Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 398 Political Drama 2 : A Million Gold Septims

"Ambassador Elenwen! What a twisted surprise! I feel like ages since we saw each other last time... oh! Wait a minute! This is the first time we see each other." Jon saw Elenwen and acted surprised.

Elenwen narrowed her eyes for a second then decided to ignore Jon seeing him in a good mood and trash-talking everyone. She walked forward inside the Longhouse’s great hall but her eyes landed on Ulfric Stormcloak in the corner.

Her expressions betrayed her and she was simply enraged seeing Ulfric’s face, after all, this is the killer of her master.

Ulfric couldn’t help but to sneer. Through the years, he could finally face Elenwen, the very same Thalmor Officer that interrogated him while he was young, and can now look down on her the same way she always looked down on him.

In the end, Elenwen had to swallow the bitter pill and walk further into the hall. No one could miss her annoyed expressions after that.

"Your Grace. It has come to our attention that some natives of Alinor were among the force that tried to pillage the Hold of Winterhold. We would like to be handed over the bodies of our brethren for a proper burial."

"I do not understand. The Altmer that attacked Saarthal were a band of marauders as far as our investigation is concerned. Would every Dominion Ambassador go around each country gathering the corpses of every Altmer lowlife on roadsides." High King Torygg didn’t take Elenwen’s demanding tone well.

"Your Grace, this is a Dominion affair and we advise..."

"Pick your words carefully, elf." Falk Firebeard was not comfortable with Elenwen too.

Elenwen looked between the King and his people then looked at Jon Dare who was standing not far from her with a funny expression.

"The dead Altmer bandits are under the jurisdiction of Winterhold." High King Torygg dismissed the matter with a wave of his hands.

Elenwen looked to the man standing beside the High King.

"Jarl Korir."

"The matter is under the management of Thane Jonhild." Korir brushed it off.

Elenwen looked with annoyed eyes towards Jon who smiled widely and opened his hands.

"How can I help you?" Jon said.

"The bodies of the dead countrymen of mine. The Aldmeri Dominion would like to..."

"I know, I know... no need to repeat yourself." Jon said then sat back. "But you know, taking them requires a ransom. I am sure we all on the same page."

"Say it." Elenwen wanted to cut to the chase.

"2,000 fallen foot soldiers and 9 Arch-Wizards, if we summed it up... but still, Goddamn! You High Elves surely have a lot of rouge Arch-Wizards for them to gang up so far from Alinor and cause a mess. The Isles of Summerset must be one hectic place at this rate." Jon deviated from the subject.

"The ransom."

"100 Golden Septims for each foot soldier, 80,000 Golden Septims for each Arch Wizard."

The people in the room all sucked a breath of cold air. Jon was extorting the Thalmor for almost a Million Golden Spetims.

"Jon Dare, you are biting more than what you can chew." Elenwen said.


"The Thalmor government doesn’t like to be pushed around and there surely will be retaliation. You are not the same Jon Dare from the other day. We know about your puny attempt to reach a state of divinity was merely all your best effort and we will admit that it was admirable but you put a large target on your back and your city, Thane Jonhild. There is no getting away from that. Even the Empire won’t extend a hand of help to you." Elenwen’s tone was full of threats.

"Oh! Really?" Jon tilted his head.

"See for yourself." Elenwen walked away from her position to let Jon have a look at the Imperial envoys that were sitting on the other side. Surely they were not comfortable with Elenwen’s claims and raised a fuss before the High King shuts them up.

"Ambassador, that’s one thick nerve you have that let you threaten my retainers in front of me. I can call this negotiation off if I want." Torygg returned a threat to Elenwen.

She calmly nodded and looked at Jon.

He stood up and walked to her till their shoulders met. A High Elf like her was indeed tall, but Jon was taller.

"Let me teach you a lesson in capitalism. What doesn’t kill you still requires you to pay up... so pay up. Winterhold does not negotiate with losers."

"HA! You sure want to take it that way?" Elenwen asked.

"Sigh! I fucking hate negotiations... Fine! I’ll entertain you." Jon said then turned to her. "Do you have one of those investigation dossiers on me? You know, the ones you keep in your torture chamber?"

Elenwen was taken aback.

"I don’t know what you are talking about."

"Don’t deny it. Every Thalmor has a torture chamber. Point is... you surely have a dossier about me so you should know my life story very well. I’ll summarize it for those who don’t know it. One day I was born then every Thalmor tried to kill me. That brings us up to date."

