Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 318

318 Chapter 318: Ramsey’s star restaurant

Eventually Daki relented her abuse once she felt Druakai paid his dues before returning to Frost’s side and wrapping her arm around his, revealing a blissful expression. The two then sat down together at the table, side by side, looking very much like a couple. This meant the only single adult here was Druakai something that he quickly realised after seeing his sister wrapped around Frost. He let out a depressing sigh at the sight, lamenting his unpopularity with the ladies.

Frost however didn’t really get why Druakai wasn’t popular, despite being an orc he was quite handsome and his caring and kind personality would certainly be attractive to many women. Of course, he wasn’t popular with female orcs because of said personality but there were multiple races here in Kranor, surely a few found him appealing. He felt sorry for the giant orc now that he was the only single one present, he leaned over to Daki and whispered in her ear. “Why is it that Druakai’s still single, can’t you guys help set him up with someone?” Surely with Daki’s popularity she’d be able to set her brother up with ease.

Daki showed a complicated expression as she looked at her younger brother’s sad expression. She sighed before whispering back a reply. “His situation is a bit complicated. It’s not as though he isn’t popular, I can think of close to a dozen woman who would really like to date him, but the problem is physical, none of them are over 2 metres and well-built making a relationship impossible. Look at my brother he’s heavy and friggin massive and that applies to every part of him if you get my meaning.” She gave Frost a subtle look which he understood, his gaze showing understanding as he looked at the depressed Druakai. “Regular women wouldn’t be able to handle him, only orcish women can and unfortunately they have zero interest in him given his gentle personality. Thus, he’s remained single for years despite my help in improving his image.” Daki shook her head and shrugged, she had already done all she could, there just wasn’t anyone within Kranor that was compatible with him. It was a sadness that not only Druakai felt but she as well, she loved her younger brother to bits and wanted him to find happiness but so far it wasn’t to be.

Frost wisely chose to not bring the topic up again since it was a sore subject. He turned towards Yarrow and Chia. “Thank you for treating us to lunch Yarrow and Chia, is there anything you’d recommend?” Daki burst with happiness when Frost said, ‘us’ instead of ‘me’.

The elder couple couldn’t help but smile as they witnessed the exchange between Frost and Daki, finding them to be an excellent match. “I recommend that you get the chef’s lunch special, a three course meal that can only be eaten on this floor. That’s what Chia, Sam, Lola, and I are getting while the kids are getting a child’s version of it.” His gaze then drifted over to the giant that was Druakai “While Druakai is getting the enlarged 5 course version.” He spoke through slightly clenched teeth, Druakai’s meal cost over twice as much as the regular chef’s special.

The massive orc who felt depressed about being the only single adult suddenly shivered as he felt Yarrow’s piercing glare. He turned towards the man and displayed a slightly embarrassed expression. Yarrow hmphed before looking back at Frost and Daki.

The new young couple turned to look at one another in thought before answering at the same time “we’ll have that then.” Frost was more than keen to try new meals, especially one that was a speciality of a highly regarded chef.

“Great I’ll have them start preparations then, Arnold can you please tell Ramsey junior that we’ll add another two chef’s specials to our order.” Yarrow called to the on staff waiter for this floor, Arnold who bowed before leaving to pass the order to Ramsey junior, the current owner, and head chef.

“What about Ruby and Kiba?” Frost asked afraid they’d be missing out.


“Don’t worry about them, Druakai’s already discussed their meals with the chef there. They should be partaking in some of their favourite meals while we enjoy ours.” Yarrow waved his hand; he’d already taken care of everything while they waited for him and Daki causing Frost to feel a little guilty.

‘Such a large amount of high quality food mustn’t be cheap.’ He thought, his gratitude towards Yarrow climbing

A few minutes later the first course of the chef’s special arrived, a lobster bisque served with crusty bread. Simple in appearance but the ingredients used were all high quality plus mana could be felt within the dish proving Ramsey junior was a spirit chef.

