Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 311

311 Chapter 311: Contracting with Kiba

“Anyway, you’re just in time, Yarrow and I have managed to scrounge up quite a collection of old books, tomes and documents that should be helpful for someone like you.” Frost felt an invisible punch to his gut as he saw the glint on Chia’s face. She was clearly referring to him as being na?ve, given that Lola and Sam had to teach him the basics of the basics.

“Thank you for your generosity.” Unable to call her out on her subtle insult Frost thanked the older rabbit woman. There’s no problem with one being ignorant as long as one realises they are, which Frost clearly understood. He was determined to change. That’s why he accepted Lola’s and Sam’s tutelage and why he had a strong desire for books, all to improve his own knowledge. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

“You’re more than welcome Frost, hopefully these books help you on your path, oh and Yarrow and I have had a little chat. Once Lola takes over as mayor and we’re free, we’ll come visit your territory before heading south on a long awaited holiday, you fine with that?” Chia spoke in a way that didn’t exactly allow him to refuse but Frost held no intention to do so in the first place.

“Sure but give me a year or so otherwise it’d be too bare and rough for me to show off.” Of course, given that he had the dungeon menu and a nigh unlimited supply of labour he could probably establish a decent place in less than a year but the further away their visit the more impressed they’d be by his progress.

“Sounds like a plan. Dear are you done yet?” Chia nodded her head while smiling brightly, truly looking forward to going on a holiday with Yarrow. It’d been so long since they last got out of Kranor, and they hadn’t visiting the southlands/ sapient lands in nearly two decades. She then turned to her husband and asked if he had finished sorting the dozens of books they retrieved from the library and his many offices.

Yarrow placed the last two books in their proper piles before turning around to answer his wife, “yes I’m done.” He then turned to face Frost before gesturing to each pile. “That one’s full of books on trade professions, that’s agriculture, construction, governance aids as well as diaries written by former mayors and the final pile is history and books detailing the forces within the glacial mountains.” Each and every pile was practical and structured around territory management, exactly what Frost required. With this lot of knowledge, he’d struggle to fail. The mayoral diaries in particular would likely be very useful and not something he’d ever be able to find in a bookstore.

“Thank you very much Lord Yarrow, Lady Chia. I promise to take good care of these books and use their contained to knowledge to succeed in my endeavour. I hope when you come visit you’ll be more than happy with my progress.” Frost gave a polite bow to show his heartfelt thanks.

“No need for all that, it’s just some dusty, unused books but we do genuinely hope you can succeed.” Yarrow brushed off Frost’s thanks as it was unnecessary in his eyes, he already viewed Frost like kin, giving a few books away was nothing.

The servants brought in some tea while Frost perused some of the books before placing them within his storage rings. Yarrow also handed a few items that would be needed for the monster contract to Sam.


“Frost do you have a communication crystal by any chance?” Yarrow asked while finishing off his tea.

“Yes I do” Frost confirmed while reaching for the necklace around his neck where the thing was attached.

“Good, then we can register our device with yours, allowing easy communication between us when you’re back in your own territory.” Yarrow gave a nod towards one of the servants who promptly left and returned with the mayoral communication device. The two were registered to one another with a quick touching of the crystals and an infusion of mana thus Frost had another person he could call on his crystal.

Yarrow then looked up at the clock, “You should probably head down to Druakai’s place, Chia and I will see if we can break the little rug rats out of school for a little while. Once you’ve contracted with Kiba, invite Druakai and Ruby up as well, I’ve already booked reservations in Ramsey star restaurant on the top floor. It’s not too far from Daki’s shop so be sure to invite her too.” Yarrow gave his suggestion which everyone in the room agreed with. Once again the group split up, Sam went with Frost while Lola left with Yarrow and her mother.

“Lunch at Ramsey’s star restaurant and Yarrow’s paying yahoo!” Sam hollered once he and Frost left the manor. Ramsey’s star restaurant was similar to the phoenix fledgling restaurant in Furano as it was regarded as high class and had prices to match.

Currently since Ramsey retired from the high paced life of a restaurant head chef his son took over, the place was now under his capable reign. Some even said the food had become even better with him at the helm, Sam was more than eager to try it but really struggled to justify such an expense when they could easily eat his or Ramsey’s cooking for free. But if someone else was paying that no longer became an issue.

“Come on let’s go quickly, the faster we do this the faster we can eat.” Sam wrapped his arm around Frost’s shoulder and jogged towards the lift practically dragging Frost with him.

Down on the 7th floor at Druakai’s farm, Druakai was sitting on a bench with his trademark friendly smile that was even larger than normal. In front of him Ruby and Kiba were playing, something they hadn’t done in a long time. It soothed his heart and made what was about to happen much easier to handle. He knew that Kiba would be well looked after and not have his potential squandered.

As he heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind Druakai turned around to see Frost and Sam, here as promised. A slight pain flashed in his eyes before he turned to Kiba who had also noticed their presence. “It’s time Kiba,” three words but chock full of emotion.

Kiba’s ears drooped low as he brushed up against his foster father before stopping in front of Frost, his soon to be master and companion.

“Did you manage to clear up any lingering issues?” Frost directed his question to Kiba who nodded his large tiger head. “Good boy” Frost then rubbed Kiba’s head causing him to purr in content before redirecting his gaze to Druakai. “How does this work exactly?”

“The process is pretty simple especially given that Kiba accepts you whole heartedly.” Druakai stood up from the bench, his massive 4 metres tall frame casting a long shadow across the ground. He removed a few items from a nearby bag, clearly materials necessary to establish the bond. “The magic used is a derivative of taming magic, it will create a soul bond between you and Kiba, allowing you to communicate without words and understand one another’s thoughts and feelings. He will become your most trusted partner just like how Ruby is mine.” He patted the red tailed snow leopard who brushed up against his side. “You will need to care for him and provide for him and in return he shall follow you loyally whether that be simply travelling or into the heat of battle, he will be by your side.” Druakai’s eyes looked at the large, winged tiger with a modicum of shame. He lacked the strength to accompany Kiba in battle thus letting a great deal of his potential go to waste.

“Once the bond is created you will both need to nurture it in order for your cooperation to grow and strengthen. Are you ready?” Druakai stood before Frost and Kiba with a serious expression. The dungeon core and winged tiger looked at one another before both nodding their heads, they were ready.

“Good, then let’s get started” Druakai nodded his head while smiling, happy with their determination. He’d cleared out this field in advance for the ceremony and asked that none of his employees interrupt the process, he wasn’t going to take any chances with Kiba.

“Druakai, Yarrow prepared some high end materials for the ceremony and asked that you use them instead.” As Druakai pulled out the materials required for the contract ceremony Sam spoke up before removing the bag Yarrow handed him before they left the manor. Druakai took hold of the bag and looked inside, his eyes opening wide in surprise.

“Seems Lord Yarrow’s investing quite heavily in Frost.” The materials were at least a single grade higher than what Druakai had prepared some even two. With this even if the trust between Frost and Kiba was low there would be very little chance of failure. This contract would not only be a success the bond established would be strong and stable as though they’d been partners for years.

“Alright let’s begin.”

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