Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 408 The Fifth Labour 3, 4 : The Khajiiti Job

Another Double Chapter! We’re slaying it!


(Part 1)

Last night, Jon went all out on the agents of the Morag Tong and tonight he was making them work for him. Sure enough, that Tong cell was only there to keep an eye on Irileth and the [Ebony Blade] but they were poorly equipped and untrained. Their purpose was to act as local killers for hire while maintaining a watch on Dragonsreach castle.

Jon had to even provide them with handmade flame bombs and plan for them.

Even though he may judge them as trash level assassins, he was missing one important point and it is that he became a very absurd being and dealing with people below the level he is used to would make him undervalue things.

Still, it wasn’t easy for Jon to prepare such low-class killers to deal with Whiterun’s Jarl and his people, Whiterun’s people were the supreme power of the hold for a good reason.

Luckily, Jon was an expert when it comes to Guerrilla Warfare. He can at least manage that group of killers.

First off, he spread them around the city in various positions to monitor the guard patrols and report to him by Telepathy. The surveillance target was the patrols, the people flow, where it gets crowded, how many guards in the vital centers, how fast they respond to trouble, what is the level of danger that requires Dragonsreach to mobilize its force, who are the powerhouses in Whiterun and so on.

These were all necessary information that Jon collected by the end of the second day. The last thing he had was top put a solid plan.

Here where it became cumbersome. A castle like Dragonsreach is designed to not let a single ant go in or out without the guards noticing. Even for the great Catatoskr, he has no power to sneak quietly in castles.

Teleporting inside is risky and the Court Wizard is there to prevent such things from happening.

Killing his way inside is simply not an option. A thief is not a killer.

Unlike the Game, Reality is reality. The VIPs are always obsessed with protection and there is nothing called too much protection.

Jon came up with a better option and that is walking in from the front door and walking out from it too. How? He needed a scapegoat that has access to Dragonsreach and Jon knew where to just find the man.

In the basement of the Tong’s hideout. Jon and the other Tong people had kidnapped a man and hanged him from his feet.

The man was gagged but he kept groaning and shouting through the gag. Everyone was losing patience because of his noise.

"Why did we bring that man here, Mister?" Grey Sand asked.

"This man is Whiterun’s Court Fool." Jon replied.

That reply made the hanged man be driven to madness and quiver in his binds.

"There is a Court Fool in Whiterun? I thought the practice is only Breton and Imperial."

"It’s an unofficial one but all the court members of Whiterun agree that this is their Fool. Ain’t that right?"


"How so? I disagree. You were the most annoying NPC in the whole game?"


"Really? The Jarl’s take your advice? I am impressed. Make sure this fool doesn’t get out of here."

Jon sealed off the man’s cage and went away. Strangely, he didn’t use the Transformation Potion this day. He actually poured today’s dose in a separate flask for an extra use and the White Phial kept recharging itself.

"Everything is complete?"

"Yes, Mister."

"Then roll out."

All the Tong Agents in Whiterun were mobilized by Jon.


The court of Whiterun is a place of great importance to Skyrim. Being an upright ruler, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater enjoyed a wide popularity among his subjects and allies but still made many enemies. Whiterun itself is the heart of Skyrim and its largest Hold. Some argue that it is even richer than Solitude. For that, Jarl Balgruuf had to make the most of his wealth and power to establish a powerful economy and defense. Sadly, he was obstructed by Solitude and the Empire every time he tried to rebuild the city walls fearing that he may be too much of a power to deal with if he got himself a complete enclosed castle.

To guard against the threats of the assassins and manipulators, the Jarl’s closest friend and sworn ally, Irileth, was always there to look after the man. She was even protective over the man from his own family.

Was it her fault? She wondered.

The existence of that thing being kept in the castle always weighed on her mind. The cursed thing, just by only existing around even under a seal, was making life miserable. Its corruptive effect made the politics inside Whiterun even more twisted ever since it got sealed here.

Was it possible to seal it someplace far away? Yes... but if only she wanted it to be found by some stray adventurer or an unlucky wanderer.

The blade itself calls for people. It wants to be wielded and used to murder friends and families, siblings and lovers. That blade was just like its mistress, by no way understandable.

Who would want to wield such a thing? Only a fool... a madman... a madman fool!

Speaking of fools.

Today’s fool was quite the funny fellow? Wasn’t it this pain-in-the-ass Redguard guy who sticks his ass in the matters of the Court and makes a joke out of himself every time he opens his mouth.

