Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 387

387 Chapter 387: Multiple evolutions

Frost and Maya continued to hold Nanna (plus Loki) between them until her tears dried up and a bright smile adorned her face once again, an expression that suited her much better.

For doing such a good job Frost rewarded the two of them with access to the sweats bag that Dark provided as well as summoning several tendrils of cold flames for them to feast on. This time Loki had learned from his mistakes, avoiding the mind numbing pain that was brain freeze.

Once they had been placated Frost redirected his attention to Maya, his beautiful girlfriend as well as assigned guardian.

“I reached B-rank.” He looked at her with his eyes full of expectation, desiring some form of reward and praise.

Maya’s lips turned upwards as she found her young master to be absolutely adorable. She reached out and patted his head softly, as though praising a child for doing well on his tests.

This of course wasn’t quite what Frost wanted and his expression reflected as such resulting in Maya giggling mischievously behind her other hand.

She removed her hand from Frost’s head and gentle grasped his hand before leaning in close to whisper in his ear with a tempting tone.

“Later Frost, I’ll reward you later on when the children are asleep, you can look forward to it until then.” She then lightly blew on his ear before gently biting his earlobe, in full teasing mode. Frost had been gaining the upper hand in their flirting recently, mainly because her defences were still quite weak especially when her opponent was such a dreamboat but even, so she refused to admit defeat.

“Gulp” Frost audibly gulped as his throat suddenly felt parched. His cheeks turned pink, and his hand reached up to caress his ear where Maya placed her fair lips and pearl white teeth.


A wild smile slowly grew on his lips as he watched Maya sashaying her hips side to side as she walked away. His blood burned as his expectations grew, this monster stampede just kept on giving.

Maya could feel her boyfriend’s intense stare and couldn’t help but feel proud, happy that Frost desired her so strongly. Of course she was also happy with the fact that her student/charge had improved his skills so quickly. He’d only been alive for a few months and started between upper D-rank and entry level C-rank yet now he was officially a B-rank fighter, an impressive achievement and surely one of the first to reach such a level among his siblings.

Yami and Aqua of course made this leap far earlier but they were a bit special, so Maya didn’t include them in her calculations thus leaving Pyro, Sylph, Indra, Terra, Gaia and Damascus as his main competition with Pyro likely being the only won beating him. Frost still had a ways to go if he wanted to become truly powerful and be at the same level as her, but he was making good progress.

Maya took to the kitchen after her suggestive promise, prepping up some much needed lunch for Frost and the kids, humming happily as she did. Frost smiled and sent a loving look towards her back before taking a seat in front of the dungeon core. It was time to use that vast amount of DP the dungeon had amassed and regulate the many evolutions that were now available as well as check out the changes brought on by his recent advancement.

Nanna and Loki left to help Maya with the cooking as they enjoyed such activities leaving him alone to do his work.

“Alright let’s take a look.” Frost brought up the notifications that alerted him to monsters reaching their max level and awaiting evolution.

‘A dozen frost dwarves, two of the frost revenants, a lesser yuki-onna as well as a couple frost wolves with many others being quite high in their levels. Another wave like this one should be enough to bring them to that point.....well as long as they survive it.’ Frost cupped his chin in thought while scrolling through the monsters’ details.

Although there was quite a lot to evolve the choices weren’t anything too complicated. For the frost dwarves they would simply become their ice dwarven advancements, i.e. a frost dwarven quarreller became an ice dwarven quarreller which was armed with a higher quality crossbow and ammunition. Half of the dozen frost dwarves were quarrellers thus Frost immediately chose to evolve them into their ice dwarven counterparts.

Ice dwarf quarreller D-rank, 600DP: The evolved form of the frost dwarven quarreller. Comes armed with an upper 2 star crossbow, ice encrusted arrows/bolts and frost lizard leather for armour. Resistant to ice mana and is a semi decent close combat fighter. Can speak common tongue.

For the other six, 4 were runic mages while the last two were warriors. The warriors simply evolved into regular ice dwarves without any specialty.

Ice dwarf 550DP, D-rank : basic caste of the ice dwarf, can speak common tongue and can use a range of close combat weapons ranging from swords to blunt weapons such as hammers and maces.

The runic mages however didn’t quite evolve into their ice dwarven mage caste no that was another evolution away. If not choosing another frost dwarven archetype or the standard ice dwarf route they could become ice dwarf mage apprentices.

Ice dwarf mage apprentice 640DP, D-rank: The basic mage caste of the ice dwarves, adept in using ice magic of the 1st and 2nd circle. Semi decent close combat fighter and comes armed with D-rank monster hide robes and a 2 star staff. Can speak common tongue and is more intelligent that other 1st stage ice dwarf archetypes.

Frost easily clicked the dungeon menu screen a few times allowing these 12 frost dwarves to become ice dwarves, greatly improving his forces.

The secondary defence zone was made up of several bunkers throughout the central belt of the section as well as key areas. It’d be good to have at least one ice dwarf manning each bunker.

He did the same exact thing for the frost wolves, turning them into ice wolves with a couple clicks though the results were anything but simple. Within the second section of the first floor all of his on duty monsters looked on in awe as their battle hardened comrades began to glow and suck in the ambient mana, before their physical forms changed and they became monsters of a superior rank. Such a sight filled the rest of the monsters with fierce determination and desire, hoping to be just like them.

Findlay and the officer class monsters all praised these newly evolved monsters and welcomed them to the officer class and assigned them new roles befitting their new stations.

The simple ones were now out of the way, leaving the moment of truth. Would Frost finally get his second C-rank monster (Kiba doesn’t count since he isn’t restricted to the dungeon nor was he summoned by it). Frost sincerely hoped that the frost revenants especially would become ice revenants just like the one he, Lola and Sam fought desperately against. Such a monster would greatly improve their line-up, Frost wouldn’t even be required to step in when the next invading C-rank monster enters the fray -of course he’d likely not pass up such an exciting opportunity but still it was reassuring.

The lesser yuki-onna was a promising candidate as well. At C-rank it should be an even more magically inclined entity that his current level and was a monster archetype that Findlay held high hopes for given that it was an ice spirit, an archetype Frost should have great affinity with.

His fingers trembled lightly with excitement as he brought up the list of options available for the frost revenants first.

Ice revenant 2300DP, C-rank: evolved form of the frost revenant. powerful combatant skilled in close combat as well as magic yet its key strength lies in its defence. The monster is made up of powerful runic armour equivalent to 3 star material. Only its core that dwells within the chest plate can be considered a weakness though getting access would be no easy task.

Frost revenant knight 1100DP, D-rank: A frost revenant that comes with a steed, a battle horse plated in similar runic armour. A devasting adversary at the very peak of D-rank, armed with a lance instead of a great sword and different set of skills to match its cavalry class.

Two options wasn’t a lot in comparison to the dwarves or trolls, but it didn’t make the decision any easier. Of course ideally considering his situation it’d probably be best to get two C-ranks but....

“A knight huh” Frost struggled to take his eyes away from the word as though it was teasing something deep inside him. This would be the first cavalry based unit that he’d had access to and to be honest the idea of putting the frost revenant on a battle steed sounded so cool and powerful that he started to forget about the lower rank.

His finger switched between the two choices as he internally debated what would be best.

After a minute or so of deep thought Frost realised he couldn’t restrain his desire thus one of the frost revenants became a knight and the other become an ice revenant, his 2nd C-rank monster -which to be honest should have received far more interest but somehow lost to the allure of a D-rank knight.

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