Jon kept a wry smile on his face then looked at Elenwen.

"Do you really think any of your threats scare me?"

Jon summarized his biography in 18 words making a lot of sense to whoever heard them. What kind of threat should scare him if the Thalmor are already out for his head?

"I see... suit yourself. A Million Golden Septims it is, Thane Jonhild."

Elenwen turned around and was about to leave yet something intrigued her and she stopped. She then pointed to an empty seat beside the Imperials and turned to the High King.

"May I?"

The ones around the room felt not comfortable. Why would she want to stay after costing herself a million gold septims?

Ulfric wanted to lash out but Jon was smiling vividly. Ulfric kept gazing between Jon and Elenwen and noticed the other two High Elves which arrived with Elenwen.

Something was wrong and things seemed to be accelerating to a new drama.

"Your Grace, it is so good to see you here in this frozen beautiful lands on the North." One of the two High Elves walked forward. He was the one wearing a Bard Robe.

"Viarmo, it is good seeing you here two. Let me guess, this is not a social visit." Torygg greeted Viarmo back.

Viarmo! Ulfric and the others were alert to the name. This man is known as someone with deep pockets everywhere and his ability to manipulate politics is scary due to his secret network of spies. The court of Solitude always kept him close by but he served no master.

For such a snake to appear in Winterhold.

"A social visit? Indeed it is. What can a bard like me do if not socializing and earning his money where fine nobles and merchants stay. I was also here to guide my good friend here. Your Grace, I present to you my kinsman, Legate Fasendil."

The other High Elf walked forward and greeted High King Torygg with the salute of the Imperial Legion. This High Elf was donned in a Legionnaire armor and didn’t show any hint of disdain towards Nords just like the Viarmo. The only difference is that Viarmo is a slimy man while that Legate Fasendil seemed like a straightforward person.

Elenwen was eyeing the two up and down until she heard the name Fasendil and her expressions sunken.

"Legate Fasendil? Indeed! The famous Altmer Legate, I heard so much about you." High King Torygg seemed to be familiar with the name too.

Even Jon was familiar with Legate Fasendil but his knowledge is from the game. Legate Fasendil may be an Altmer but his hatred for the Thalmor is top-notch, someone Jon was so looking forward to meet.

"It’s an honor, Your Grace."

"So, what brings you to Winterhold’s Court today?" Torygg asked.

"Legion business with the Jarl and the Thanes, Your Grace. I am really sorry to interrupt the meeting like that."

"It’s okay, we are about to take some rest anyway. Alright, folk. Twenty minutes will be enough to gulp on some warm mead?"

Everyone stood up and as Torygg did and the servants of the Jarl started serving mead and food. Jon ran to a corner with Alina and clutched on a few bottles for themselves.

"Thane Jonhild."

"Jarl Ulfric."

"A word, please."

"I’ll be with my father." Alina took off.

Jon was crying as soon as Alina left him alone with Ulfric.

"Yes, Jarl Ulfric. How can I help you?" Jon said with a tired face.

He was ignoring Ulfric and his messengers for a couple of years now and they finally had to meet one to one. Jon was completely not looking forward to this.

"Actually, it is the other way around. How can I help you, Thane Jonhild?" Ulfric said was a warm smile.

"Hm? Sorry?" Jon was genuinely taken aback.

"How can I help you? I wish to be of help."

"Yes, my mind is still processing. What exactly do want to help me with?"

"With this! With what you are doing."

"Oh. What exactly is that?"

"I am sorry, I was a bit excited." Ulfric cleared his voice to speak in a lower tone. "Let me fight for you?"

"Hm?" Jon took a step back then looked at the bottle in his hand. "Damn, this stuff is good."

"I think you heard right... also, you haven’t taken a sip yet."

"Really?" Jon tried to find some sense in reality. "Okay, let’s do this one more time but get less excited, please. Speak Nordic."

"You heard me damn right, Thane Jonhild. I want to fight for you. I saw something bigger than myself yesterday and I realized many things. I kept thinking last night and I came to enlightenment. Everything we fought for, everything I tried to accomplish all those many years led me to short-term gains and long-term losses. Whenever I try to win the Thalmor, they always find ways to turn everything against me. But with you, they are on losing streaks one after the other. You can accomplish things right way better than me. Please, let me join you as there is still time. You will be the answer to everything."

Ulfric’s request was straight and right from the heart but the more he talked the more Jon’s face hardened and his reply just like a stone falling on water.


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