Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 334

334 Chapter 334: Off to Furano

Unable to resist the amazing feeling the wine provided, Frost fell back against the sofa with a blissful expression on his face as the waves of divine energy hummed throughout his body, improving every cell they touched. Maya no less affected collapsed onto his wide chest, an intense desire in her eyes as she relished in the divine energy and bold flavour of the wine.

After a minute or so the waves of pleasure finally died down and they regained their faculties, looking at one another in surprise before back at their still pretty full glasses.

“That was amazing, I knew it would taste good but that was beyond anything I could have imagined.” Frost spoke with great enthusiasm, licking his lips for any residue. Such a wine was truly fit for the Gods.

“Yeah Dark God-sama is a real artisan, but the main component is definitely the divine energy that he instilled into to it. I could feel it remould my body and increase my latent potential, rivalling that of the highest grade elixirs...no wonder Dark God-sama guards it with such passion.” Maya looked at her remaining glass in wonder as well as regret. Such potent wine couldn’t be drunk in high volumes, three fingers full was a bit greedy.

Not willing to waste a single bit more of essence the beautiful fenrir swiftly recorked the bottle and ordered Frost to place it back in the vault, out of sight. Their current glasses would be more than enough to nurse throughout the night. Anymore would waste the divine energy present.

Frost though reluctant acquiesced to her instruction, returning the bottle to the dungeon vault so as to be drunk another night. Thanks to the bottle’s quality as well as the cork’s they could likely store it for weeks without much degradation.

With the bottle out of sight and out of mind, the couple returned to their cosy positions of being in one another’s embrace, nursing sips from the wine glasses every ten minutes or so. Allowing the divine energy to remould their bodies, improving their potential and strength.

Frost didn’t feel too much of a change given that he frequently had divine energy pumped through his body, but his internal organs did feel more robust, something that regular training wouldn’t improve.

Maya however experienced a great deal, she was a mighty S-ranked Fenrir, practically top of the food chain. But she’d had very little interaction with divine energy thus causing her to be at a bottleneck -another reason why she applied to become a guardian. Now however thanks to her glass of the [wine of the abyss] she’d gotten the chance to feel divine energy thoroughly as it coursed through her body, opening up new doors for her in terms of power.


The jump between S-rank and Godhood was a very, very vast chasm that surpassed the difference between G and S rank. Becoming a God and harnessing divine energy was a complete change in quality, the two ranks couldn’t be compared in the same breath. Maya never had much hope of reaching such a stage but now after experiencing the divine energy present in Dark’s self-brewed wine she at least felt she could get her foot in the door.

Though she was considered a prodigy in her tribe after achieving such high levels of power at a young age, the door to Godhood was out of reach. Over the eons how many S-rank monsters have there been and how many of them became Gods. Reaching the peak of S-rank was a possibility but beyond, unlikely. Only time could tell if she’d ever be able to breach the chasm, she was still young and had a lot of potential left to burn.

By the time morning came, Maya and Frost were asleep on the sofa. Their wine glasses bone dry and placed on the table. They looked so peaceful within one another’s arms, the wine helping to provide pleasant dreams.

Nanna and Loki bounded out of their bedroom full of excitement, eager to go on a journey, Kiba trailed behind them yawning. Their loud movements awoke the blissful couple on the sofa.

“Mmnnnnm” Frost moaned a little as he opened up his weary eyes, reluctant to awaken from his dream. He felt a heavy weight on his chest and abdomen that prevented him from getting up. Maya was splayed across his body, her head resting on his chest and her hands wrapped around his back, treating him like a hug pillow. A trail of drool could be seen dripping from her lips as she smiled, clearly having a good dream as well.

Nanna, Loki and Kiba quickly noticed the current positions of their master and mistress and smiled. Frost brought his finger to his lips, gesturing for them to be quiet. All three of them covered their mouths in response.

“Why don’t you get dressed while I wake up Maya. Then once we’ve had breakfast we’ll set off.” Frost whispered quietly. The group of three quickly returned to the bedroom to put on their clothes. While he was left to wake up the sleeping beauty.

