Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 415 No Mans Land 7, 8 : Settling Scores, Karly

(Part 1: Settling Scores)

A fancy carriage stopped at a certain building in the south of the Bazaar district, it was guarded by some intimidating looking men who secured the area around the carriage first before knocking on its door.

Jon walked out of the carriage in his Krilon appearance and extended his hand to the other passenger. The old woman went came out after Jon holding his hand and the two walked to the building.

"Sorry to trouble you, my friend. Galam seemed to have got mixed up in something mysterious lately." She said.

"Yes, I saw it. Bad news what happened." Jon made a disheartened look.

"You sure you have no idea what happened? He was gazing at you thinking you did something with Illusions." She looked at him with disbelieving eyes.

"I said it, didn’t I? Anyone with a decent talent in Magic can see through a Mimic Spell."

"Then how do you explain what happened?"

"I just cast some illusions on a guard and he went on a rampage but somehow he ended up looking like Galam. Nothing I could do about it."

"Heh! I think there is more to the story I’ll take your word for it." The Old Woman giggled softly and walked forward inside the building.

The place looked like a big merchant store where they sell grains and materials by big amounts. The Old Woman found her way through the workers who cleared the way for her intimated by Jon’s presence. The two finally reached the other end of the building where a desk stood empty.

"Alven! I know you are here. Come out." The Old Woman called.

Jon looked around for this fellow Alven then noticed someone poking his head from behind a door. He sighed and stared at the man until he came out.

"My my! What a pleasant surprise Tong Leader. You honor us with your presence." Said the man who appeared to be a fat Dunmer.

He came in front of the woman and went on his knees trying to kiss her hand but Jon held him from his nape and shook his head.

"Excuse me, Tong Leader. Please have a seat. Mister, please have a seat too."

The fatty kept offering hospitality so the Old Woman simple walked and sat behind the desk.

"Hmm... how are you doing, Alven?" She asked.

"We are living by your boon, my lady. There is no more we can ask for." Alven said while bowing slightly.

"So you remember?"

"Of- Of course, how can I forget?"

"Hmmm... How is your wife, Alven? Did she have an easy birth?"

"Yes, thank you for asking, my lady."

"Strange! I hear she departed to Ebonheart right after birth. Why so fast?"

"Eh... Yes, she had to stay with her mother to take care of the newborn. Mournhold is not suitable in spring for the seasonal fever."

"I see." The Old Woman pointed at the chair across the desk, "Sit down, Alven."

"My lady, I prefer..." Alven was about to say something but Jon held his shoulder and forced him on the chair.

The fatty sat while sweating like a swine.

"Tell me, Alven. Do you know what I value the most?" She asked.

Alven nodded hastily.

"The most valuable money I have ever made and the priceless lesson of life. Value Loyalty above all else." She said and stood up.

She walked around the desk to Alven holding her staff.

"The prices of the grains have gone very high overnight. Mind explaining, Alven."

"Th- The last shipment was... it was not very good. Some sacks were rotten and we had to come up with a way to cover the loss slightly until another fresh shipment arrives."

"Which shipment?"

"The Silver Hills shipment. The one from Skyrim."

The Old Woman was taken aback.

"The Silver Hills went bad? Isn’t that the wheat from Winterhold?"


The Old Woman looked at Jon and the two sighed in their minds.

"Strange! The Dare Fleet is known to have fast ships powered by demons as far as the rumor says... and those people from Winterhold are really fanatics about Quality." She said with a doubting tone.

"I... I don’t know. Maybe those Demonic Ships caused the grains to be cursed."

"Good one, Alven." The Old Woman said and called for a worker, "Bring me some Silver Hills sacks. One from each corner of the building."

The worker looked to his boss but Jon was covering the screen.

"Until the grains come, tell me, Alven. What happened to the charity distribution I ordered? Word is the refugees didn’t eat their fill last night."

Alves jumped off his seat.

"Those... Impossible, my lady. The distribution is going very well every day, anything but that is baseless accusations."

"No one accused you of anything, Alven..." She said.

"Oh. I see... a test."

"... yet." Jon continued for her.

