Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 422 Monster 1, 2

A double chapter, minasan! Daily + Extra comes to you by Dark Priest.

Also, many thanks to Vitan Cernjac on PayPal. He gifted us an Ebony Armor!


(Part 1)

"I do not like this... They actually had the nerve to ask me coming all the way over here." The Old Woman complained in a bad mood.

"Don’t fret over it. At least they asked nicely. Also... weren’t we looking for Galam either way?" Jon said

"I prefer doing things on my own terms."

"Fine, let’s just get done with it."

"... Do you know why Galam want to get rid of the two of us?" She asked.

"Because... he’s an asshole?"

"Haha... aside from that? You know... people do what they do for a reason. He is not just some thug or evildoer because he wants to do evil, you know."

"All I know is that he had something against you and I got in his way."

"Sigh! You are still young, my friend. People may have not given you ’that treatment’ but... let’s talk about this after everything is over."

Jon and the Old Woman were standing in a large clearing in a swampy forest. They were surrounded by entwined trees standing on the muddy land under the gloomy sky. On the other side, there was a small fort that seemed like an old place positioned here as an outpost.

Behind Jon and the Old Woman were Mirren, Miranda and Isha. Behind them, all were a force of Redoran Guards that escorted them here. The leader of the force looked as if his soul was sucked up by the glares of the Old Woman all the way here.

There seemed to be an understanding between House Redoran and the Old Woman to not bother her but the hostages were too important that they had to beg her to be present to just rescue the emissary and arrest Galam. She only agreed after Jon saying it is okay.

"My friend, this will be the last thing I ask from you then I will end your Labour after it. Bring me that Galam and sort this mess for me please." She said.

"Worry not. I will give him a piece of my mind." Jon said.

The Redoran Commander came and looked apologetic. He conversed with the Old Woman but she refused cooperation and sent Jon forward to deal with things.

Jon, of course, was still disguised as Krilon. It seemed that Galam and his allies wanted the 10 million Gold Septims on his head without letting anyone get wind of the news.

Galam was standing on the gatehouse of the fort with a band of Argonians, Orcs and Dark Elves. He was simply looking at Jon with narrowed eyes.

Jon was over half a mile away from the fort as he started walking all by himself. The ones behind him and the ones in front of him could only see a silhouette of him as he crossed half that distance.

"Nefertiti, is it done?"

"Yes. Bad people are all here."

"Use the scrolls and lay traps, make sure to keep it simple so that no one suspects it.

A few minutes ago, Jon sent her away to scout around the fort. She was in her child form wearing a black dress and holding an umbrella Jon made for her. She walked unnoticed and investigated the ambushers outside the fortress who seemed to be High Elves and Argonians. From that, Jon could understand that the Thalmor and the An-Xileel are present and judging by Nefertiti’s information, they have some Arch Wizards. She also put traps in their shadows using some devilish method Jon thought of.

Anyway, the Thalmor are probably here for him as Jon Dare and the An-Xileel are here for him as the suspect who burned Tear. Jon is known for his usage of the necromancy magic and strange artifacts. Now that Galam has leaked that Krilon is Jon Dare, Jon must find a way to clear Krilon’s connection to Jon.

As he was still not seen clearly by Galam’s side, he switched his appearance and held his cane staff, [Pride].

Now, he is only a hundred meters away from Galam’s fort right on the border between Morrowind and Black Marsh standing on a road in this swampy land.

"Krilon... or should I say Jon Dare! I see you have come on time." Galam called.

Jon didn’t seem to bother and looked at the people who were tied beside him. They looked dignified and composed despite being hostages, worthy of their description as Imperial Nobles.

"I came for the exchanged." Jon calmly said in a low voice but everyone heard him loud and clear.

"Hm? Powerful!" A High Elf mage beside Galam roughly estimated Jon’s power just by that.

{Jon, be careful. We know this mage, he is a vicious person.} Mirren sent a Telepathy signal to Jon.


