Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 343

343 Chapter 343: Rift between parents and child

‘Where’s Leo and Luna?’ Frost asked himself.

Douglas, Ryuu, Bastion, and likely Cassandra were hard at work preparing for the monster stampede, yet he saw no sign of Leo or Luna, the supposed heirs to the territory. Wasn’t Douglas supposed to be grooming him to take over?

When they chatted over the communication crystal it was clear that Leo was being worked to bone, Douglas and his wife dumping a lot of responsibility on his shoulders while they rekindled their passion so to speak.

Frost fully expected to see an exhausted Leo hard at work like everyone else or at least for Douglas to bring up his son in conversation but he noticeably avoided the topic. He had to admit he was rather curious about what became of his young friend and his fiancé.

‘He couldn’t have eloped with Luna after being unable to endure the heavy workload or his parents’ marital activities, could he?’ Frost didn’t peg Leo for the running away type, Luna even less so.

The head butler led them towards a large reception room wherein Cassandra could be seen talking with what looked to be merchants. Calder, Sebastian’s favoured grandson was present in the room.

Cassandra unlike Chia was very apt when it came to running the territory, in particular the business side. Being from a rather well off though low ranking noble family she was always surrounded by business during her childhood. She was in charge of the resources being supplied to and generated in Furano for the duration of the monster stampede.

The top merchants stationed within the territory as well as her most able servants were here discussing the rations to be provided, calculating costs, timescales as well as the volume of food and drink needed through the disaster and the due dates for resupply caravans from the south. It was number crunching work but everyone here was suited to such duties.

Calder was sent in Sebastian’s place given the man’s highly advanced age and for his grandson to gain some experience. Such duties would fall on his shoulders once the old man does eventually pass.


Though young it was clear that Calder was highly skilled in his profession as the other top merchants accepted his presence and even deferred many decisions to this up and coming talent.

The door was left open so as to let the servants routinely enter with more documents, food, drink etc.. without interrupting their discussion.

“Calder what’s our projections for refugees coming within the next week?” Cassandra’s voice could be heard by Frost and the rest.

“We expect at least 15,000 given the census performed during the last stampede but given that the Lord Viscount is going to enact the red alert they could all appear within a couple days, frantic and distressed.” Calder replied back with a frown, the numbers weren’t a problem, something they had prepared for but to grant them all access in such a short time would be difficult. There’d be riots for sure, something they really didn’t need.

“Haaaaaaaa, it’s pretty much the same every stampede, we’ll manage, we always do.” A rather rotund beastman from the rat tribe, showed an optimistic expression though his smile seemed rather forced.

“Alben is right Lady Cassandra, we’ve prepared a lot for this stampede and though we had some problems in the beginning we’re more than ready to weather this storm. The refugees will arrive and be taken care of successfully of this I’m sure.” Another man who was a fox beastman -slim with sharp features- spoke out in support of the rat beastman merchant.

They’d been here for several hours and ran the numbers, it was doable even if the refugee numbers were 50% greater. Food, drink, shelter, and hell even work was accounted for, for at least a period of 2 months. As long as the refugees reached Furano or one of the other two bastion towns their safety and prosperity would be guaranteed.

“Haaaaaaa very well, we’ve likely done all we can.” Cassandra let out a powerless sigh. “Head back to your businesses and prepare for the red alert, we’ll meet back up here at the same time tomorrow to clarify everyone’s reserves. Thank you for your service.” Cassandra stood up from her chair and present a bow to the merchants present here.

She caught sight of the head butler heading into the room as she did along with a group of guests she hadn’t seen in quite some time.

‘What perfect timing.’ Cassandra showed a very bright smile as her back straightened. She saw Frost’s handsome face as well as that of Maya’s and the two kids trailing behind them. Her meeting had just finished so she had plenty time to entertain.

The merchants present replied with a deeper bow as a sign of respect before calmly ushering themselves out of the reception room. Alben and the fox tribe merchant didn’t recognise Frost or Maya, so they walked passed with only a short nod, but Calder did.

“Sir Frost you’re back in Furano, a pleasure to make your acquaintance once again.” Calder showed a very warm smile as he clasped Frost’s hand and shook it in greeting.

“Calder, you’re looking busy.”

“Yes, yes I am.” Calder nodded his head in reply before letting go of Frost’s hand, he couldn’t stay and chat. “Please do come and visit our flagship store when you get a chance. My grandfather has commissioned a fair few new books and I’d love for the kids to come take part in the little fashion show that they inspired. It’d be great for business, and I can offer you a good deal on outfits.” He showed a mercantile expression towards Maya in particular to which her eyes glittered with promise.

“Does that deal include adult clothes or just children’s?” Maya smiled with interest. She planned on updating her wardrobe now that she and Frost were officially dating, some revealing and provocative dresses would be required.

Calder being the avid businessman caught onto the scent of money, he showed a knowing look with Maya, his eyes flashing on occasion to Frost. “I’m sure we can work something out hehehe.” He laughed lightly full of subtle connotations, Maya did the same, laughing while showing an innocent expression but to Frost all he saw was a money succubus and an evil enabling merchant that wanted to drain him dry of all his hard earned coin.

His initial reaction was a punch to the gut as he imagined his money vanishing, never to return but then he thought about it in a positive light. The kids would get clothes and he’d be happy regardless how much that cost given that they were so cute and relied upon him for everything. Maya was the issue, her desire for clothes was bottomless and such a waste. He’d never seen her wear the same dress more than once despite her being so adept at using cleaning magic, frivolous was an understatement. However, now that they were a couple and that that would be the likely excuse she’d use for spending so much money he could use that to his advantage.

Calder swiftly left after his short exchange, he rubbed Nanna and Loki’s heads before walking away with the other merchants.

“Lady Cassandra, Sir Frost, Lady Maya and young Nanna and Loki are here to visit you.” The head butler introduced them, but it was unnecessary, Casandra saw and recognised them. The moment Nanna and Loki walked through the door the middle-aged mother appeared before them in a flash, wrapping them up in a big hug, rubbing her cheeks against theirs as though in a trance.

The head butler silently left them alone in their reunion, a proud and gentle smile on his face as he left.

Frost and Maya looked at one another rather shocked by Cassandra’s actions, they’d just overheard her in her professional capacity yet now she was acting like a young woman with baby fever. She didn’t even greet the two of them, her attention entirely focused on Nanna and Loki who were also taken aback.

“Oh, I’ve missed the two of you so much! God you’re even cuter than I remember and you’ve both put on weight making you oh so squishy!” Cassandra was almost squealing as she attempted to envelop the two children in her arms. Nanna and Loki were squished against Cassandra’s soft body and struggled to breath but their attempts to escape were rather lacklustre. In fact, their eyes grew puffy and red as they fought to hold back tears of joy, their hearts felt so warm and full while being hugged by Cassandra. They really didn’t want to leave her warm embrace, an embrace of a mother.

Eventually however Cassandra relented. Once she got her child cuteness recharge she stood up and straightened out her clothes, returning to her usual expression as though the last minute didn’t happen.

“Frost, Maya it’s good to see the two of you. You’re looking well and from my earlier check you’ve been taking good care of Nanna and Loki.” Cassandra showed a warm and caring expression as she looked at Frost and Maya. Her tone and eyes made it seem as though she was speaking to her niece and nephew. To her Frost, Maya and the kids were already family, just like Leo and Luna.

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