Alven looked at Jon with an offended look but Jon’s mask alone was intimidating as if the face behind it is a part of it.

"Here, my lady. The sacks." The worker came with a few others and put the sacks in from of the Old Woman.

"Open them." She said.

The worker opened them and then she went forward and put her hand in every sack taking out some grains and tasting them directly.

"Cyrodilic Light Grains." She said.

"No, it can’t be. This is..." Alven was shocked seeing a classy lady like her recognize grains like a tact farmer.

"Krilon, my dear. We made a detour to recover something this morning. Would you mind doing the... you know... you snap thing."

"By all means." Jon said and snapped his fingers taking out some large sacks from the Cube.

Alven saw the sacks and lost all the power in his legs. The worker opened them and the Old Woman did the same.

"Hmm... It is as you can smell the snow and wind of North Skyrim. A scent I will never forget. Reminds me with year 45 of the Third Era, we were on a ship on the northern waters of Skyrim hoping to steal a map to a treasure from Dawnstar’s Jarl but we had to dock on a wild shore because of a coming storm. Hiding in the ship was reckless so we landed with little food we have got, for our dumb luck, the food was rotting and no animal or village for half a day’s walk. My friend Sor and I hid in a cave of all places waiting for the storm to go by the morning but as the morning came, there was no end for it. I’ve never seen so much rain... winds like a Daedra went mad. All we could do is wait it out but Sor... he made a run for a village. So I was there... soaking wet... alone... three days of absolute misery. And on the fourth day, I was... overcome by this incredible feeling of peace. Something about hiding there while the rest of the word is being torn apart... sigh! It was poetic. Poor Sor learned that the hard way."

"What happened to him?" Jon asked.

"He died... didn’t get a few steps before the wind sends him flying to land on his skull. The fifth day when it all went down made me and the ones who lived it run to the village and bet for food like a punch of vagrants, we didn’t even have enough willpower to raid a single village." The Old Woman said and approached Alven.

"Now, do you know the moral of my story?"

Alven nodded like a chicken.

"I wasn’t talking to you, Alven." She turned around and looked at the worker. "I’m talking to you, young man."

"Yes, my lady." The worker said.

"What’s your name?"


"How long have you worked in my granary?"

"Four years."

"Fine. You are in charge now." She said.

"T- Tong Leader. That can’t be... I am..." Alves wanted to say something.

"If you don’t want to end up being naked, penniless and crawl like a warm to your wife in Ebonheart, then I suggest you keep it down." She said with a deadly glare.

"..." Alven turned silent.

"You stand accused of betraying my trust and not showing the loyalty I expect, Alves. The goods you tried to monopolize, the prices you raised and the charity food you stole will all weight you down when my punishment comes but... I think you can spare yourself some beating, Alves. You now can tell why I withdrew all my Guards to the White Cat and that’s for you and your likes to think I am retreating. I’ve been spending the whole morning with Krilon here and I’ve seen him slap some people. Let me tell you this, people have been ti Oblivion for some time after his slaps. They also make a nice echo."

Alves gulped looking at the giant behind him.

"Now, Alves. Mind telling me what I want to know?"


(Part 2: Karly)

"Looks like you got yourself some answers." Jon sitting in front of the Old Woman.

"Thanks to your intimidating, it all worked fast."

"Don’t mention it."

"Some celebration then."

The Old Woman took out a couple of clean goblets and a bottle of red liquor. She handed Jon a goblet and poured for the two of them.

Jon smelled the liquor before tilting his head.

"I don’t know that." He narrowed his eyes.

The Old Woman grinned and replied.

"Akaviri Blood Sake."

Jon’s eyes widened.

"I thought that was a myth."

"Same was said about G-spot but hey... some friends make the impossible possible, right?"

"Haha! Cheers."


The two stayed quiet for a bit before Jon talks again.

"Old Cat, who are you?... Really."

The Old Woman smiled as she looked out of the window.

"From as early as I remember, all I wanted to do is to be a captain of a ship. To be out there in the middle of the night navigating by the stars. I always thought it would be the greatest life on Nirn getting lost between the sea up there and the sea down here. Heh heh... that’s something to know about me." She said.

