Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 303

303 Chapter 303: Kranor’s problem

“Show us, show us, show us” The three kids, Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren were also keen to see the fruits of Frost and their father’s shopping spree. Loudly demanding with pleading eyes as they held onto Frost’s robes

“Alright, alright give me a second, there quite a lot after all.” Frost rubbed their heads before moving over to a more open area of the room. Connecting his mind his storage rings, Frost pulled out the fruits of his labour one by one, presenting them for Lola and the kids to see.

Chia and Yarrow appeared a few moments later after hearing from the servants that Sam and Frost were back. The two of them were looking the exact opposite of Lola, as though years have been taken off their complexions. They walked in the room hand in hand before taking a seat.

Yarrow and Chia were both former adventurers so they could lend their knowledge and expertise. They nodded and praised on occasion as did Lola, Sam’s nose seemed to grow longer, and his chest arched forward in pride. It was him that chose all the stuff, Frost simply handed over the cash. Tulip and the kids however grew bored very quickly, the items Frost off loaded were not interesting at all to them thus they lost interest and dragged their father to another room to finish regaling to him their time with the monster cubs.

Once Frost had revealed everything, including the equipment order he left with Daki, Lola nodded her head and smiled. “With this collection you should be more than ready to take on quests that match you’re level of strength, far better than what you had previously.” Frost’s lips twitched as she brought up his ineptitude.

“Hoh so you met young Daki, did she use her famous charm on you?” Chia asked with a curious look. She wondered how the handsome and almost devastatingly charming Frost fared against the mighty Daki. Even she as a former 3 time winner of the miss Kranor contest knew the power of that girl’s charm.

“Yes she did, it was quite a tantalising experience.” Frost showed a slightly perverted smile as he remembered being neck deep in Daki’s breasts and the feeling against his hands as he cupped her massive and supple backside.

“Yes she does have that effect on people but no doubt it was an enjoyable meeting for her as well.” Chia smiled knowingly, sure that Frost wasn’t the only one to have an enjoyable experience.

By her side Yarrow kept his tongue because if he said any words of praise about Daki or mentioned her devasting charm in any way he’d easily offend his wife and daughter, a foolish move which he would have no part in.


While Frost was away with Sam, he and Chia were drilling important details into Lola as well as asking more about Frost’s situation. He was too good to pass up, the elderly couple were desperate to hook such a large fish to their little enclave, knowing that it would be a great boon. Tulip was too young to be engaged to Frost but there were other woman in Kranor, such as Daki. If they could hitch the two of them together it would be perfect. Unfortunately, Lola quickly shot that idea down, Frost had no plan to stay and already had a special someone in his life, as well as two kids to looks after. They had nothing Frost wanted, and it was far too ambitious for a small enclave such as Kranor to hold onto someone as talented as Frost.

Yarrow and Chia had to admit they were a little disappointed but didn’t linger on the subject. There was still the relationship of master and student between Frost and their daughter so his relationship with the enclave was already positive. When she told them of his plans to create his own territory, Yarrow and Chia were blown away, baffled by the prospect but if anyone was going to do it, it would be someone with Frost’s potential. This further ignited Yarrow’s desire to establish a stronger relationship with Frost. If they assisted in his territory creation they could being creating a powerful ally that was not just an individual. A strong man or woman even if their abilities were S-rank could only do so much. The help they could provide paled in comparison to that of a nation even a small one. Yarrow’s governing mind worked overtime to try and think of ways to help Frost’s ambition come true. Doing so would not only help a friend but also Kranor.

Chia gave her husband a knowing look if there really was some kind of spark between Frost and Daki they’d do their best to nurture it. Yarrow nodded his in agreement, understanding his wife’s thoughts as though they were of one mind.

“How did your meeting with Kiba go?” Yarrow asked with a serious tone. Kiba’s situation had grown to the point that it was causing problems for the entire enclave. If Frost failed to contract with him he’d have to send word to some of countries in the inner regions that Kranor was on friendly terms with in order to sell the winged tiger, something he rather not have to do. Selling to them would be a mere business transaction netting Kranor no relationship gain. In fact, knowing about Kranor’s recent developments with a large bandit group they may even forcibly drive the price down and act as they were doing them a favour. A pitiful outcome in comparison to having Frost contract with Kiba. Yarrow was quite anxious in regards to the outcome and to be honest like Sam he didn’t hold too much hope. Knowing from reports that Kiba’s behaviour was growing worse after every failed contract attempt, it was clear that the tiger only had eyes for Druakai.

Frost saw the anxious, almost desperate look in Yarrow’s eyes and felt the need to quickly settle the old man’s worries. “It went very well actually; he was aggressive at first but after showing him my strength and character he accepted me. He’s a big misunderstood softie, I told Druakai to keep him tonight so that they could have a proper farewell and patch up any misunderstandings. I’ll be contracting with him tomorrow before I leave.”

Yarrow, Chia, and Lola all turned to face Frost in shock, really not expecting such an answer. Each of them had been prepared to somehow console Frost on his failure and Yarrow had been figuring out what else he could reward Frost with for saving his life.

“Y....You succeeded....big softie? Kiba?” Yarrow nervously asked while his lips twitched, blown away by this information. He had met Kiba more than a few times after he reached his rebellious years and really couldn’t imagine the words ‘big softie’ having anything to do with him.

“Yep, I reminded him of his Dad, Druakai so we really hit it off. His rebellious behaviour before was just so he could drag out his time with Druakai and Ruby as much as possible ergo, big softie” Frost spoke with a smile, really touched by how cute Kiba was.

“...Hahahahahahahah” Yarrow was silent for a few seconds before laughing out loud, his hand covering his eyes as water started to accumulate “Good no that’s great news, finally Kiba has been matched with someone hahahaha.” So far ever since Frost came to Kranor everything has been on the up. He recovered from his illness, his daughter is willing to takeover the enclave and now the problem child that was Kiba had been taken care of. Many of the burdens that stressed him so over the past several months were solved just like that. He had the sudden urge to kiss Frost as if he was some sort of good luck charm. Thankfully however he did not do so.

Chia placed her hand on her husband’s back, she understood his feelings given that she too had to deal with the burdens as interim mayor. It was a good sign for Kranor.

Feeling like it was time to strike when the iron was hot, Yarrow uncovered his eyes and showed a passionate and determined look, fully believing that Frost was some good luck omen.

“Lola tells me that you wish to create your own territory is that true?”

Frost glanced at Lola before replying, “yes that’s true. I currently have the place, materials, and labour but I mainly lack knowledge. Sam took me around Kranor not only to give a tour but to let me see how the enclave was laid out and functioned as territory.” Frost felt that Yarrow was leading somewhere so he answered honestly.

“I’m aware, tell me then what did you think of Kranor when you saw it?” Yarrow leaned forward and supported his chin with both hands as though keen to hear what Frost had to say.

Frost once again looked towards Lola before replying, she’d already told him of the major boons and problems in Kranor, but Yarrow was likely asking for his personally opinion after seeing the place with his own eyes.

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