Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 385

385 Chapter 385: New skills

Frost grumbled and cursed under his breath as Maya made no attempt to hide her laughter, his face beet red out of shame.

Frost shook his head and chose to redirect his feelings into aggression, particularly towards the remaining enemies that were beginning to swarm in his direction.

Kiba and Findlay were powerful fighters able to take on a fair amount of foes but in the end they were individuals, there as a limit to how many they could keep in place.

A polar werebear and two standard polar bears thus appeared at Frost’s side, boxing him in from two directions. Their eyes blood red and their veins throbbing as the frenzy affected them greatly, nothing but mindless beasts hell set on destruction and devouring. Frost’s scent attracted them greatly like a fine delicacy that they couldn’t resist in their starved state.

“Well, well looks like you’re quite popular young master, I’ll leave you to attend to your fervent admirers hehehe.” Maya giggled mischievously before cutting her connection with Frost, leaving him to take care of business.

Frost’s lips twitched; he was sufficiently annoyed by his guardian’s antics he’d need to teach her a little lesson once this wave was over. He was no longer naive and innocent, if Maya wanted to play this game then he was all for it, he would not lose.

“Haaaaaaaa” Frost let out a sigh before locking gazes with the closest monster, the polar werebear. “Looks like you guys drew the short straw as I’m in need of warm bodies to test the limits of my glaive mastery.” With a wild smile Frost raised up his glaive and entered a battle stance, allowing his progression into the advanced level wash over him.

Reaching the advanced stage not only increased his connection with his glaive making him more attune with controlling its movements. Able to move far faster and smoother in his attacks and defences but like when he reached adept mastery he inherited some new skills, one of which he was attempting to try now.

“Huuuuuuu” Frost let out a deep breath as he followed the knowledge granted to him. His internal energy wrapped around the glaive, imbuing it with power and taking on a brand new form.


“[Wyvern’s maw]” Frost uttered the name of the new skill as he smoothly raised the glaive upwards above his head. The energy attached to the weapon gradually took form as he moved. A large wyvern’s head appeared floating above the glaive with its maw wide open, quite a terrifying image.

“Roarrrrrr!” The wyvern head formed of energy roared out, baring its fangs towards the polar werebear.

Frost aggressively swung his glaive downwards at that moment, launching the wyvern’s head at the polar werebear. This was a long ranged attack that incorporated living forms instead of simple shapes, something only possible once one reached advanced mastery, a much higher skill than [claw of the ice wolf], far more draining as well.

Frost could feel the drain of his strength as he summoned and launched the wyvern head, but he ignored the slight trembling in his hands, his eyes focused on the clash between the polar werebear and the wyvern.

The energy form wyvern moved with great speed, comparable to an arrow, it was on the polar werebear in a couple seconds, jaw wide open in attempt to bite off a large chunk of the beast.

“Roarrrrr!” The polar werebear was unfazed by the wyvern head treating it as just another enemy. It swung out with its ice hammer, aiming for the wyvern’s forehead.

Frost smiled evilly at that moment and mouthed the word ‘idiot’.

The [wyvern’s maw] was an advanced skill that was partially alive, it wasn’t like [slash] or [claw of the ice wolf] that were static, unable to alter their direction once launched.

As Frost expected the wyvern head moved with grace, avoiding the polar werebear’s hammer easily and wrapped around its extended arm before.


The massive jaw clamped down on the polar werebear’s extended arm, severing it in twain. The bright blue energy that formed the wyvern’s head dimmed slightly at the point of contact, but its form was still solid, the attack wasn’t over.

The polar werebear looked on in shock and panic as its arm was devoured by the floating wyvern head. It tried to back away and strike with its other hammer, but it was too late. The wyvern never stopped moving, it was before its face in an instant, mouth opened wide once again.


With a second bite the wyvern separated the polar werebear’s head from its shoulders, killing it almost instantly. Its form once again dimmed before falling apart, returning to formless energy, leaving a bloodied corpse in its wake.

“.....” Frost looked on in silence completely blown away by his new skill, an upper D-rank monster gone just like that, impressive was an understatement.


“Growwwllll!” Frost didn’t have time to admire his handiwork however, the other two standard archetype polar bears arrived from the other side. Not bothered by the death of the polar werebear due to their state of frenzy the two of them charged forward and swiped at Frost with their claws.

Frost though a little drained thanks to his use of aura form and unleashing his new skill for the first was more than strong enough to avoid the attacks of two polar bears.

He jumped into the air, easily avoiding their claws, twirling in the air as he did.

“How about another?” Frost’s wild smile continued to grow, his excitement building, reaching advanced mastery didn’t just grant him one new skill no he was granted three.

The first being of course the [wyvern’s maw] that he just prominently displayed. The second was a combined skill that required one to be riding a mount of some sort. The glaive being a pole weapon was very much designed for cavalry combat, the long reach allowing it supersede a sword in such occasions. Frost would have to summoned Kiba at some point to try it out.

The third skill however was an airborne skill, called [skyfall] and Frost was right now in the perfect position to try it out.

In mid-air Frost twirled his glaive and fixed his position, he and the glaive’s blade were pointed downwards at the two polar bears. Once again energy from Frost’s body wrapped around the glaive filling it with power before gradually beginning to take form.

“[Skyfall]!” Frost roared out, his body trembled as his internal energy was quickly drained and transformed into four glaives similar in appearance to the one he was wielding around him in the four cardinal directions. All of them pointing downwards at the two polar bears.


Frost kicked off against the air and plummeted downwards with his glaive in hand and the four energy formed glaives following right behind him.

Don! Don! Don! Don! Don!

The five glaives swiftly penetrated downwards, piercing through the two polar bears and into the ground, sinking deep and exploding the nearby snow outward. [Skyfall] was a highly destructive airborne skill with great penetrative power.

The two polar bears were no match for the glaives as their hides were easily pierced through, destroying their internal organs and bringing them to a swift end.

Frost stood on top of one of the polar bear corpses, his hands trembling from the devouring of internal energy as well as the force generated by the impact of his glaive hitting the ground. None the less however he still sported that wild smile, enjoying every second of the battle.

His techniques were now so much more expansive and far more powerful, if he was faced with the ursa once again he wouldn’t even need to use his aura form to chop through its bones, these skills were more than enough to do just that.

With a swift tug he removed the embedded glaive head from the ground, sharply swinging it outward to remove the residual blood and bits of ice and snow. His gaze then moved towards the next group of monsters that ignorantly made their way towards him as well as the current state of his most trusted general Findlay.

With the two of them making a grandiose display they were able to attract a majority of the remaining monsters. Kiba would swoop down and eviscerate scores of the lower ranked bears as he focused on aiding his bestial corps.

Even though the kill box has been destroyed and over 100 frost dwarves were no longer raining down arrows and magic the casualties on the enemies side were high, very high.

The remaining monsters were low enough for the bestial corps and the three leaders to effectively fight in a melee without being overrun, utilising the space now granted to them as an advantage. While the remaining dwarven troops escaped to the secondary defences zones so as to be ready for the next wave.

Of course there was still occasionally a bear that got through the blockade, but they were in the minority. The full scale retreat was being handled smoothly and was performed at the right time; the results really couldn’t be any better.

Minimal casualties plus Frost had officially entered B-rank, granting him far greater mastery of his glaive as well as more powerful skills. The issue was how they would deal with the following waves now that the kill box was done for.

But right now all that mattered was ending this wave. Frost gripped his glaive before swiftly moving into action, cutting down scores of bears that impeded his path, making his way to Findlay and then the bestial corps.

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