"Jon Dare, why don’t you show us your face?" Galam said.

Jon didn’t bother and removed the mask. His face was exposed but the expressions on Galam’s face twisted.

It was surely close to Jon’s real appearance but still different. The skin was darker, the hair and eye colors were brown, the facial hair was neat and short with some minor facial details being not quite in place.

He can be called a Redguard with brown hair and a facial structure similar to Jon Dare.

"Krilon, damn you! Remove that illusion at once." Galam pointed a dagger towards one of the nobles.

"Illusion?" Jon tilted his head.

"Don’t play dumb or else! Master Faindor, please rip off his illusions." Galam asked the mage beside him.

"Humph!" The latter snorted not happy to be told what to do by the Dunmer yet, in the end, he looked deeply at Jon with his eyes glowing with Magicka.

"... Hmm... No. That is his true face. There is no illusion." The Altmer wizard said.

Galam blacked out for a second.

"It can’t be! There are no illusions? This is... this is..." As he started denying, a certain idea came to his head.

"The only illusion is what you believed, idiot. Did you really think I am going to show you my real face?" said.

Galam’s face hardened as Jon’s smile widened.

The High Elf frowned towards Jon.

"Scoundrel, you have really wasted our time."

"Sorry not sorry."

"Insolent fool. Galam, capture this man anyway. He may prove of some use to compensate for the time we wasted." The Altmer mage said. His eyes showed a hint of greed as he looked at Jon’s staff and mask.

"Fine. But he and the woman must die. Their kind is... they absolutely can’t be allowed to live."

"Do not think you can tell me what to do, boy. I will see to that once they are my prisoners." The Altmer dismissed Galam and walked away leaving some of his underling mages with Galam.

Jon, on the other hand, was proud of his trick. He never thought he would go and use this face he is wearing for anything before. After all, this face is very special to him.

It is his past life’s appearance.

"Krilon... or whoever you are... I don’t care about your identity anymore. Hand over yourself you and that Old Woman. If not, let’s see how you fuckers explain yourselves to the Redoran army."

Galam’s voice echoed far and wide. The Old Woman shook her head and the Redoran commander didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The true value of the Old Woman is scary and he friends and allies extend to every part of the continent. She may have been forced to retire from the political life but she still has a weight that the Redoran can’t shake.

Jon made a solemn face.

"The guys behind me want a gesture of good faith. I hand over myself first then you release a portion of the hostages. Once that is done, you will get what you want and the people go free." Jon said.

Galam narrowed his eyes and looked towards the Old Woman whose face was solemn. He couldn’t tell what game they were playing but the Redoran Army was in control here as far as he is concerned.

"Krilon. Don’t think that you can trick me, you monster. I know your kind very well. Once you get closer, you’re thinking of unleashing yourself on us. Too bad we already saw that one coming. Mages, the chains."

Some Orc mages responded to his order and waved for some warriors on the wall to activate a mechanism. Two large chains came out of the wall and the Orc mages used [Telekinesis] on them and extended the chains all the way to Jon. These chains were probably used for a drawbridge that used to exist before but it seems like they were modified and exchanged with new sets of chains.

"Oh! Orichalcum... I feel honored." Jon said.

It seems that two sets of chains that were being carried to him were made of the Orc specialty metal, the Orichalcum. A hard metal, resistant to blows and very hard to shape only the Orcs and a few top-notch blacksmiths can make tools out of it. To make such a long chain with Orichalcum, this must have taken ages. The chains themselves should be some sort of artifact at this rate.

Jon wasn’t wrong to think so. Once the chains were fully extended, Jon read the enchantment and his mood sunken reminding him of some unpleasant memories.

"Magic Sealing Chains."

Sure enough, they were something like the ’Briarheart Vine’ that gave him the traumas of his life.

"Krilon! Come closer and put those on." Galam called.

Jon’s mood seemed to be worsening by the second. He simply looked to the chains and a vicious idea after the other popped in his mind.