Jon smiled and became silent for some time.

"You’re never going to tell more, aren’t you?" He asked.

"Let me put your mind at ease, I never do." She said returning the same grin as him.

"I’ll go with that."

"More Sake?"


"I may have told you before but I have already invited a new one to join the circus. Do get along with her." The old woman added trying to avoid the misunderstanding that happened between Jon and Galam once again.

"A her? I’m always getting along with them ’hers’."

The Old Woman smiled widely and shook her head.

The carriage stopped back at the casino and Jon helped the Old Woman down. The Tong members were guarding the place from outside and inside.

Lanmas was waiting at the door and came out to receive the two.

"Thank the Nine you’re back. Going out like that..."

"Relax, my boy. Withdrawing the Tong people was just to make the rats feel the pressure off. Everything is going back as it was now."

"By your wish. I’ll see to it."

"Did anyone come while we were gone?"

"Not at all."

The Old Woman sighed and went in followed by Jon. In there, Isha was playing Gwent with a black cat which is of course Nefertiti.

"Still losing?" Jon asked.

"Shut up." Isha groaned.

The rest of the team were doing their things by either sharpening their arrows, reading a book or eating an untimely meal.

"I think the lot around here is getting comfortable." Jon said.

"It should be fine. According to what we know now, you won’t have any rest for the next few days." The Old Woman replied.

Jon offered her a hand on the stairway and reached her study upstairs. But somehow, his senses were felt something is not quite right.

"Show yourself." Jon blocked the Old Woman’s path and took out Mehrune’s Razor.

No reaction came at first but a dart was launched at his forehead. Jon just had to swing the dagger and send it back where it came from.

"No need for it, you two. Just let me rest my old bones first."

The Old Woman bypassed Jon without care and sat at her favorite place. Beside her, a Dunmer woman appeared in a mysterious way.

"Shadow Magic?" Jon noticed.

"Oh, you could tell?" The Old Woman was taken aback.

"I happen to see it a lot."

The Old Woman took his answer for it and looked at the woman who appeared.

"How have you been doing, girl? Eating well?" She asked.

"Yes, Grandma. I’m doing good." The other woman replied.

"I’ll leave you two together then." Jon said and left for his business.

The two women sat in front of each other.

"That was?"

"Krilon. You should at least have heard some rumors on your way here, little Karly."

"Quit calling me that, we’re not in the past century."

"Come on, you’re not that old, my dear. Want some candy?"

"Sigh! Why did you call me here, Grandma?"

"Why should I have a reason? One can’t look out for their grandchildren nowadays?"

The woman called Karly looked at her grandmother while narrowing her eyes.

"Fine... I’ll go with whatever you say. How are you, old hag? Not planning on being a Hagraven anytime soon. Plenty of them in Skyrim."

"Tsk. And here I was going soft on you. Truly, all I raised are sluts."


The two couldn’t hold their laughter much longer.

"So... How is Skyrim?" The Old Woman asked.

"Cold! Somehow, the Nords are still running wild rather than freezing to death." Karly said.

"What? Any trouble?"

"Yes, Eastmarch and the Rift are going to war with the rest of Skyrim."

"What about Winterhold?"

"Neutral as well as Whiterun. Those are the big traders nowadays and they want to save money. What about Mournhold? How are things?"

"Not very well I’m afraid, the spring is as nasty as ever killing many children. This damn fever is throwing the money all over the place."

"Want my help then?" Karly asked.

"Yes, keep your other side of the family away from mine. Tell them to respect the elders before I walk in the Grand Council again and bitch slap them all." The Old Woman said.

"The Indoril are causing you trouble? Fine, I’ll cash out some favors with my cousins just for you, you old dying woman."

"I’m not dying damn you!"

The Grandmother and Granddaughter pair had a certain understanding of things.

"Have you heard about this guy, the Red Cat of Riften?" Karly asked.

"The Thief?"

"Yes, the one they call Catatoskr. He appeared in Whiterun and stole from the Jarl over there. They say he showed his face and people are hell-bent on finding him now."

"Really? How does he look like?"

"Just a big tabby Khajiit."

