Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 324

324 Chapter 324: Back home (2)

A large spatial distortion developed within the private space, far larger than normal. The chairs, sofa and dining table had been pushed to the edge of the living room, leaving a wide open space beneath the distortion.

Nanna and Loki held each other’s hands, excitement clear in their eyes as they awaited Frost’s return. The kids had missed their master or rather pseudo father a great deal and had worked extra hard on their studies and weapon’s training so as to receive his praise.

Their previous skinny frames caused by severe malnutrition and mistreatment was pretty much gone. The two kids now had a good deal of meat on their bones like any other children their age, Loki even had some adorable chubby cheeks that were oh so squeezable. But most of all their emotions had all returned, no longer were they depressed and hollow. Now able to imagine their future and have their own desires. They owed all this to Frost, the one who showed them the light in their darkest hour.

Maya stood beside them, smiling warmly as she saw the looks in their little faces, finding them adorable. But she felt no less excited, in fact perhaps even more so. She’d missed her young master a great deal, finding that without him by her side she was easily prone to boredom, she missed teasing that handsome face of his.

She had a little curiosity towards the guest that Frost was bringing back especially after seeing the size of the distortion, but it paled in comparison to her desire to see him. Her heartbeat quickened in anticipation, and she felt butterflies in her stomach. Discreetly she removed her handheld mirror and made sure her hair wasn’t out of place and that her makeup was intact, eager to look her best at his return.

As the spatial warp expanded Frost and Kiba were transferred into the private space, Frost was now officially home. His eyes scanned the room from on Kiba’s back in search of Maya and the kids. He was no longer bothered by spatial teleportation, long gotten used to it but the same couldn’t be said about Kiba. The massive, winged tiger felt unsteady, his vision shaking and his stomach churning in protest.

Frost quickly caught sight of his family, Nanna and Loki were looking very healthy and incredibly excited. Ignoring the fact that a massive tiger appeared in the private space the two of them ran forward wanting to hug him. Frost’s felt his heart warm at the sight, he jumped down from Kiba moments before the big guy collapsed, lying on the floor as he fought the urge to vomit.

“Master!” Both Nanna and Loki screamed before leaping into Frost’s awaiting arms.

“Nanna, Loki it’s good to see you two.” Frost hugged them both, squishing their soft bodies against his causing the two children to laugh in glee as they hugged him back. Frost could feel that the two of them had put on weight and that they were a lot more squishy than when he left, bringing a bright smile to his face.


‘Seems like they’ve been living well while I’ve been away.’ At that thought he hugged them even harder before putting them down and turning to face Maya. Who had to strongly resist the urge to run into his arms like the children. She was smiling warmly but her eyes had already grown red as tears of joy threatened to fall down her cheeks

The moment their eyes met the world seemed to come to a standstill, Frost gazed at her immaculate face, her big doe eyes, her cute button nose and then her luscious lips. His heartbeat quickened as desire filled his body.

He rubbed Nanna and Loki’s heads “The big tiger behind me is called Kiba, why don’t you introduce yourselves and make sure he’s ok while I speak with Maya?” Nanna and Loki looked up at Frost with a bit of reluctance, not wanting to leave his embrace but Frost didn’t give them an option. As if they weren’t there he walked forward, his eyes fixated on Maya.

Maya blushed a little on receiving Frost’s intense gaze and her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. “Welcome home young master.” She curtsied politely to cover being nervous before immediately teasing him as per usual. “I’ve certainly missed being able to ogle that handsome face of yours.” She smiled seductively completely oblivious to Frost’s current state, he was no longer as naive as he was before he left home.

No longer embarrassed by Maya’s teasing he went on the offensive for the first time with her, quickening his steps to arrive right in front of her. His eyes filled with affection and desire as he looked down at her.

Maya completely blown away by Frost being so close, looked up in surprise, her voice stuttering. “Y...Young mast.....” however before she could finish speaking, Frost skilfully wrapped his arms around her and planted a deep kiss on her undefended lips.

Maya felt like a bomb went off in her head, her eyes opened wide in complete disbelief before her blushing cheeks spread across her entire face and neck.

Frost continued to kiss her deeply, refusing to separate. He’d imagined this moment for a long time, especially over the past 24 hours. His large hands supported Maya’s lithe back as her body became numb from his lips, her eyes closing as she gave into the pleasure. After 10 seconds her left leg couldn’t help but rise into the air behind her. Nanna and Loki looked on, as did Kiba with rapt attention, finding Frost to look very cool.

Finally Frost let go of Maya’s lips and stared deep into her slowly opening eyes. “Maya I love you and wish for you to remain by my side not as my guardian or as a friend but as something more. I’ve felt a connection between us from the day we met and only now have I gathered enough courage to let you know of my heart. I want you Maya.” Frost spoke with great conviction, pouring his heart out to the charming woman in his arms, his gaze filled with love as he awaited her reply.

Maya was still stunned by his romantic kiss, her lips craving more but as she heard his confession, her mind went blank and her entire face became red hot, with steam threatening to pour out of her ears. Her heart felt as though it was about to burst, she’d never been confessed to by someone in such a moving manner.

‘Seems as though Maya’s all offence and no defence when it comes to teasing hehehehe.’ Frost seeing that Maya was stunned silly couldn’t help but laugh lightly, finding her incredibly adorable.

Finding that being in the presence of company would only increase her embarrassment Frost picked her up in a princess carry while she was still frazzled and took her to her bedroom, closing the door behind him.

This caused Loki and Nanna to giggle as they shared a knowing look. They already found it weird that Frost and Maya’s relationship hadn’t progressed anywhere given that they so clearly liked one another. Frost’s bold confession was a good thing in their minds since they could see how Maya pined for him while he was off adventuring in the Glacial mountains. The two children who were very mature for their ages turned around to interact with Kiba, pretending that they didn’t see anything.

Within Maya’s room, Frost sat on the bed with her still in his arms, patiently waiting for her to regain her faculties. It took her a good minute or so before Maya could finally contemplate what Frost said without relapsing.

With her eyes refocusing she looked around and found that she was in her bedroom before looking up and seeing Frost’s smiling face. The blush that finally receded came rushing back, she was in Frost’s arms and sitting on his lap but chose not to move, enjoying being held by him.

“I’m not dreaming right?” She asked nervously as she looked up at Frost’s loving gaze. She too had fantasised about being in a relationship with him but didn’t have the guts to make any real moves, only teasing and flirting.

Frost merely smiled in response before leaning down and planting another kiss on her lips. “Did that feel real enough?” He said while pulling back. But after separating a few inches he felt Maya’s hand on the back of his neck forcibly pulling him down back to her lips. She for the first time kissed him, filling Frost’s heart with joy.

Once she finally relinquished his lips, Frost spoke with a charming smile “I guess I can count that as you accepting my confession.”

“Heheheha damn straight you’re mine now.” Maya giggled as she nestled into Frost’s chest, her heart completely full. She and Frost finally admitted their feelings for one another, entering a romantic relationship.

Frost’s heart exploded with joy as he embraced Maya in his arms before cupping her chin and planting another deep kiss on her lips, cementing their newfound relationship.

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