
Chapter 50: End of dungeon trials [2]

Chapter 50: End of dungeon trials [2]

??????????'?? ??????:


My lungs gasped for air, my breath ragged. But I didn't let the tiredness bother me, releasing a barrage of arrows at the katana guy.

Like the rest of his class, he had a blue cloth tagged A2 on his arm.

Digging into my quiver for another arrow—my heart sank.

The realization hit me, I was running low on ammunition.

I needed a fresh quiver, but changing it mid-battle would leave me vulnerable to the katana.

Nevertheless, I launched two more arrows at him.

In response however, he swiftly unsheathed his katana.

In that second, a subtle but a very distinctive ??????????! filled the area.

Immediately, two arcs of white energy was launched through the air, obliterating my projectiles.

"Tsk!" I clicked my tounge in annoyance at his relentless defense.

The dungeon's interior was impressively large, providing ample space which made battling inside a manageable task.

But our main problem lay in the narrow pathways that led to the inner section of the dungeon.

Escaping through them would be a challenge for our class. In other words, we had to fight. But we were already too tired from the last battle.

"Tsk!" I clicked my tounge in frustration, feeling the annoyance creep in.

I activated [inetei], my personal skill, feeling the surge of mana coursing through my arms.

Using inetei wasn't my usual preference, since it sucked alot of mana, not to mention the level of focus required.

And unfortunately, I currently had neither in abundance.

All the mages were preoccupied, engaged in their own battle, all the tanks already eliminated. There was no one left to cover me. I couldn't retrieve my additional quiver because of this.

The dark- brown-haired guy, Karthik, steadily advanced towards me with his gleaming katana.

With a firm grip on my empty bow, I activated the [inetei] skill.

Vivid green mana coursed through the string, materializing a glowing arrow out of thin air—not made of any metal, but pure mana.

????????!— I released the arrow, which cut through the air.

Realizing the force behind it, Karthik swiftly assumed a defensive stance, using the blunt side of his katana to intercept the arrow.

????????!!—The impact sent him careening back to three meters, his heels digging into the earth.

The arrow splashed upon contact to the katana almost like water. Left behind was deep cuts on Karthik's thighs and torso.

"Hnnn! You will pay dearly for that!" Karthik growled, his mana flaring up in a dangerous manner.

"Damn it!" I cursed, aware that I couldn't rely too heavily on [inetei] due to my exhausted mana reserves and lack of focus.

Before I could even think of running, my eyes widened as Karthik's form blurred, and in an instant, he reappeared directly in front of me, high in the air, his katana gripped in a reverse hold, poised to strike.

Just as the katana was about to make contact—????????! A metallic clash resonated through the air.

Zooming out of the scene was machete's steel biting into katana's tamahagane.

A figure stood between Karthik and me, their weapons locked in a tense standoff.

'Noah!' my eyes widened, recognizing the guy.

'This guy...'

Karthik retreated to the ground, pushing his katana forward in an effort to overpower Noah.

In response, Noah swiftly lowered himself, narrowly avoiding the deadly swing of the katana.

"I don't need your help," I asserted firmly to Noah, my frown deepening.

Retrieving a quiver filled with arrows from my dimensional bracelet, I continued, "Get out of here. He's way out of your league. You will be eliminated!"

Nonchalantly, Noah turned to face me, but his focus still on Karthik.

With confidence, he retorted, "Well, he's out of your league as well? You should go back and reunite with the mages, while I hold him off this way!"

His words caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his remark. 'Heh, Karthik is above my league? Does he think I am weak?'

But, Noah was swiftly dismissed by Karthik's decisive kick, leaving a deep gash on his shoulder, along with a few cuts of Katana here and there.

"Round two, here we go!" I declared, catching Karthik's attention before he could harm Noah anymore.

Yes, I wasn't going to let Karthik eliminate him, I do own him a bit for the spy and now! Payback!


The resounding collision of a mace and a glaive sent sparks flying through the air.


Takahashi swiftly sidestepped, executing a nimble twist that propelled a dangerous arc of attack at Myung Joon. The later responded just as swiftly, expertly wielding his mace. Their clash echoed through the air, a testament to their skills.

The mace that Myung Joon wielded was a splendid golden Gada of Indian design. Its sheer weight demanded every ounce of one's strength.

It showed Myun's formidable power, consdering how easily he was using it.

As Myung Joon exerted pressure against Takahashi's glaive, he taunted,"You're not as strong as the rumors say, hnn!" With a single push, Myung Joon sent Takahashi back. He raised his weapons aimed at Takahashi's torso.

Takahashi skillfully blocked the attack with the shaft of his glaive, but the impact sent him flying back again.

"What a disappointment," Myung Joon snorted.

"Let's see if this will disappoint you," Takahashi retorted, a surge of darkness emanating from his body, instantly boosting his strength.

With lightning speed, Takahashi dashed at Myung Joon, the later responded with a skill of his own, his golden mace glowing a searing red. He forcefully slammed his mace towards Takahashi.

The collision between the mace and glaive unleashed a tremendous release of energy, sending brilliant sparks cascading through the air with a resounding—????????????!!


Aeravat's POV:

The buzzing sound of the giant hornet-like creature made me cringe in disgust.

It crashed towards me, its wings flapping with an ominous rhythm.

Its deadly stinger glinted in the light coming from the giant ball of energy hovering in the air, my illuminate skill.

However, before it could lay a single sting on me, a colossal bolt of lightning crackled through the air, striking the creature.

The impact sent the hornet spiraling through the air, a testament to the power of the bolt.

Curiosity I turned my head towards the source, only to lock eyes with Aurora.

Refocusing my attention on the ongoing battle, determination surged through my veins.

I sprinted towards the insectoid monster, where it was already engaged in a frenzied skirmish with six other members of our team.

Among them stood out Kai Lee.

Regrettably, the odds were not in our favor.

We had already lost four of our members, their absence casting a somber shadow over the battlefield.

But, this only intensified our resolves.

"RAGGGH!" With a battle cry, I soared through the air, descending on the monster.

My sword sliced through its wing, eliciting a blood-curdling roar from the wounded beast.

The sheer intensity of the creature's roar caused my ears to ache, prompting me to hastily retreat a few steps, seeking respite from its dangerous sonic assault.

Seizing the opportunity, the creature lunged at me, attacking with the full force of all six of its deadly claws.

But, I could only manage to defend against three of them. The earlier distracting sonic howl, combined with my reliance on using only a sword, left my defense compromised, exposing a weakness.

'I need a shield with this talwar!'

The remaining claws struck me with a brutal impact, sending me hurtling through the air.

A deep wound tore across my torso, causing excruciating pain that forced a cry from my lips, momentarily satisfying the intensity of the agony.

In that fateful moment, the colossal beast swiftly eliminated two of our team members.

They were eliminated and teleported out of the dungeon trial.

The battle had already waged on for far too long, and I refused to let it prolong any further!

"Everyone, unleash your strongest skills and spells! If we let this continue, victory will slip from our hands."

Each team member nodded in unison, acknowledging the urgency of our situation.

Drawing upon my inner strength, I activated [Harmony].


In an instant, Aeravat was consumed by a brilliant white light. The intensity became so overwhelming that everyone present had to shut their eyes for a moment.

When they opened their eyes again, a breathtaking sight awaited them.

As the brightness gradually faded away, magnificent fiery wings emerged from Aeravat's back, resembling the stunning grace of a mythical phoenix.

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