"And so, my Jarl, when the two poets decided to greet each other, one said: ’Hey, haven’t we... metaphor?’."

"Ahaha! Nazeem you are really in a good mood this day. Tell me, what is the occasion?" Jarl Balgruuf said.

"Well... It is really scary to say but this morning, the weirdest of things happened to me when I was on my way here."

"Oh! Do tell..."

"I was simply walking the streets of the plain districts and I was keeping to myself but the people... they were looking at me in a scary way. I don’t know what is the reason but wherever I walked, there were just glaring, staring or cursing in a low tone. I thought my heart was going to stop." Nazeem said.

"Really? What an odd accident? You are not quite yourself today, Nazeem." Irileth narrowed her eyes.

"You think so too? I am sure something must have happened and that’s why I decided to investigate. I kept asking myself why would the people give me those looks. If that was the case everyday then I may go insane but what if... what if it was an everyday thing and I just noticed it today. That’s why I took pity on myself and decided to be a nicer person."

"Humph! Whatever." Irileth dismissed the fool out of her mind.

"It is okay, Nazeem. Sometimes, every man comes across this moment when he gains enlightenment about his life. Make sure to learn something that changes you for the better." Balgruuf said.

"My, Jarl. *sob* I am deeply touched."

"Good. So, how was your visit to Markarth?" Balgruuf asked Nazeem.

"Eh? Ah! Well... I visited the Silver Blood Bank."


"I met an old lady over there who wanted my help to check her balance... so I just pushed her over. I still, don’t understand why the guards were upset about it."

"Ahahaha! This is too good. Haha!" Balgruuf’s eyes were tearful of how much he laughed.

"Milord! Milord!" A guard came running from outside the hall.

"What is it, son? Speak." Balgruuf stood up with a serious face.

"A big fire inside the city, Milord. The slums of the Plains district and the area near the market are burning."

"What?" Everyone in the castle were alerted immediately.

"How is this possible?" Balgruuf asked

"Folk say it’s an arson, Milord."

"By Shor! Irileth, alarm the Barracks."

"My Jarl, you need to come inside, first. If it is an arson then there is a chance we are facing an attack from the inside." Irileth said.

"No. I am not hiding in my high tower while my city burns. See to it and I’ll reinforce you from the castle. Farengar will be on my side."

"Yes, Jarl Balgruuf. Men, with me."

The reaction of Whiterun’s court was swift. Everyone and even the servants were moving on standby for an emergency.

Still, no one bothered with the fool, Nazeem, which was exactly what is expected. What are fools good for anyway? He would be of a great help if he just stood aside and let people do their jobs.

And that’s what he did.

He thinned his presence and walked aside until he was unnoticeable. He then walked silently to the empty kitchen.

The castle’s layout was not too complicated and so, Nazeem found his way around to the underground sealed storage. There, he stood in front of an old door which was sealed by a magic lock and required a key.

"Phew. I need to get rid of that face."

The man said as he dispelled the magic on his body making it turn slowly to its natural form.

Jon has captured Nazeem to change in his form with the Transforming Potion and make his way in the castle.

Nazeem is by far one of the most hated if not the most hated character in the game. In reality, he is a walking pile of scum. The Redguard was a fool who fancied himself some big shot for just having a farm outside the town and would go to the Jarl’s court to act as a so-called advisor or whatever.

Still, what Jon didn’t see coming was how the people looked at Nazeem. On his way to Dragonsreach, be was glared at, stared at, cussed at and even some people didn’t want to breathe the same air as he does. None did anything like assaulting him but he was called a ’snitch’ many times. Jon, who is the embodiment of popularity in Winterhold, was about to develop a severe mental trauma just by impersonating Nazeem.

"It was a fatal mistake." Jon sighed deeply.

Now, he was in front of the sealing chamber where the [Ebony Blade] was kept. He took a deep breath and touched the door but as soon as he did that, a voice spoke to him.

{At Long last!}

{I was waiting for someone fit to carry out my will.}


(Part 2)

{At Long last!}

{I was waiting for someone fit to carry out my will.}

The voice was so enchanting and alluring that Jon himself felt his heart skip a beat but his mind was well fortified to resist such temptations.

"Sup!" He made a two fingers salute.

{...} A reply seemed to have been cut short.

