Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 313

313 Chapter 313: Alone with Daki

“Is that so.” Frost rubbed Kiba’s head, happy that he’d get to partake in the meal in his own way.

“Shall we head up then, we still need to visit Daki and invite her after all?” Sam asked.

“Sis is coming?” Druakai turned to face Sam, his lips twitching. He always found his sister hard to deal with, their personalities were pretty much polar opposites.

“Yeah, Frost ordered a bunch of equipment from her yesterday, and to complete it on time she had to work throughout the night. So given that she worked so hard and that she and Frost seemed to hit it off, Yarrow and Chia suggested inviting her along for the meal. At the moment Lola and them are breaking Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren out of school so it’s going to be a real grand feast.”

“Hoh she did?” Druakai’s gaze drifted towards the young man seated on Kiba, a subtle hint of pity in his eyes. He knew his sister well including her reputation. Frost would likely be the next man she drains before moving on. While he seemed to remain single forever, diametrically opposed to his sister.

“Yeah but it’s not what you think.” Sam showed a mischievous smile and looked around making sure no one would hear his voice before whispering the events of Frost’s meeting with Daki. The B.F.G looked at his childhood friend in disbelief unable to believe what he said before his gaze moved back towards Frost, a heavy dose of respect now in his eyes as well as a tinge of hope. His darling elder sister had never been able to find someone capable of going toe to toe with her charm perhaps Frost would be the one she had been waiting for, only time would tell.

“Since I don’t have to worry about causing a panic, how about I head on up with Kiba to see Daki and I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant.” Frost really enjoyed riding on Kiba’s back and if they went alone Kiba could run free.

“Hmmmm you want to meet with her alone.....ok I get it just don’t take too long hehehehe.” Sam laughed with a teasing intent, clearly suggesting some untoward intentions behind Frost’s request. The young dungeon core blushed slightly as his mind began to wander before shaking his head to regain focus. He didn’t deny the accusation nor confirm it, simply telling Kiba to go, leaving the two old men in the dust. Sam continued to laugh as though he hit the nail on the head while Druakai smiled as he watched Frost and Kiba ride away. He, Sam, and Ruby would walk, only young people were always in a rush to get to places.

Frost riding on Kiba quickly made his way to the lift and low and behold people didn’t panic at the sight of the massive, winged tiger. The moment they saw a rider and the blood red diamond on his forehead, they all simply looked at Frost in awe, assuming that he must be some grand adventurer or noble. It was a nice change for Kiba too, after he really started growing people no longer looked at him like a cute cub, always wary of him. He missed that feeling and it was felt by Frost who smiled and patted his head.


At the top floor the roads and streets were far more crowded meaning that Kiba couldn’t run but given his agility and flexibility Frost didn’t have to get down either. Kiba simply walked forward like any other person present. This however got Frost a hell of a lot of stares, even more than he was used to receiving.

A handsome face was enough to draw a lot of attention but a handsome face that held power was enough to attract all gazes. Adventurers and military men looked up at him with respect and jealously, wanting to be him whereas hundreds of woman wanted to be next to him. Young kids that didn’t attend kindergarten wanted to ride the big fluffy tiger and pet his fur. Frost and Kiba caused quite a scene making their journey to Daki’s shop take a fair bit longer than expected.

Eventually made their way towards the entrance of Daki’s store, the closed sign was present again as was the disappointed looks of passer-by’s. Not as bold as Sam and due feeling a little nervous about meeting Daki face to face again, Frost knocked but did not enter. Kiba stood at the side, he was too large to fit into the store so would be left outside to guard.

“We’re closed.” Daki’s charming voice came from the other side of the door.

“It’s Frost, Daki.” The moment he said his name he heard a few crashes from behind the door as if Daki quickly stood up, knocking over objects in the immediate vicinity.

Frost wasn’t far off, Daki was annoyed at being interrupted for 100th time today but when she heard Frost’s voice her body filled with excitement, causing her to leap to her feet in a panic. She quickly searched for a mirror so as to adjust her hair and possibly apply make-up; her face showed a happy blush as though her crush had just arrived to pick her up for a date. Butterflies were in her stomach as she thought of Frost. Her mirror showed that her hair was fine, but she was covered in soot from working the forge, plus she had a strong smell of sweat from working all night.

“Dammit! I’ll be right with you just give me a minute.” She panickily shouted while scrambling out of the backroom to her rest area, where she could wash the soot off.

Frost smiled as he heard her, finding her actions quite cute. He waited for her by the door like a gentlemen until she was ready to unveil herself.

A few minutes later Daki opened the front door looking far better than she did previously, presentable in her mind.

“Daki” Frost leaned in and grabbed her hand before planting a kiss on it in greeting. Daki’s face turned bright red, and steam nearly came out of her ears. She quickly pulled Frost into the store and shut the door in case anyone saw her blushing.

‘Damn what’s with me, I’m never this defenceless.’ That was twice Frost managed to make her blush. Frost found her to be irresistible cute, teasing her felt so good now he understood why Maya did it to him so often.

“You look nice,” Frost eyed Daki up and down, nodding as he did, even with a rushed clean-up she looked absolutely stunning, only Maya was truly her match -well’s there’s Aqua but she’s his sister so it didn’t count.

“Thank you,” Daki composed herself after giving thanks, returning to her normal, confident self.

“I’m guessing you’re here to pick up the equipment you ordered.” She had been working all night to make sure everything was finished in time. She’d just managed to complete the children’s wrist guards 20 minutes ago and was about to take a break before Frost showed up.

“Yes that’s partly why I’m here.” Frost replied back with a coy smile. All Sam and Yarrow’s mocking and the blatant displays of affection between them and their wives had really left him feeling frustrated and now seeing Daki as she was he was finding it really hard to resist flirting with her. To be honest he struggled to get the beautiful woman out of his head ever since they met yesterday. Whenever his mind wandered to Maya he’d also think of her.

“Oh, what’s the other reason?” Daki’s heart started beating faster as it filled with expectation. Her fondness for this man had only grown throughout the night, it was truly a first for her to feel this strongly about someone.

“Seeing you will of course be a joy in of itself but I’m actually here to invite you to lunch if you’re willing?”

Daki looked at Frost’s handsome face and showed a coy smile, she moved in close, bringing her face close to his.

“My, my Sir Frost are you asking me out on a date?” She leaned over and whispered into his ear, full of charm before bringing her lips oh so close to his before pulling back. This was one of her signature moves, that made no manner of men and woman succumb to her, desperate to feel her lips.

Frost was certainly tempted, her warm breath on his ear sent a shiver down his spine and his lips desperately wished to chase after hers and lock them down but he remained calm. Enjoying the feeling but not succumbing to it.

“You could say that but unfortunately we won’t be alone, the mayor’s whole family will be there as will your brother.” Frost looked into Daki’s eyes as he spoke, they were full of desire but also revealed that he would resist partaking in the delight that was her.

Daki felt her excitement plummet when she heard his reply. It wasn’t a date especially if her younger brother was coming. She pulled away from him, clearly a little disappointed but expected as much. Frost already had a woman; she’d have to do a lot more than simple tricks to direct his focus onto her, otherwise flirting would be as far as they got.

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