Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 351

351 Chapter 351: Aura display

“B-ranks will enter the battlefield.” Douglas’s words rang loud in Frost’s ears and a cold shiver ran down his spine. That wasn’t what he was expecting, especially for it to be plural.

Frost quickly turned to Maya wondering if she knew about this but all he got was a slight shrug. B-rank monsters were beyond his current capabilities by a fair degree, even Findlay wouldn’t be a match....unless he managed to evolve.

‘Young master don’t worry too much, the B-rank monsters that come will be relatively low in their ranking and will be fiercely drawn to the three bastion towns. They shouldn’t come our way.’ Maya spoke telepathically into Frost’s mind, easing his worries. The monster stampede’s focus was fervently targeted towards the south, the three bastion towns in particular. The why was still unknown but it was an experienced fact, otherwise the Northrend military would have to guard the entire northern border while the monster stampede was in play. A far more daunting task which would make controlling such territory impossible.

Frost mentally let out a sigh of relief upon hearing Maya’s words before refocusing back on Douglas, eager to hear more.

“Normally in the late stages there’s at least two B-rank monsters along with a dozen plus C-ranks and multiple Ds. A lot less number wise in comparison to the previous waves but certainly much higher in quality. This is when the high ranking military officers, the powerful adventurers as well as occasionally myself take to the field. Anyone below C-rank would only get in the way during such combat, a detriment instead of a boon.” Right now in Furano there was a total of 8 B-rank fighters prepared to engage in battle, 5 from the frost wolf battalion, Ryuu, Bastion and finally Douglas. This didn’t include the fighters that would likely come to their aid in the name of profits during the late stages. But even with this line-up that was stronger than usual Douglas, Ryuu and Bastion felt it might not be enough. Bastion had already put in a request based on their experienced instincts to the adventurer’s guild in the capital for additional aid as well as requesting an A-rank adventurer or party.

The monster stampede was a fair bit overdue meaning that every single stage would be more hazardous, the late stage even more so. The number of B-ranks would be far more than the regular duo and perhaps if they were really, really unlucky it wouldn’t just be low grade B-ranks either.

Douglas and his friends had a constant unsettling feeling over the past few days that only grew worse as the monster stampede loomed closer. That’s why he ordered for the walls to be heightened and even commission far more war machines and ammunition than normal. It was better to have and not need than it was to need and not have, money was no obstacle if it meant ensuring their success. Many of the officers in the army claimed that he, Ryuu, and Douglas were being paranoid but still followed orders without question.

Colonel Hamon however shared their anxiety, forcing his men to train whenever they got a chance. This was not his first time facing down the monster stampede either, nor was it first time leading the charge. He’d fought alongside Ryuu, Douglas, and Bastion on several occasions over the past couple decades and knew better than to let his military pride get in the way of him listening to the family that has defended this region since it was first claimed. Every now and then however the Colonel could be seen with a wild smile on his face, his aura and bloodlust leaking out into the surrounding area. Like Bastion and the rest he also looked forward to going all out.

When Douglas brought up himself taking to the field his wife Cassandra tensed and tightened her grip around his arm. She was not a fighter and couldn’t aid her husband in battle. Several times she had to watch on as her husband personally defended the town against a B-rank monster. His body underneath his noble attire was littered in scars from such battles, badges of honour in his mind but for her a constant memory of the times she almost lost him.


Douglas felt his wife grabbing hold of his arm and his heart felt warm, he knew she would worry but even, so he’d gladly place himself in danger to protect those he loved. He may be old now and still on the mend but when you practise swinging your sword hundreds of times a day, those skills don’t ever leave you. A warrior till the end.

Douglas then turned back to Frost with a gentle smile, they weren’t going to be completely alone at least, Frost promised to return with Kiba by his side. A welcome addition to the battle, hopefully however one that will be unnecessary.

“In the late stages we’ll be throwing our highest level combatants at the horde and if you are able to return I’d like for you to join us in that battle. Perhaps then we’ll finally get the chance to fight side by side hehehe.” Douglas let out a joyful laugh. He really wanted the chance to spread his legs in a good old fashion monster fight and see up close the skills of his young friend that made Ryuu and Bastion praise him so.

Frost couldn’t help but show a wild smile in response. He could feel Douglas’s aura subtly pressuring him, blatantly displaying the man’s desire for battle. It was thick and bloody.

‘He’s even stronger than Bastion, perhaps at the same level as Ryuu.’ Douglas was strong, very strong he could feel it. His eyes filled with fire and his muscles tensed as he wished to test just how strong. The man was bedridden for two years, yet his aura was still this thick and imposing, admirable.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’ve never come face to face with a B-rank monster, the prospect is rather exhilarating.” Frost spoke honestly, his own aura spreading out, in defiance to Douglas’s.

Both men showed wild smiles to one another and chuckled lightly, the dour atmosphere brought on by the monster stampede blown away with the promise of a thrilling battle, however.


Maya swiftly knocked her hand upon Frost’s head, shredding apart his aura like it was paper. Frost rapidly turned around with an annoyed glare, wondering why she ruined his fun.

“Unlike Douglas you don’t have complete control of your aura, it was affecting everyone around you not just him.” Maya held a scornful look as she lectured her young master. Nanna and Loki were fine because she sheltered them, and Cassandra was ok because she was next to Douglas, but all the servants present were sweating buckets and finding it difficult to keep a straight face.

Frost turned to look at the servants standing around that to be completely honest he had long gotten used to not noticing their presence. Several were shivering as his aura filled them with fear and untold pressure.

Cassandra swiftly followed suit and knocked her husband on the head as he was the initial instigator. To which he swiftly apologised to his servants as did Frost, control was something he still needed to work on.

A minute later the final guests of tonight’s dinner arrived. Luna walked into the dining room with a bright smile, dragging behind her Leo who had a very nervous expression. He had felt his father’s aura when he entered the manor and although since it was controlled he didn’t feel any physical pressure it did bring back some frightening memories.

‘Shit! he really is back to normal.’ Leo had received most of his punishments from his mother given that she was the one in charge in the home, but he’ll never forget the gruelling training his father put him through or whenever he got really mad. Leo was but an ant before his father’s aura, miles away from ever reaching such a level.

“Hi everyone, sorry we’re late, Colonel Hamon had us finish up a few things thus we were a little delayed.” Luna was all bubbly and happy, because of Leo -and a little bit her- she hadn’t spoke with Cassandra, Douglas or even her father for quite a while, something she sorely missed.

“Hahaha no you’re not late at all come, come sit next to me Luna we really should catch up.” Cassandra quickly patted the seat next to her, a redness appearing around her eyes. Luna was practically her daughter, in some ways she liked her far more than Leo.

Ryuu was about to go all doting father when he saw her but a quick and fierce glare from Luna froze him in place, a strong sense of fear wrapped around his heart forcing him to keep his mouth shut. He pouted and played with his cutlery as though heartbroken, Bastion laughed at his friend’s usual predicament, he never learned.

Douglas however had his eyes glued to his wayward son, who was left standing in his crosshairs when Luna bounded over to Cassandra, completely alone.

Douglas’s aura that he had recently receded came to the forefront once again, locking solely upon his son and heir.

Frost, Maya, and the kids watched on with interest, eager to see a show before their meal.

“Leo” Douglas spoke with an intimidating tone. His wife Cassandra gave him a slightly besmirching look before focusing back on Luna, not willing to interfere in this reunion. Leo had to face the music for his actions himself, as he frequently stated he was now an adult.

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