As he was about to walk to them, Galam called again.

"Wait! Almost forgot... your Blade, your Armor, your Staff... throw them away first."


(Part 2)

Jon was barely holding it but he still did what Galam said. The Ebony Blade, Ahzidal’s Gear, Krilon, Greed and Pride were put on the ground. Jon was wearing a thin chitin plate and some solid cotton pants under them.

"Those two." Galam said.

"..." Jon looked at him unamused.

"I know they are enchanted." Galam seemed to have an eye for quality indeed.

Jon had to get naked in his underpants in front of the whole two groups.

"Fine." He said and undid his armor and pants.

His well frightening well-built muscles were exposed to the public for the first time after his ascendance to the Dragon Heart stage. The body that reached the apex of humanity was not all plucky but had scary details to each and every muscle.

The Orcs who worshiped strength felt threatened by Jon’s muscle that can only be described as tyrannical. The curves on the muscles and how they moved seemed to be a magic of its own.

"Is it me or his muscles have muscles." Mirren focused his magic on his eye and wondered.

"Not sure. But these are no ordinary muscles. Don’t worry. I am not in men with muscles or anything." Isha said.

"Oh... I... I see." Mirren nodded and looked away.

"Isha... merciless." Miranda commented in a low tone.

On the other side, Galam frowned once again. Even Jon’s underpants were enchanted as it seemed.

"I am not taking off my Gucci underpants." Jon said.

"You... The Chains!"

Seeing Galam’s reaction, Jon felt a bit better as he already knew what to do.

He simply walked to the chains lying in front of him and held one up. It had a shackle to its end and it was quite the top quality. Jon tested his inner flow before he put the first shackle on then took the next and put it in the other hand.

"Hahaha! You are dead. You hear me? You monster and your kind are all dead." Galam seemed to be the happiest he has ever been.

"Monsters?" Jon heard Galam repeat this word quite a lot. Somehow he was obsessed with calling Jon and the Old Woman as ’Monsters’.

"Pull him for me. I shall kill this monster bastard with my hands."

Two groups of Orcs and Argonians started gathering around the two winches connected to each chain. The groups held to the poles on the wench and started circling around it to pull the chains.

Jon kept watching the chains connected to his hands rise up from the ground slowly and steadily. They became dangled between his hands and the mechanism of the fort then the chains rose until they became fully taut.

All of a sudden, the two winches couldn’t pull anymore.

"Sir, the mechanism is stuck." A man called for Galam.

"Here too."

The winches stopped at the same time.

"Argh! Useless." Galam was not amused by that and looked to the Orc mages and they shook their heads saying that the mechanism is working just fine.

Galam couldn’t point out where things went wrong.

He followed the chain with this eyes to the pulley leading out of the gap in the wall. He thought it may be stuck but when he checked the part of the chain going out. It was as taut as if it was tied to a mountain on the other side.

But that shouldn’t be the case.

On the other side was just Krilon.

He may be one of those monsters wearing a human’s skin like that Old Woman but... he is still... a human.

He should be.

Ten strongmen are pulling the chain mechanism on each side and those chains should restrain a Mammoth or a large Haj Mota.

Galam didn’t want to think of that possibility and ran to the balcony of the wall to look at Jon. He saw the strongmen struggling with the winches and the Orc mages looking at Jon speechless.

"Is that all?" The clear voice of Jon reached them.

"Impossible! These chains should seal his magic." An Orc mage screamed.

"Sorry. But I’ll never fall to such a thing again." Jon smiled vividly.

"No! No... this ’Monster’... You, these chains, they block the magic, right. Can they block the magic that flows through them?" Galam asked the mage next to him.

"Wha... what do you mean?" The Mage asked.

"Are the chains conductive?" Galam asked impatiently.


"Then what are you waiting for? Shoot Shock magic at him!"

"Eh? Ah! Right... Shock Magic! Everyone... now!"

