Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 412

412 Chapter 412: Frost drakes

“Well thanks to you that’s no longer the case hehehe.” Maya giggled mischievously and reoriented herself on the bed.

Frost froze for a second before smiling. True after last night they weren’t children anymore.

He moved closer to his girlfriend and tenderly fed her so she wouldn’t have to move so much.

“Mmmm I can taste the love.” Maya squirmed with glee as she ate the products of Nanna’s first solo cooking. Her rampant pain seeming drift away as she ate, her complexion becoming ruddy.

Frost gazed at her in a trance, his fondest for her growing and once the plate was cleared he couldn’t help but lean in and plant a kiss on her fair lips, gently and without lust.

“Does it still hurt?” He asked with concern, truly worried about her.

Maya brought her hand to her lips and smiled before leaning on Frost, her head resting against his shoulder.

“Yes, yes it does, very much so.....but it’s a good pain, one with meaning.” Maya blushed. Her other hand hovered over her abdomen knowing that this pain would pass and that the next time they were intimate she wouldn’t have to suffer.

“Next time there shouldn’t be any problems, you won’t have to stop halfway.” She looked up at her lover’s face with adoration, her anger towards him completely dissipated.


“.....Half way’s a bit of an understatement. I don’t I’ll be finished even if we spend an entire week in this room and that’s without the azure spark quail.” Frost smirked evilly, his naughty hands finding their way under the sheets and onto Maya’s naked thighs and rear.

Maya’s blush intensified; she playfully knocked her fist against Frost’s chest.

But she was smiling and didn’t tell him to stop his caressing. Frost knew she was in pain, so his movements were gentle thus she felt only pleasure. Maya was breathing quite heavily after a couple minutes, her body collapsing against Frost’s chest.

“Bad boy.” Maya called him playfully before falling into a peaceful sleep, devoid of energy.

Frost moved some of Maya’s hair off her face so he could gaze at her peaceful expression before gently lying her down and tugging her in. He then placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered.

“To be honest a week might not be enough.” Frost sat against the headboard and stared harshly at the prominent tent pushing against his robes, he wasn’t going anywhere for a while.

‘Why does she have to be so sexy.’ Frost tried to calm himself down but was repeatedly distracted by Maya’s bountiful orbs moving up and down under the sheets as she breathed.

Frost eventually told Nanna and Loki to continue their reading and writing practise through the dungeon menu while he directly teleported from his bedroom to the training space. Though he couldn’t summon any training apparatus he could still swing his glaive around and cast his magic, a suitable distraction.

Over the next few days the monster stampede waves became more and more powerful with multiple C-ranks appearing at a time and not just entry level ones either.

“Fall back! Fall back! This area’s done for! Retreat to the next defence zone, utilise the narrow pathways to slow their speed. Khuno get your ronsos to break off and take care of the D-rank chaff! Revenants, yuki-onnas and frost trolls cover the rear lines! Findlay take care of the smaller drake, Khuno you handle the other small one, leave the two big ones to me!” Frost roared out several commands, barely cutting through the fierce din of battle. They were currently held up in the ruined artic castle of the 2nd floor after being pushed back by the last two waves and were now already being forced to retreat again. Frost wanted to preserve his forces so as to not waste the experience they had gained. He’d rather fall back pre-emptively than risk losing them.

This wave was by far the most difficult the dungeon had faced, losses appeared despite Frost’s quick actions. They were up against lizards and most importantly drakes.

Massive frost drakes, armoured reptiles that were descended from dragons. Powerful, fast, tough and all around powerhouses. The D-rank lesser kin were in the dozens and even the C-rank ronsos struggled to manage them, their attacks struggling to inflict fatal wounds. Their forces were repeatedly pushed back and overrun by their brutal bulk that refused to fall.

Leading these lizards and drakes were four C- rank frost drakes, two that were at the peak of entry grade, and two more that were middle grade, larger with even tougher scales.

“Shit breath attack! Get down!” Khuno yelled at the top of his lungs, warning nearby friendly forces before covering his halberd in cold flames, twirling it rapidly in defence.

