Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 346

346 Chapter 346: Enticing an old smith

Frost left alone, leaving Maya with Cassandra and the kids to enjoy the children’s fashion show they started while he headed off to the weapons and armour section of the [money pit]. Heading to Borris’ weapon shop to inquire about his glaive and the man’s possible relocation. He hadn’t forgotten about introducing him and Daki given that she showed great respect for the glaive he produced plus his territory could do with more tradespeople.

The weapons and armour district was by far the most busy, countless adventurers and even soldiers and guards could be seen shuffling between the stores looking for new weapons and armour and or to repair their current set up, all in preparation for the monster stampede. Borris’s shop was also quite busy and looking far barer in terms of stock than the last time he was here.

‘I guess for smiths such times are great business opportunities.’ Frost said to himself as he noticed the empty shelves and the amount of coins being handed over to the old dwarf who was smiling ear to ear. Another couple dwarves that looked similar to Borris could be seen darting in and out of the backroom with additional stock, both showing large smiles as they worked.

Eventually it was Frost’s turn and despite only meeting him once Borris instantly recognised him.

“Well if it isn’t the glaive user who has a penchant for ice.” Borris grinned widely as he took in Frost’s form, feeling that the young man was stronger that he was previously. Last time they met Frost had his face covered but Borris never looked at faces for recognition no he focused on the hands and muscles. He instantly remembered the young man introduced to him by Leo several weeks ago.

“Frost wasn’t it, how’s that glaive been treating you or rather how have you been treating that glaive?” Borris looked warmly towards Frost. This was the man that finally took away that glaive that burdened him for the past decade.

Frost smiled in response before removing the glaive from his spatial ring. “The glaive’s been amazing Borris, incredibly sharp able to go toe to toe against C-rank monsters, a truly impressive piece of work.” Frost spoke honestly, this glaive despite its normalness was fantastic, perfect for his current level of strength and even suitable for him to wield at B-rank.

Borris, the two dwarves carrying stock as well as many of the other customers all turned towards Frost in shock. He just said C-rank monsters, only the strongest people in Furano could handle such adversaries.

Borris looked Frost over with a scrutinising gaze before examining the weapon. “There’s signs of damage as well as repair work, the glaive was chipped at some point no?” Borris instantly noticed the re-sharpening and repair job that Daki had done. Something that could chip this glaive had to have been incredibly hard and tough.


“Yes it got chipped when I was fighting an ice revenant. When the glaive met its runic broadsword in a final clash it cut through, splitting it in twain but at the expense of a crack on the blade edge. I had a blacksmith friend of mine repair it a few days ago. She found your craftsmanship to be quite inspiring.”

Gasps could be heard from the nearby customers when they heard Frost’s words. They imagined him fighting against an ice revenant with his glaive in hand, coming out victorious. Their desires for Borris’ weapons and armour thus increased. Several who were fence sitting on whether to buy something instantly surrounded the two dwarven workers eager to check out the new stock.

Borris noticed this and couldn’t help but show a mercantile smile to Frost, thankful for his advertising. “Randall you take over the counter I’m going to talk with Frost here in the office.”

“Yes grandfather.” One of the two dwarves quickly placed the box of new stock on the floor before replacing Borris at the counter, taking care of the next customer in line.

“Follow me.” Borris gestured for Frost to follow him into the back office. The back office was very practical. Besides a desk and chair there was a large counter with some smithing apparatus that could be used to examine a weapon or armour.

Borris gently placed the glaive upon the counter before switching on a few focused lights and adorning a special monocle that allowed for magnification.

“The repair work done by your friend is pretty good, it’d struggle to do much better myself, she’s quite talented.” Borris gave his honest opinion, often especially with higher ranked equipment the repair work can actually damage the weapon’s or armour’s integrity, but he saw none of that here. He was quite impressed in fact.

“I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear that, she was quite inspired by the glaive you crafted so much so that she incorporated some likeness into the armour she made me.” Frost smiled proudly as Borris praised his girlfriend’s skills before rolling up his sleeve to display the wrist guards Daki made.

Borris’s eye’s glistened as he saw the craftmanship of wrist guard “May I?” He asked if he could get a closer look.

Frost nodded and removed his left wrist guard before passing it to the old smith who examined it with intense focus. Changing the magnification on his lenses and feeling every millimetre of the armour.

“This is some mighty fine work, easily upper grade 3 star. She’s melded the monster materials with the metals well, very little in terms of weak points and the design is both functional and stylish, plus given the composition it likely aids in fighting off the cold and ice aspected mana.” He also noticed that runic armour from an ice revenant was used thus giving evidence to Frost’s tale. His eyes showed a great deal of respect towards this young elf that Leo introduced as well as his blacksmithing friend.

“Her skills are even greater than my 3rd son’s, who is she and where is she based?” Borris grew very interested in Daki, he held great passion towards the art of smithing, finding someone with talent always excited him. Even at his age he was always seeking to improve his craft and find worthy people to compete against.

“Her name’s Daki and she’s currently in Kranor an enclave within the Glacial mountains.” Frost showed a warm smile as he talked about her, his heart filled with longing, and he subconsciously grasped the communication crystal hanging from his neck. He was due to give her call.

Borris being no stranger to relationships noticed the look in the young man’s eyes, his brow raised, and a smirk adorned his face as he asked. “Are the two of you a thing hehehehe?”

“Yes we’re dating and that’s why she’s only currently living in Kranor. Once the monster stampede passes she’ll being coming to live in my territory.” Frost boldly declared.

“Hoh you have your own place?” Borris asked with scepticism, having your own territory was big claim.

“Yes, it’s in the process of being properly established but in a few months’ time I’m sure it’ll be a thriving place.” Frost spoke with a determined tone, sure of his success.

“I see.” Borris showed a complicated look in his eyes.

“I’ve always focused on the sapient lands, the Northrend empire and its neighbouring countries never thinking about the talents contained within the Glacial mountains. Perhaps I’ve been too narrow minded in my thinking.” He knew that there were large empires and countries within the Glacial mountains but assumed that they were all rather backward and primitive. The work of this Daki however overturned that thinking, she was from a simple enclave, yet her skills rivalled and perhaps even eclipsed his.

“Perhaps that’s why I could never produce a 4 star piece of equipment?” Borris looked down at his hands and his body that had grown old and weakened, he could still forge with his hammer, but he was long past his prime in terms of battle capability. Journeying into the Glacial mountains at his age was surely a death sentence, he let out a depressed sigh.

Frost however showed a calculating smile, an opportunity to plant a seed had arrived. “I’m sure Daki would love to meet you and talk shop with you, comparing your skills as smiths so if you’d like once the monster stampede has passed I sincerely invite you visit my territory.”

‘Once he visits and sees how much potential it has I’m sure the old man will want to stay. I’ll even promise him access to high ranking materials, coaxing the possibility of him being able to finally make a 4 star weapon, he won’t even be that far from Furano.’ Frost highly desired to have Borris work for his territory not only was he a good smith he was very experienced, he’d make a fine teacher.

Borris turned to face Frost, his eyes sparkling at the possibility of meeting this Daki. “That’s an interesting proposal, one in which I’m keen to take you up on. I’ve not went on a journey for quite some time, cooped up in my shop for the past several years. Perhaps it’s time I finally pass on the reins and reignite the passion I had in my youth.” Borris clenched his fists making a personal vow. It was time for him to retire and focus solely on improving his own craft instead of keeping the store running. His best weapon was made ten years ago, and he’d been unable to improve since, he deserved a change of pace.

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