“Maya it’s time to get up.” He gently poked her cheeks as he whispered in her ears but got no response, she was firmly in dreamland. Not dismayed by his failure he showed a teasing smile as his gaze drifted over to her inviting lips. “Guess the only way to wake up the princess is with a kiss.” He then leaned over and planted a deep kiss on her lips to which because of her dreams she kissed back with great passion.

She remained half asleep until the point that the tongue battle started which felt too real, she opened up her sand encrusted eyes to see Frost’s handsome face right in front of her and his lips on hers, dominating her tongue in a deep kiss.

Frost feeling movement opened his eyes before relinquishing his hold on her lips. “Morning sleeping beauty.”

“Morning handsome.” Maya licked her lips as a pink blush adorned her cheeks, she very much liked his method in waking her up, feeling very much loved however something felt a little wrong. Now that she was awake she could feel something big and hard poking her in the abdomen. The pink blush intensified as she looked at her partner with accusation.

“The kiss was a nice way to wake up, but it was ruined by an eager dragon hmph!” She pouted cutely as the so called ‘dragon’ continued to poke her.

Frost drew a blank at first but then quickly realised what she was referring to before laughing out loud. “Hahahahaaha I don’t think you can blame me for that. It’s morning and my sexy new girlfriend is lying on top of me. I think there’d be a real problem if it didn’t rise in this situation hahahaha.” Frost had learned a lot from Sam and Lola in regards to being shameless, plus what he said made a lot of sense. Maya currently had her entire soft body pressed against him and they just shared a passionate kiss, there truly would be an issue if he didn’t have a reaction.

His unbridled laugh caused Maya’s blush to deepen, unable to retort against his logic she quickly shuffled her body from his and ran to her bedroom. Frost found her so cute when she was embarrassed, his laugh grew louder as her pink hued face filled his mind.

Eventually all five members of the family had eaten some breakfast and gotten dressed for their little trip to Furano and were ready to leave. Frost packed a few choice pieces of monster materials that could be used in trade as well as 5 gold coins worth of money, just in case. Other than reporting to the adventurers guild he wished to visit Borris the dwarven weapon smith as well as catch up with the Furanos. And with Maya the money succubus by his side shopping would certainly be on the table.

“Alright does everyone have everything thing?” Frost asked his travelling companions.

“Yes master we’ve got our guild cards and weapons.” Nanna replied while thumping her chest with pride

“And also, our money pouches.” Loki added as he showed off his money pouch with a couple silver inside, his pocket money for working hard over the past few weeks.

“Yes I’ve got all I need in the spatial bracelet, let’s go already.” Maya said with a slightly annoyed tone.

“Alright then everyone on board, Kiba this is your time to shine.”

“Rawr!” Kiba roared with pride, carrying 2 adults and 2 children was nothing to him. Kiba would be their transport from now on and thanks to his impressive speed they wouldn’t even need 2 hours to reach Furano, and that’s with him slowing down for Nanna and Loki. The moment he could properly fly they could likely make the trip in under an hour.

Frost sat at the front with Loki on his lap while Maya sat behind with Nanna on hers with a lot of room leftover, Kiba was quite large after all.

“Findlay you’re in charge until I get back, feel free to eliminate any of those over ambitious adventurers.”

“Understood master, safe travels.” Findlay’s brave military general like voice replied before Frost had the dungeon teleport Kiba and them to the external room, out of sight of prying eyes. Ever since the dramatic shaking all of the adventurers remaining had their eyes glued towards the dungeon’s entrance wary for any signs of change. No one was looking at the outskirts.

Thus, Kiba appeared without alerting anyone, including when he stumbled from dizziness, still not used to spatial teleportation.

“Shake it off Kiba, it’ll pass.” Nanna and Loki both rubbed the tiger’s fur in a concerned manner. They went through the same process several weeks ago, so they understood how he felt at the moment.

“Off to Furano!”

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