Everyone else nearby quickly hit the deck to avoid the freezing beam that was about to be unleased.

“Fuck!” Findlay cursed while preparing himself to block.

These drakes were not only difficult to harm they had absolutely devastating attacks and were fiercely intelligent. The four of them would use the breath attack all at once, blanketing the area in freezing mana. The dungeon had lost a fair number of monsters to such a strategy, only Findlay, Khuno, Frost and at least 3 of the ronsos in a group could block their breath attacks.

“Damn cunning lizards!” Frost was in a bad predicament; his enemy was double in number and stronger on an individual level. Behind him were the retreating forces as well as those fighting against the lesser drake kin who had far higher resistance to breath attacks than his own monsters.

“When this battle is over I’m definitely adding drakes to the dungeon’s line up. But first I’m going to kill the two of you and roast you in my kitchen!” Frost summoned his chakra armour, a thin yet incredibly dense and versatile suit of ice armour covered his body before silver coloured flames spawned across his glaive and he began spinning it like Khuno. This wasn’t the first time he’d blocked a breath attack.

The four C-rank drakes sucked in vast amounts of mana in the longer area causing their chests to glow a bright blue and expand. They each lifted their front legs off the ground, raising their bodies up before swiftly slamming down and roaring. A powerful beam of blue ice energy followed their roar shooting towards their three targets.

“[Ice breath]” Findlay responded with his own breath attack but that only slowed down the opposing beam. Findlay wasn’t a drake or related to dragons in anyway thus his breath attack was a far cry from the original plus he was limited in how often he could use it.

“[Mountain cleave]!” Findlay followed his breath attack with an axe skill Frost purchased for him through the dungeon menu, an upgrade from his standard [axe slash].

His battle axe hummed to life, its blade edge glowing a bright azure as Findlay violently swung upwards redirecting the remaining breath attack into the ceiling, away from himself and those behind him. Such a combination however left him quite drained, this battle was not only a long one but forced him and the rest of the dungeon’s forces to use their strongest abilities repeatedly.

Findlay punched the nearby wall in frustration, he’d been fighting on the frontlines without end alongside Khuno but still his level stayed at 49. No matter what he did it didn’t rise, he was barred from evolving and thus continued to fail to meet Frost’s expectations.

After Frost let Maya rest and was in a less distracted mood he, Khuno, Findlay and even the kids discussed this problem, but they couldn’t be certain of the reason. They lacked enough data to ascertain if it was a problem with Findlay, the system or that Frost wasn’t strong enough to facilitate his evolution to B-rank. This lack of an answer meant Findlay continued to place the blame on himself.

The waves kept getting stronger and stronger, eventually there’ll be upper C-ranks and if the worst comes to pass a B-rank. Frost could only summon entry level C-ranks with his current strength, the pressure was on, and everyone knew it.

On Khuno’s side his silver flames along with the spinning of his halberd saw him take on the ice drake’s breath, enduring it and eliminating it gradually with his cold flames. He took longer to handle it than Findlay and was pushed back several metres as a result but the energy he expended was a lot lower. Khuno was quite clearly the stronger fighter out of the two of them and that gap continued to widen as Khuno levelled up.

“[Ice obey my will, form into a mighty shield to defend me from my enemies, ice shield]” Frost along with his cold flames and chakra armour summoned a 2nd circle ice shield before him. The destructive power he faced off against was far greater. The two breaths combined into a singular devasting beam multiple times more powerful than simply adding them together. It was an attack that pushed the limits of C-rank, so he had to go all out.

Baaaaaannnnnggggggg! Shatter!

The combined breath met with the ice shield and shattered it in less than a second but close to 20% of the energy was expended.

“Rahhhhhhhhhhh!” Frost roared out, tensing every muscle in his body as his glaive and flames met with the combined ice breath. His feet dug into the hard stone floor, creating deep grooves as he was gradually forced backwards. His chakra armour developed cracks and pieces start to flake off and his hands started to show signs of mana burn.

After being pushed back nearly five metres Frost clenched his jaw and shouted “enough!” And suddenly smashed apart the last of the breath beam, his breathing laboured and his chakra armour receding.

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