"I know you are not behind the door, Lady Mephala... regrettably of course. Still, fancy to hear your whispers, My Lady."

{Oh! ... Yes... Hello...}

"I am Jon. You may know me from Uncle Sheo... I am sure he brags a lot about me. So, Lady Azura sent me here to fix some problem. No worries, I do not charge Daedra for repairs, haha. What am I expected to do?" Jon said with a sales agent smile.

{... A piece of my powers was sealed behind this door and even my eyes can’t see past the seals.}

"Oh! How awful of them pesky mortals. Have you been feeling well, Lady Mephala? My powers were sealed once and... Sigh! I get it. Hang in there, my lady. Should I write you some vitamins while we are at it?"

{... A nephew of Sheogorath indeed.}

"So flattered!"

{Azura and the others agreed to let the blade be used by the hands of an ambitious and talented person such as yourself.}

"Yes, yes, I got the order from Lady Azura. She was very poetic about it as she always is."

{As Vain as she ever is. Seek out those who carry the keys to the seal, talk to the Dark Child of the Jarl and he...}

"Okay, I’ll stop you right here. No need to involve children in this."


Jon didn’t bother about conversing with Mephala more and took out [Greed]. He then coated his hands with it.

{What are you doing? What is that?}

"Sorry about that, Lady Mephala, but to do beat something that can defy the eyes of Mephala, we need to use something that also can defy the eyes of Mephala."

Jon used [Greed], which is a Shadow Aether that can defy the eyes of the Daedra like Nefertiti, and took out the [Skeleton Key] inside it.

He was clearly very secretive about the key and used it away from any Daedra’s detection.

He just stuck the key through [Greed] and...


"You know what... you are an embarrassment to Keykind."

He sent the [Skeleton Key] back again on the [Cube].

"Lo and Behold, my lady. This seal is no more." Jon pushed the door open.


What was behind the door was a dark uncleaned room. Jon carefully walked in and found only a table.

On that table, there was an Akaviri sword rack carrying a black Nodachi and its scabbard as well as a writ of sealing.

[A/n: Nodachi is a Katana Greatsword.]

Jon held the writ and read it.

"Beware this blade... blah blah blah... evil, Daedra, dark, madness, Ebony, rabbits, rabbits? Indestructible, dangerous, never use it... Come on! If you don’t want me to use it, then don’t use all my favorite keywords to describe it. Mortals! I know, right?"

Jon put the writ of sealing down and held the nodachi from the hilt.

{Excellent work!}

{Now, I trust that you are sharp enough to see that the sword does not match the description of the Ebony Blade you may know for it has languished too long outside the winds of Alliance and Betrayal.}

{To return to its past glory, it must first drink the Blood of Deceit.}

{Your world is admirably seeped in Lies and Inclinations. My blade is a darling leech that feeds on deceptions and nourishes its master.}

{Seek out those who are closest to you...}

"I am sorry, I’ll have to stop you here once again. I am kinda resilient against enthralling effects so let’s not get on the wrong foot together here. I’ll nourish your blade and all but do not ever bring the ones closest to me in this for I know worse seals than this trick they sealed the blade with... And who knows, we may get along on the road, capiche?"



{Very well, use my blade as you see fit, Nephew of Sheogorath, but mark my words, disappoint me not or you regret it will.}

"Cool. By that Fifth Labour complete!"

{Not so fast!}

"Oh for fuck’s sake! What?"

{Your presence is required at the Shrine of Boethiah. Your Guide there awaits.}

"Seriously? You could’ve just... Fine. Anything else? Hello! Bonjour! Marhaba! Anhok! She hanged up? Whatever."

Jon found himself alone in the room as Mephala cut the call.

He looked at the sword he touched and tightened his grip on the hilt. He then discerned the weight of the Nodachi with his sense as a swordsman then lifted up the blade.

"Sweat baby Talos!"

Just by the weight, the height and the feels of the blade, Jon almost got an erection.

This was like... it was just as if he the hilt is flirting with his hand.

"This is... amazing."

Jon always had a below the average opinion of Akaviri swords, which always irritated Alina whose bloodline is Akaviri, but just holding this blade made him feel that he never held a blade before.

This Nodachi was a Behemoth among swords. 160 cms for the blade, 40 cms for the hilt. Standing straight, the Nodachi’s height reached Jon’s shoulder. Jon felt strange and brought the blade near the light.