"Hahaha! Good luck tell Khajiit apart then." The Old Woman laughed.

"I also think the same... Hey, do you have money? A big sum!" Karly asked.

"Not now. But why? It is not like you to ask before you steal."

"Ahaha! Yes... I’m really spending a lot the next couple of years and I need some of your coffers to back me up. I put my eyes on some small meaderies, some farms, alchemy shops and honey businesses I want to send bankrupt."

"Your taking revenge already?" The Old Woman asked.

"Not revenge. Justice. You’re the one who taught us that Revenge is a disease that eats the mind and poison the soul." Karly said.

"Well said... but you’ll have to stay by my side for the coming couple of years until I am done with the Narsis dilemma."

"Right, I went through it but found many hidden fingers. Want me to investigate?"

"I’ve already done that."

"And who are we up against?"

The Old Woman smiled.

"Imperials, Argonians and Dunmer... but the one behind all that is none other than our old friends who always wanted Dasheen for themselves. House Dres."


A week passed very quietly. After the run-in with the Indoril Guards and the Old Woman spring cleaning her Tong from traitors. Jon and the rest spent their time training.

In his room, Jon sat while floating in the air. He was meditating in silence while equipping Wraithgaurd in his right and manipulating some red energy of a broken Heart Stone. The red energy was swirling around him in circles and he would absorb it slowly and carefully.

As he was nearing a certain limit, Jon’s face turned red, green then blue... he opened his eyes and fell on his butt then spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Bleh! So nasty! Some caught up on my taste buds. Shit!"

He desperately cleaned himself and the floor from the impure blood and sat to catch his breath.

"Finally! I’ve been training like a fool for the past month and came this far. The Dragon Frame realm is almost over and I am back to uncharted waters... Also, somehow the path ahead seems only longer now."

Jon sighed and lied on the bed in his room.

"System, can we reach out Skyrim from here?"

<Out of Range! Empowering your Magical Signal is advised.>

"Still not enough? I just had another breakthrough... dammit."

Jon became disheartened and took out a light screen from the Cube.

"Give me a Status scan result."



<< Status >>

• Name: Jon Dare

• Level: 8 Ebonblood Realm, Dragon Frame Stage

• Vitality: 3725

• Magicka: 3710

<< Powers >>

• [Nord]

- Battle Cry (Active)

- 50% Frost Resistance (Passive)

• [Firemane]

- Fireborn: 50% Fire Resistance (Passive)

- Titanborn: Beast Master (Passive)

• [Serpent Stars]

- Serpent Tyranny: All Star’s Computability (Passive)

• [Ahzidal’s Genius]

- Secrets of Enchanting: Ahzidal’s Knowledge (Passive)

<< Blessings >>

• [All-Maker]

- Root of Power: 2500% Magicka Regeneration (Active)

• [Talos]

- Fortify Thu’um: 50% Cooldown (Passive)

• [Kyne]

- Empower Thu’um: +20% Damage (Passive)

• [Dragon Guardian]

- Dragon Affinity: All Dragon Related Creatures affinity (Passive)

- Ashen Flames (Active)

• [Sheogorath]

- Mad Warrior: 2500% Vitality Regen (Active)

• [Hermaeus Mora]

- Bardic Knowledge: Spectral Instruments for Magical Buffs (Active)

• [The Shadow Stone]

- Hide in Shadows: Better sneaking in Darkness (Passive)

- Blur: +20% Combat Speed (Passive)



A/n: the reason I wasn’t showing the Status was because I lost the txt file containing the notes I had about the novel. I spent the past couple of days recreating the Status, Blessings, Powers, Future Events and Characters files and here’s some result. Somethings may have been missed during the story but I just added them anyway.

The [Serpent Stars] is an initial power in Jon from his birth and it grants him the power to make contact with any star constellation.

[Ahzidal’s Genius] is the power of Ahzidal’s set but Jon gained bit permanently by taking Ahzidal’s corpse back to Saarthal... I might have missed mentioning that.

I’ll keep working on the Gear of Jon (which I completely forget what it was) and the Spells (cuz God I created a ton of them).

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