The smell was mild, yet the taste of lobster was strong, matching well with the creamy liquid. The remnant mana within the dish only highlighted the flavours, opening up one’s tastebuds and making the body feel rejuvenated. A fabulous light starter, everyone cleared their bowls, leaving not a single drop leftover.

They all engaged in light chat as their food settled and awaited for the next course. Many personal stories were passed around the table causing a few embarrassing expressions to appear while others laughed proudly. The bond between everyone grew as they spoke and learned more about one another.

The main dish served was longhorn beef sirloin that came with a pickled salsa and onion cups, a very artistic looking dish which once again teemed with residual mana, far more than the lobster bisque. It was clear that the beef sirloin came from a high ranking monster.

This dish in Frost’s opinion was the tastiest thing he had ever eaten. The medium rare beef practically melted in his mouth, releasing strong bursts of flavour with every chew. He didn’t even realise when he finished it. His fork came down looking for more yet all it found was an empty plate. Daki giggled by his side, finding him adorable. She picked up her last piece of beef and fed it to him in a loving manner, which Frost thoroughly enjoyed. Maya always made sharing her food an ordeal, Daki was much better in this regard he thought.

Yarrow and Sam both turned to their spouses desperate for the same treatment unfortunately Chia and Lola both loved the dish as well, they refused to share, leaving their husbands hanging.

By the time the main dish was over, and the desert was set to arrive Frost and Daki couldn’t help but flirt with one another. Playing footsie under the table and their hands wrapped round each other’s waist while whispering in one another’s ears causing them both to giggle. No one in the room called them out on their behaviour because they knew that the new couple wouldn’t be able to see one another for quite some time plus Chia and Lola were both flirting with their own partners so to not be shown up.

Druakai did his best not to watch the three couples and their flirting as it would only make him feel lonely. He dug into his extra course, eating away his feelings. Jasmine and Ren repeatedly shouted “ewwwww” whenever they saw their parents or grandparents kiss or rubbed noses. Tulip on the other hand ground her teeth in jealousy as she saw Frost whisper into Daki’s ear making her giggle.

During their chat Frost and Daki brought up their future plans. Daki would move to gradually close down her shop before selling it and getting her other affairs in order all while Frost was off establishing his territory. Then after the monster stampede Frost would return and bring her over so as to start their relationship for real. The adults all thought that this was a wise decision, Daki had a lot of responsibilities here in Kranor as well as a large amount of friends.

Druakai felt sad that his sister would no longer live in the same territory as him but knowing she’d be with Frost who made her happy, he was more than accepting. Frost was a good man and he believed he’d treat his elder sister right.

They all congratulated Frost and Daki even Lola who knew that because of this relationship Kranor would lose a highly skilled and popular smith. But that didn’t matter, her friend was happy, that’s all she cared about. However, over the next month or so they’d be having an awful lot of girl days to make up for the time she’d be away, something Daki was more than happy to take part in.

The final course, the dessert was mulled winter fruits with cinnamon ice cream. The fruits were all rich in mana and had been mulled in ahigh grade wine, making them give off a rich scent and spicy flavour. This would have been a dish that Maya would have adored so Frost did his best to enjoy it twice as much.

“That was a fantastic set of dishes Yarrow, thank you again for treating.” Frost rubbed his stomach in appreciation, very happy with the chef’s special he just ate, he was stuffed. Daki was much the same, her stomach felt full and thanks to the mana contained within the food her weary body from a long night of work felt rejuvenated. She leaned her head on Frost’s shoulder, letting the meal settle.

“You’re more than welcome Frost, it’s the least I could do for you saving my life.” Yarrow nodded with a happy smile, he too felt stuffed and with his lovely wife on his arm it was hard for him to remain worried about the expense. What’s done is done, no use crying over spilled milk.

His expression rapidly changed however when Arnold brought over the cheque which was nearly in the triple digits, all gold coins as well. His eyes expanded to the size of saucers and his heartbeat became irregular, his face flushing and the signs of a panic attack started to show.

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