It was made of jet black Ebony Steel with golden inscriptions on the hilt and the blade. Still, what ruined the blade was how rusty it became resulting in it becoming dull and unbalanced.

Normal Ebony never rusts as it is the blood of et’Ada but that Ebony fell from Glory as it was sealed away from its source which is Mephala. This Ebony needs to be reconnected to its mistress by drinking the Blood of Deceit.

Jon took the scabbard and sheathed the blade.

’System, read the magic in the blade for me.’


[The Ebony Blade] <Daedric>

•[Awaken] Sharpen the Blade and Awaken the Enchantments by the Blood of Deceit. -Progress: (0/10)

•[Absorb Vitality] Absorbs the Life Force of the Enemies to heal its Wielder.

•[Fortify Swordsmanship] Increases the Swordsmanship skill of the Wielder to Masterfulness.

• NOTE: The blade has a hypnotic effect that gets stronger the more Awakened it gets.



Jon knew this blade was good but not that good. The fully Awakened version of this can turn a peasant into a master swordsman. Then what about a swordsman with Jon’s level?

But that Hypnotic effect...

Jon let off his Tyrant Aura in the Blade and eliminated all its thoughts.

"I’ll have to keep you in check from now on so be a good boy."

He put the blade on his shoulder and drank the spare Transformation Potion he was keeping to return to the Khajiit form.


Before waking out if the room, he left a Catatoskr card.


At the gate of Dragonsreach castle, Jarl Balgruuf was surrounded by his men and kept giving orders to put down the fires around the city. From up here, it was very clear how this fire was man-made.

Looking down at the base of the large stairway leading to the castle, Jarl Balgruuf saw his Housecarl Irileth climbing her way up with a sword in her hand and something in the other followed by a band of guards.

"Is it over?" Balgruuf asked.

"Yes." She replied in a foul mood.

"Those are the Arsonists?" He looked behind her and asked.

"Yes, it seems we have a rat in the castle." She said.

"What?" Balgruuf was alerted.

"The outer parts. The inner parts are tightly sealed so we would have noticed." She continued.

The Jarl and his men turned around to the open entrance of the castle. Somehow, it was dead silent and all the fires were gone.

"Bring them here. Line them up." Irileth commanded.

The guards gradually lined up the people they captured on the bridge leading to the castle’s gate.

"We know you’re in there. Get out or your friends will be killed." She called.

None expected a reply to come but somehow, a large Khajiit walked out from the Castle wearing all black.

On his shoulder, he was carrying a large blade.

"By the nine, how did someone as large as him sneak inside?" Balgruuf shouted.

"You! Put down that blade." Irileth called the Khajiit.

"..." He didn’t reply.

"Put it down or your friends will fall one after the other."

Jon saw the cell of the Morag Tong restrained and knelt down before him, blades on their throats and all.

"You don’t believe me? Here, take a look." Irileth said and threw the thing she was holding in her hand.

It flew towards Jon and fell in front of him. Jon adjusted the thing with his foot a recognized it.

A head... or rather, the head of Red Leaf.

His lips twitched until they arched up in a smile.

Just like how he planned it.

He looked at Irileth and spoke.

"Khajiit thought Red Leaf is your sister. Shame! She was a beautiful woman."

"Surrender now, Tong scum."

"Sorry, are you talking to this one? This one is not with the Morag Tong. Khajiit is just here for this, you can do whatever you want with those."



"You Traitor!"

The Tong Agents were infuriated by Jon’s reply. Out of nowhere, he unsheathed the [Ebony Blade] and threw it at them. [Greed] followed shaping itself to a chain, holding the hilt then turning the throw into a slash killing all the Tong Agents in less than a second.

"Khajiit can’t let you talk now, can he?"

Just like that, Jon eliminated all of them.

"Damn it! The blade has got to his mind. Protect the Jarl." Irileth shouted.

Jon recovered the blade and whistled.

*clip-clop clip-clop*

A sound of a galloping horse came from inside the castle and indeed, a black horse came running beside Jon. Jon held the saddle and jumped on the horse while it was running.

"Run, Jeorgen!" Jon shouted as he broke through the line of guards dumbing everyone on the sides.

Before they know it, Jon was already down the stairs.

"One last thing. The security in Whiterun is terrible. Shameful is what it is! Haha! Go." Jon stopped for a second to say so before breaking away through the town.

Jarl Balgruuf stood up and looked at his dumbfounded attendant.

"Even a horse snuck into my castle?"

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