Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 401 The Wedding

"Congratulations, Jon Dare and Thane Alina."

The people in the great hall congratulated the two one by one. This was at least the best thing in this audience. Somehow the impulses of Jon was quite likable to the king and the Nords. Creating a happy event and throwing salt in the eyes of the Imperials and the Thalmor.

"I made preparations with the Temple tomorrow and a party will be thrown in my house. I hope that everyone attends."

"Thank you. We will be there for sure."

Torygg and Ulfric were both invited of course, and the two didn’t decline. However, the Imperial Synod mages left.

"It is so nice when toxic people leave like that, it is like trash took itself out." Jon whispered to Alina.

"You were harsh on them indeed. Tell me now, how long were you preparing for this?"

"It was inevitable. One way I had to leave things for you, I am not sure if you will resent me for it later on but when I return, you can do whatever you want with me."

"You still have three days, don’t depress me so early."

"Yes, my lady. Those three days will be all about you."

Alina was satisfied with his reply.

"What is the limit then?"

"It depends. But it won’t be more than two years. Also, you can make business trips outside Skyrim every now and then."


"Bring the girls with you."

"Right back at you."

"... Haha! Good one."

The two kept talking to each other in a low tone as Jarl Korir made sure that a few rounds of mead go around the people around. Sigurd and Tormund were receiving the congratulations from the people around as the two Clans Patriarchs.

"Jon Dare, accept my congratulations as well."

"Elenwen? You still here, woman?"

"Won’t you show some Nordic hospitality?"

"You Thalmor should have had your fell yesterday."

Jon’s sharp tongue was too hard to endure but Elenwen did her best.

"So, just wanted to ask. Now that you are going to become a road vagrant outside Skyrim, do you have a certain destination in mind?"

Elenwen’s clear tone and yellow smile showed the meaning of her words. She seems to be getting ready to pursue Jon to the ends of Nirn.

Jon smiled back to her accepting the challenge.

"I do indeed, I was thinking off... Summerset. Maybe Alinor or Cloudrest."

Elenwen’s smile froze.

"Are you planning on revenge?" She asked in a cold voice.

"Revenge is not in my plans, you guys are pretty good at fucking yourselves on your own."

"Careful there, this is not something I can let slide."

Jon opened his hands.

"Meanwhile in the land of nobody gives a shit."

"... You are a madman, Jon Dare." Elenwen turned and walked out.

"Enjoy your next 24 hours." Jon sent her away.

"..." But she stopped.

"It still means have a nice day."



*Next day in Winterhold, Jon’s manor*

"I hate those pelts, man."

"You gave to wear one. A proper one."

"Just how on..."

"You’re the one who wants to be wed by tonight. I know everyone is here but you are making things too hard for us, man."

Jon was being put into his groom wear. A traditional Nordic long robe and a silly circular had made him feel a bit like an oaf but he still managed to look good in them.

"Am I seriously going to be dressed in this tight ass suit? I feel like I’ll burst out of it if I flex."

"Don’t worry, it is enchanted to stretch." Wulfur said.

"Man, can’t I just get something looser? I look like Captain Marvel but... well, I’ll admit it, I have a better butt."

"Yes, your butt is quite the distinctive feature." A woman’s voice sounded.

"Oh, Nurina. Tell them to make it more loose, please."

"Enough with the loose clothing. You will have enough time to be a vagrant so wear loose then. Also, your butt looks nice."

"Leave my butt out of it... but thanks. I do a lot of squats as you know. The first step to be a Jon Dare is to never miss a leg day."

"That’s why there will be only one Jon Dare." Ragnar, Jon’s cousin, said while helping Wulfur.

"Hurry up, guys. Alina is almost done in an hour." Bjorna called.

"An hour? By the Nine, Jon just started and already done. Alina was preparing from the morning." Wulfur said.


"I know, right?"

Jon’s suit was hand-picked by Alina and fixed on Jon’s size. It looked Nordic but Alina favored the Cyrodilic style and so, it became a tight one.

"Here comes the belt?"

"What kind of sick torture tool is that? I am already losing my breath, guys."

"Just hold still."

