Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 369

369 Chapter 369: The early stages

As Findlay watched the carnage that the lesser yuki-onnas brought down upon the invading horde he suddenly regretted his actions, the dungeon would be making very little profit out with the standard DP with this wave.

Once the first day was over Frost appeared at the dungeon’s entrance to receive an in person report as well as inspire his loyal monsters. He was met with a grand military salute by all present, the lesser yuki-onnas included who were a lot more agreeable after letting out some much needed aggression against the fourth wave. Findlay apologised for his actions to Frost in regards to the incident given that it was a purely emotional reaction and resulted in far less materials being earned.

The dungeon since the very first wave had endured a total of five waves, each slightly more powerful and or larger than the last. Frost wasn’t bothered about a small loss in materials given that Findlay really didn’t have much choice, the lesser yuki-onnas mischievousness had gone on unchecked for too long. Findlay did however make sure to preserve as much materials during the fifth and final wave so he more than made up for his emotional outburst. Frost didn’t hold it against him in the slightest and struggled to get mad at the lesser yuki-onnas given that they’d already received their punishment from Findlay and were now behaving much better.

But the main reason he wasn’t mad was due to the large influx of DP, in total over the course of the five waves he had gained approximately 35,000DP a fairly substantial number that could be used for a great many things but right now what was important was ensuring the dungeon’s defences.

After a quick discussion with Findlay he spent around another 10,000 (on top of the already spent 11,000) on monsters, particularly frost dwarf quarrellers, mages and other high ranked ranged archetypes.

As the days progress the line-up arranged upon the walls would need to be updated with stronger monsters, replacing all the G and F-ranks currently stationed there. The slimes were already struggling to deal significant damage with their pitiful strengths. Though some had managed to finally reach their max level and evolve into their next archetype.

A couple frost goblin archers evolved into frost hob goblin archers, E-rank monsters costing 140DP each, a little weaker than the frost dwarven quarrellers but taller, less stocky in build.

The ice slimes simply evolved into F-rank ice slimes with no change in name or even shape, still appearing as silver blobs. However those at F-rank could use the [ice bolt] spell thus making them a fair bit more powerful especially when placed on a defensive structure.

According to the monster encyclopaedia as well as Maya slimes don’t change much in terms of form until they hit much higher ranks. They will remain in blob form until roughly C-rank wherein they could develop into slimeoids that could alter their shape into other monsters and gain some of their traits all while conserving their own advantages as pseudo liquids.


At the moment however they were still pretty weak, their liquid forms proving to make very poor armour, still very fragile creatures but ones with lots of promise in the later levels. Frost just had to slowly step by step get them there, tossing them into advantageous battle situations like the monster stampede waves.

Frost spent another 10,000 on traps, littering the first floor with them so as to better deal with the hordes that inevitably break through the kill box. More ballistae were included in this 10,000. Two of which were added to a new platform alongside the bottom wall along with another two dwarven quarrellers as controllers while several others were bought and added to the other still developing defence zones deeper within the dungeon.

The operations centre in the second section, was also outfitted with some powerful defences, this was the main base for the dungeon’s monsters and had been ever since Findlay was summoned. Even now it served as headquarters, dealing with the influx of new monsters and sending them to their assigned sections.

The last 5000 or so DP was kept as an emergency fund/ put it towards the next large purchase. Right now there was enough monsters within the dungeon, hopefully enough to fend off the early stages and probably some of the mid-stages. There was no point in buying lots of high rank monsters at the moment given that they’d not be taking part in the battles just yet. The current number was enough to ensure enough firepower in case something went wrong.

Over the first ten days or so which would likely cover the early stages Frost planned to use the weaker monsters i.e. those below D-rank to deal with the waves, allowing them to gain experience and hopefully evolve into their next archetype. This was purely for efficiency, G and F-rank monsters would pose very little threat towards high quantities of enraged E and D-rank monsters plus his high ranking monsters gained very little experience from clearing weak masses. The lesser yuki-onnas for example despite killing over 35 monster between the two of them only gained a single level or two in comparison to the tens of G and F-rank monsters that would normally individually gain one for each wave. Another reason why Findlay regretted his emotional outburst, the lesser yuki-onnas absorbed precious experience that would have been for more effective if provided to the lower caste.

Frost praised his monsters for their efforts, rewarding them with some delicious meat and drink while having the second shift take over for the new day. Even Findlay was relegated to handling the operations centre and the influx of new monsters. His most capable frost troll lieutenants took his place along with a few extra E-rank dwarven quarrellers and rune mages just to be safe.

Frost checked on the dismantling corps who out of everyone were by far the most busy, cutting up and dismantling corpses over the entire 24 hours period instead of working intensely for 5 or 10 minutes every few hours.

Skins, fur and all the usable materials were divided up into piles waiting to being stored within the dungeon vault whereas the remaining useless stuff was tossed outside their workspace and naturally absorbed by the dungeon over time.

After generously rewarding this very hard working group he stored all the collected materials within the dungeon vault that seemed to be endless. This stuff would be preserved and kept until the external camp was in full swing.

After the stampede his monsters would have some much needed time to sort through all the materials and try to fashion some items that could be sold in the camp’s stores or be sold as raw materials, attracting those with trade professions to his territory. Frost himself was still keen to attempt a trade profession or even several but that would have to wait.

Right now what was most important was his own battle strength, he needed to reach B-rank otherwise he’d not get the chance to help out in Furano, a perfect opportunity to do some advertising and rake in some actual gold and silver coins instead of DP or materials.

For the ten days or so things went pretty smoothly. Frost avidly studied the high earth rank cold flame, improving his magic capabilities and edging ever closer to his unique monster creation. He had a pretty solid idea now; he just needed some time to put it into practise.

When not studying and or absorbing the cold flame Frost would train with Maya and get beaten black and blue, hang out with the kids and her for family time -much to their enjoyment- and regularly check in on situation at the dungeons entrance. He’d also occasionally call Daki, hearing her voice would always fill him with motivation and desire. The long distance serving to fill them both with longing.

Daki had already handled the selling of her shop, residence as well as dealing with the long term customers, everything would be finalised within a couple weeks. She’d thus stay with either her brother or Lola at that point, waiting for her prince charming to come and whisk her away to his castle, something they both eagerly awaited.

Kranor like many other territories didn’t suffer much from the monster stampede, no sieges or mass attacks but they had to be wary while adventuring out with their territory otherwise life was the same as usual. Only Northrend as well as Frost seemed to be in a strenuous situation, hard to imagine given that the distance between them all wasn’t that much in the grand scheme of things.

Speaking of strenuous situations. The waves assaulting the dungeon had been growing ever more dangerous. E-ranks started showing up after day 4 and after day 7 they were in mass. Now at day 10 the waves contained on average 50 monsters plus, a D-rank at the helm and multiple E-ranks, far more dangerous than the waves present on day one. The lesser yuki-onnas wouldn’t have lasted long against such a horde by themselves.

Such a situation thankfully never came to pass again as now everyone was all hands on deck, a far more gruelling experience. There wasn’t anyone lying down and complaining about boredom.

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