Loki just a little exhausted.” Frost replied with a forced smile. He was a little out of the way when he battled with the two frost drakes thus no other enemy monster came over to attack him during his moment of weakness or rather none of his forces allowed them to do so. Letting a couple slip through towards Findlay or Khuno was an unfortunate mistake, but they would never allow such a thing to happen to their master.

“Ok then....oh Maya says that she’ll start preparing the azure spark quail.”

“.....” Frost was speechless for a second before a lusty smile appeared on his face.

“That’s perfect tell her I’m more than happy to test the limits of its stamina invigorating properties.”

Loki was silent for a few seconds while he told Maya what Frost said.

“Maya stumbled and blushed before telling me to tell you to shut up.....did you do something wrong master?” Loki replied innocently, wondering why Maya responded like she did. His words of course caused Maya to stumble again.

“Hahahahahahahaha.” Frost however laughed out loud despite his body hurting as he did. Damn his girlfriend and kids were so damn adorable.

20 minutes later the wave had finally been dealt with, the last lizard had been silenced and the dismantling corps got to work harvesting the more lucrative and higher ranked species while the dungeon automatically dealt with the low ranking monsters.

The repair team – a team Frost created and filled a couple days ago to handle all the repair work thus letting the battle teams rest a little more- appeared and got to work while the battle teams were handed low level health and mana potions.

Ones with serious injuries were immediately taken to the treatment centre on the sixth floor. Frost dwarf priests and frost troll witch doctors -which had also been expanded in number- where on call there at all times to heal the injured, getting them back to fighting shape as soon as possible.

Findlay and Khuno both drank mid-level health potions, greatly restoring their physical damage and fatigue but doing little for their mental exhaustion.

“Findlay, Khuno get some rest while you can. I’ll be heading to the private space to recuperate. I’ll purchase more ronsos and upper D-rank monsters as well as cover this place in traps. Fall back to the next defence zone, the damage here is too far gone.”

“Yes master.”

“Yes my lord.” Findlay and Khuno replied with a military bow, but frustration was clear on Findlay’s face.

Frost saw this and frowned. “Findlay I’ll also try and find out why you can’t evolve, hopefully the old man will be in an enlightening mood.” Frost then sighed he really didn’t want to ask his father for help as he felt it made him weak in some way, but he needed an answer otherwise the dungeon may be in serious danger.

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