The Orc and Altmer mages couldn’t delay any longer and shot their spells at the chains. The Strongmen escaped away from the winch as the electricity flowed in towards Jon.

He was smiling.

Knowing that those who are struggling for their lives like ants are no match for what he had in store for them.

In the back, the Old Woman snorted. Jon somehow foresaw half of what happened now and seemed to be handling it all on his own.

The shock spells reached his hands and struck him hard.


Jon’s whole being was being electrocuted as if he was on a death chair. His skin crawled, his bones shook, she blood flow became unstable and his teeth all felt a horrible ache.

He howled from the pain as his natural resistances were only to Flame and Frost, Shock maybe his favorite element but it was his bane as well.

"YoU thiNk ThiS got mE?"

Jon was enraged but at the same time happy. It was a long time since he has been in this pain. He will not grow in resistance or anything but will only get his vitality expended if he kept getting shocked like that.

But that was his true aim from the beginning. He wanted to be struck down continuously by Shock spells to damage both his Vitality and Magicka, only then he can unleash a combination of powers that will scare the ever-living out of those people.

Inside the Fort, the Altmer high mages noticed the anomaly and ran to the walls to see the incomprehensible scene.

Jon was taking all the damage in and nearing his bodies limit until it all became quiet in his head and his body lowered down.

Right at that moment, he called for three names.

"All-Maker!" "Azura!" "Sheogorath!"

The world shook and the earth cracked under his feet. Jon stood up and roared to the sky like a beast.

His Tyrannical Aura showed itself voluntarily.

He activated three blessings at the same time.

The Blessing of the All-Maker, the Root of Power. His Magicka regenerated insanely.

The Blessing of Sheogorath, the Mad Champion. His Vitality regenerated insanely.

The Blessing of Azura, Dawn’s Beauty. His body absorbed half of the Magic that he was struck with.

As his roared was done vibrating around, the world turned quiet and he opened his eyes. His eyes were not normal but rather blue white light was flowing out of them. The elements and the laws of nature moved in a strange fashion around him and obeyed him.

He raised his hands to the sky and all the Shock Magic he was being struck with was unleashed to heaven in a bolt of lighting going all the way up.

The nature reacted by itself and returned the bolt of lightning at Jon who received it with open arms.

That lightning was directed back in the Orichalcum chains at the walls of the fort. The mages warded themselves or ran away but Jon wasn’t targeting them or even bothered. The lightning struck the winches fixed to the wall’s foundation and flowed all the way to the wall. Vertical cracks appeared on the fort and the people on its top fell on their butts.

With just that, the whole place returned silent once again.

Jon smiled, then giggled, then laughed.

It was too good seeing the terrified look on their faces. His sadistic nature couldn’t hide itself any longer and he turned around with the chains still tied to him.

He simply walked away and until the chain reached its limit. Jon’s smile widened and he tightened his grip on the chains once again. He put them on his right side then raised him to his shoulder and...

*crack* *crack*

... he pulled.

And what he was pulling was a fort.

"Impossible! This Monster is actually..." Galam was no longer understanding how this is actually happening.

Jon was pulling a fort’s wall all by himself.


"Brace yourselves!"

"Run away!"

The Orcs, Argonians and Altmer were simply in a chaotic state created by one human.

He kept pulling and they only thought of running away.

The Fort’s wall could withstand no longer and it tilted forward.

Galam suddenly remembered that he has hostages, he looked to the people on the gatehouse and ran towards them but the falling wall was faster.

It was already over. The wall crashed down like a falling piece of domino.

The Dunmer Brigands, the Argonian Marauders, the Orcs Tribesmen and the Altmer Thalmor were brought down by one monster that didn’t even bother with hostages.

Still, these hostages seemed to have been taken somewhere else. The other Monster was standing far behind the Monster that brought down the wall.

The Old Woman managed to grab the hostages and teleported them right beside her.

"Oh! Here you go, Redoran brat. Your ever so precious hostages. Mind if we handle our prey now?"



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