Jon was at last ready to go. He was shown to a mirror and everything looked just as Alina envisioned.

"You look gorgeous, brother."

"Don’t say that while staring at my butt."

"I just can’t under it."

"Perv. Give this daddy the robe to hide his butt."

Putting his weddings robe on top of the suit, the groom wear was already completed.

"You sure want to keep your hair this long?"

"I like it long."

"Suit yourself. Now, let’s perfume you like summer whore."

"Nice way to put it. Completely unacceptable, though."

As Jon was done, he was brought out to receive the guests. His father and uncles were all gathered around his grandfather while Alina’s family were sitting on another side around Sigurd. The High King and the Jarls were seated in a central place as the nobles.

"Your Grace, My Jarls, thank you all for coming today. This humble Manor of mine is small but the ceremony will take place in an hour. Easy on the mead till then."

"Sir Jonhild, we are honored to witness this wedding between you and Lady Crimson Moon, Daughter of Kyne." Torygg congratulated Jon.

"For a young hero like Lord Jon. It is a privilege to attend your wedding." Jarl Ulfric congratulated Jon as well.

"Thank you, all. I’ll be off for the boats."

Jon greeted everyone around and headed with the Council of Cousins to the docks of Winterhold. Jon may have proposed with an Amulet of Mara but he is going to marry the Spiritual Leader of the Cult of Kyne, this wedding will be Nordic to the bone.

The Longboats were a must. They must be two and they have a meaning to them. The boys picked the best longboats owned by the company and took them to Jon’s private dock. There, Jon used the Elder Staff of Power and Fate, Pride, to open up a Gate to the [Golden Dragon Pavilion] island, his Domain.

He set everything in place and returned to the other dock away from Alina’s parade as the groom is supposed to come later.


An hour passed and the first longboat arrived at the island carrying Alina who was surrounded by her maids. She was not seen by anyone as all the maids carried white flags to cover their lady.

Everyone else were transferred to the island with portals from Jon’s house. The magic show was one in a lifetime for some people.

Alina stayed in a big tent until the second longboat carrying Jon arrived with Wulfur and ten of his cousins.


A hunting horn was blown announcing Jon arrival.

The bards stood on lines and music filled the skies of Jon’s domain celebrating the ceremony.

"I see why you told us to go easy on the heavy clothing. This place feels better than Falkreath in the summer." Hafthor said.

"Yes, you guys make sure that the honey mead and the meat is all being prepared."

"On it."

Jon was on one end of the island and Alina was on the other. The two started moving towards the ceremonial place at the center in two different parades.

Alina’s parade was made of beautiful maids and young girls carrying the white flags flutter in the Wind representing Kyne while Jon’s parade was made of his hulking cousins all traveling in ceremonial Nordic swords and round shields.

As the two groups met where the people were gathered, Jon stepped forward with Wulfur who carried a cauldron of bear blood and Alina stepped forward to with Freyja who carried a ceremonial sword.

A Gothi (Nordic Shaman or Priest) stood in the middle at the center of the pavilion with a rock carrying the nine totem symbols of the Nord Gods.

Jon and Alina faced each other.

She was wearing a long white dress tight on her waist and was covered with a red cloak. Her head was crowned with a crown of roses enchanted to never wilt. Her long black hair was made in a single long braid. Her make-up was breathtaking.

The Gothi came between the two, he was a short man wearing a mage robe and a black cloak and a hood, he removed his hood to show his silver hair and yellow cat-like eye.

Jon looked at him and almost fainted.

"Dearies, Kings and Jarls and whatnot. I, Theodor Gorlash, welcome you to this unusually satisfying moment in our life where everything goes just perfect or a certain mad man will go berserk on everyone and decorate the place with your intestines if someone dared to disturb this moment." The Gothi said.

The whole crowd exploded in laughter while looking at Jon. He was indeed a mad man who would kill anyone daring enough to disturb this point.

"Jon, you said the Gothi will be someone from the Temple. This... gentleman is?" Alina said appreciating the light joke the man made.

"Ah! Right... I somehow invited him to the next family meeting. Dear Alina, I introduce to you, my Uncle... Sheogorath."


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