Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 399

399 Chapter 399: Unique monster creation (10)

“Do you want the left one or the right one?” The yuki-onna asked the ice revenant once the two of them stood side by side, facing down the terrifying wraiths from behind their respective frontlines.

“I think I’ll take the one on the left hehehehe.” The ice revenant made his choice and let loose a deep laughter, his runic armour glowing brightly in response to his excitement.

The plan was for him the only ice revenant to handle one of the wraiths solo. He was the only one who could do such a thing given his species however he wasn’t necessarily expected to win such a battle only to take his chosen wraith out of the main battlefield. A very tall ask given that Frost, Findlay and Kiba had to work together to divert a single ursa, but they had a plan.

“Do you have the device and the magic crystals?”

“Right here under my chest plate, don’t worry I know the plan.” The ice revenant’s smile grew and grew along with his excitement. His task was incredibly difficult and dangerous, but he felt no fear only pride. He would fight and come out victorious, surprising everyone and becoming their envy once Frost praised and rewarded his efforts.

“Alright, I guess I’ll wish you luck then, you’re gonna need it.” The yuki-onna patted the ice revenant’s shoulder before sending a frosty glare towards the wraith on the right. This would be the one she and her team would need to handle while also dealing with the many D-rank ghosts accompanying it.

She retreated several steps backwards allowing a frost revenant knight to take her place, she was after all a spell caster, a rear guard.

As if they were waiting for all of Frost’s main fighters to come up to the plate the wraiths patiently waited, gathering the reapers and other D-rank ghosts around them before making their move.

Suddenly the two wraiths seemed to inflate as they drew in mana from the surroundings alerting both the ice revenant and yuki-onna. Shit was about to go down.


“[—————-]” a moment later the wraiths let out cries full of anguish, they sang [whispers of the dead]], an eery lullaby unique to the dead. The notes were incomprehensible, but they tug at the souls of the living, trying to rip them out from their corporal restraints. The revenants were fine as were the elementals, the song having little effect on them whose true body inhabited cores.

The yuki-onnas and lesser yuki-onnas however struggled slightly, their spirit origins giving them some defence, but they could feel their souls resonating with the lullaby, not a nice feeling.

The boars however had it the worst, they had no defence against such an attack, out in the open they were subjected to its full force. Their spirits/souls could be visibly seen as they were torn from their bodies and drawn into the descended mouths of the wraiths. A body without a soul was nothing but a hollow shell, a cursed shell at that.

Those affected collapsed onto ground, lifeless as their bodies quickly turned grey and ashen.

The living monsters hidden away in the bunkers as well as the three watching from the private space shivered uncontrollably as fear sunk in.

“Tsk!” The yuki-onna loudly clicked her tongue before starting to cast a 3rd circle spell.

“[Blizzara]” She aimed for right between the heads of the wraiths. A large crystal of ice was thus summoned in that location encapsulating the heads of the wraiths before shattering with a loud boom.

The lullaby of the dead ended thanks to her quick action however she was not pleased.

“Damn ice resistance.” She bit her nails in complaint as the ice dust faded away, revealing the two wraiths unhurt in the slightest. She really wasn’t a good match up for these foes but what choice did she have.

“What? Are you just going to stand there like idiots, get to work!” She roared out, frustrated by the lack of damage produced by her spell.

“Hehehehehe you heard the lady, move out!” The ice revenant laughed loudly before charging forward, his great sword at the side ready to cleave apart the ghost ahead of him. He imbued his sword with the [ice enchantment] so as to give it magical property.

The knights did the same thing before rampaging forward, enacting an offensive strategy instead of a defensive one. The mass bombardment of ice magic in the area stopped as well, instead defence ice imbuements were added to the revenants and elementals before narrowing down their targets. Wide area attacks would no longer be effective, the only way they could kill these ghost monsters was by stacking spells on top of one another.

The two wraiths let out angry wails before readying their large scythes and moving forward. The reapers and other D-ranks moved in concert, charging straight at the line of revenants and elementals, screeching as they did.

As the two lines slammed into one another the expected boom that normally happens was absent. It was quiet and chilling, their weapons though imbued with the ice enchantments could harm the ghosts, but they still didn’t give off vibration when in contact. The same held true for the ethereal weapons, they were simply rebuffed by the ice, unable to penetrate, soundless. No blood was spilled either, very different from the usual waves.

The ice revenant knowing his role in the plan barrelled through the cascade of defending ghosts, slashing horizontally with his great sword to move them out the way. He didn’t care whether they died from that slash or not he just needed to get face to face with one of the wraiths.

However getting through the front was fine but the rear was not easy. The reapers with their comparable size and massive scythes weren’t so easily blown away by his swings. The ice revenant quickly found his momentum lost and was surrounded by reapers. He underestimated his foes and overestimated his own abilities.

“Well shit!” The ice revenant had to quickly raise his great sword to block a reaper’s scythe. Though it was formless he could feel intense weight behind the blade given that it couldn’t pass through his ice encrusted weapon.

After that scythe there was another and another and another, the ice revenant was slowly but surely being pushed back to the frontline, his progress proving fruitless, only serving to drain his stamina.

“[Jaws of ice]” a large magic crest appeared on the floor underneath his reaper attackers before sharp spikes of ice in the form of a massive jaw clamped down on the reapers.

“You’ve got about 2 seconds!” The yuki-onna shouted out. Her 3rd circle trapping skill was pretty useless against ethereal creatures such as ghosts, but it would hold them in place for a brief moment while their adjust their bodies. And a couple seconds was all the ice revenant needed.

As though they held perfect teamwork the ice revenant dashed forward even before the yuki-onna shouted. He passed by the 3 reapers, dodged another and force back two more with a sword skill before finally coming face to face with the left wraith who was far more imposing and terrifying once he got up close.

“Sorry big boy, looks like you’re only going to get to play with me hehehehehe.” The ice revenant laughed out loud as he ducked at the last minute, narrowly avoiding the wraith’s scythe before putting all his strength into his legs. With his great sword held horizontally before him the ice revenant charged forward right into the wraith’s torso pushing it backwards.

Once he and the wraith were several metres clear of the other ghosts the ice revenant removed a magic device from under his chest plate, it was the barrier device Frost found in the [beginner’s ice magic] monster lair.

An upper D-rank magic crystal was slotted into the cavity before the ice revenant tossed it to the floor. A large, dense sphere then encapsulated him and the wraith, separating them from the rest of the battle.

“Now no one will bother us.” The ice revenant placed his great sword across his shoulders and beckoned the wraith with his outstretched hand, taunting it.

“Waaaaaaaiiiiiiilllllllll!” Clearly aggravated by the ice revenant’s taunt the wraith picked itself up and charged forward with its scythe. It didn’t care about the barrier around them or the other ghosts, its entire focus was on the ice revenant.


The forest floor underneath the ice revenant generated loud cracking sounds as he withstood the wraith’s blow, he needed to know what he was dealing with.

“Fuck! Boom!” The ice revenant not expecting such weight was forced to his knee, his runic armour groaning from the pressure.

‘Tsk looks like that damn woman was right, I’m gonna need luck in this battle.’

While the ice revenant started his duel with the left wraith the other one screeched out in anger, before joining the frontline.

With a single swing from its large scythe an unfortunate frost revenant was sent reeling backwards, the wisp like energy powering its runic armour dimmed from the blow. A nearby frost elemental that tried to help was cut in twain, its core slashed by the wraith’s ethereal scythe and instantly snuffed of life force.

“Crap!” The yuki-onna cursed and snapped one nails with her teeth, the wraith was stronger than she hoped, they were in for a real uphill battle now.

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