Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 318 A Night at the Sea

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The level of his sight was not stable. It felt like he was not walking properly but it didn’t stop him from going after his enemy. He was limping in pain due to his left leg which made him fall a bit late. Desperation filled his soul as his enemy was going to escape once again but he didn’t let go, he looked at his left leg which was covered by a dark matter shaped like the leg itself but it was little lifeless. He knew it wouldn’t help him if he didn’t use magic yet he was not able to, the curse was still stronger than him.

Curses came out of his mouth as he took out a mace that carried all the dread in the world with it. He looked around himself and found a dying man. A cruel smiled formed on his face and he smashed the man’s skull with the mace devouring the man’s very essence. Now he can use magic again.

He stretched out his left hand that was also supported by the dark matter like his leg and shot out magic. It was no normal magic, it was Blue Flames... cold flames of essence draining that would obliterate any foe stood between him and his enemy.

Those who dared to do so were incinerated into snow ash, something that only existed in the tales of the Daedric Titans. With it, he cut through the hordes of foes and claimed their essence to enforce his power.

Finally, he was there in front of his enemy. The one that made him suffer like nothing else in the world.

’I won’t kill you. I will kill them and make you watch then I will kill you with them.’

The words that came from his mouth were of absolute hatred. He regards no sacred or holy no more. He wants revenge.

’Please. I didn’t. I didn’t.’

His enemy’s wails were nothing to his ears, he only turned around and called.


A figure clad in black robe and hood came while pulling a man in rags by a rope to his neck. He took the rope from man and threw the man in rags beside his enemy.

With another spell, blue flaming beings appeared from the void and obliterated everyone around him while making his two prisoners watch. He then opened his hand towards the man in black and the latter gave him a dagger.

With frenzied movements, the dagger descended on the two men on the ground turning them into shreds of flesh and made them scream with absolute agony.

It was a scene from hell. A cold frozen blue hell than turned all the enemies into shreds and fine powder of snow as and with their agony and screams lingering in echos.

The revenge was exacted and the deed was done.

The blue flames died down and nothing was left except for him and the man in black robes.

’You have done well, the lord is pleased.’ The man in black spoke. ’... but he is not done with you yet. You are to serve another purpose very soon.’

He was shocked to hear those words and looked at the man in black behind him only to find him gone. In this place filled with nothing but snow ash, an aura of light appeared in front of him and it was very familiar.

’It... it can’t be.’

He couldn’t believe it and he knelt down crying.

All his rage and sadness were for nothing. He was just another fool in the end.

Just as he tried to walk to the light and embrace it, the space around him turned cold and murderous. He looked up only to see the blue sky turning red like blood and an ugly being coming of a black hole. It stretched its wings and flew in the sky while looking down at him with its cruel face.

The being aimed out its right arm and strong suction force manifested. He was pulled from the ground by his neck to the hand of that being.

’You are coming with me.’



"... OO."

Jon woke up in the middle of the night with energy bursting from his body, he was glaring at the darkness of the cabin with his Aura exploding from his body.

He looked around to realize that nothing was around him other than the girl that looked at him with worry.

"You are okay, Jon?" Jullanar asked him while touching his body.

His temperature was high and his energy was in a mess which is quite the opposite of his norm.

"... I am okay. Okay... just a nightmare."

While his body was drenched in sweat, his mouth and throat were dry. He was breathing heavily and couldn’t seem to be calm.

"I’m off for some air."

Jon walked out of the bed and he wasn’t really in a good mood after waking up like that. He took his robe and walked out of the cabin to the deck of the ship.

He was on one of the Dare Dragon Fleet ships heading to Solitude. The ship sailed through the [Sea of Ghosts] and sailors could barely see anything in the mists of night.

Some of the men greeted Jon as ’Boss’ when he walked across them and he only nodded back. He was still annoyed.

Once he reached the rear-deck of the ship, he rested his arms on the railing and kept looking at the water.

He was waking up lately with nightmares but tonight was the worst. What made him more annoyed was how he could remember nothing of those nightmares after he wakes up.

He gave out a long sigh and took a deep breath before using [Telekinesis] to pull up some sea water and splash his face with it. Now that he is wide awake, he should do something useful or meditate.

"Still troubled?" Jull called for him.

He looked back and saw her walking out in a robe and covering herself was a bed sheet.

"No, I am good." He said and gestured for her to come closer.

She walked beside him and was taken in his embrace.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I don’t remember it to talk about it."

"Then don’t worry about it. I can sing for you if you want." She said and came closer to him.

"Another song about people you killed."

"What? No, I stopped writing those long time ago... It is a song about you. I called it ’My Light’." Jullanar seemed a bit offended.

Jon smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You are my light too."

"Racist! You realize that you are saying that to a Dark Elf."

Jon laughed and looked at her mismatched colored eyes and pulled her closer not wanting to let go.

"Those who see us right now won’t recognize us from two years ago, you literally were beating me to keep me in check." She remembered the early days of her and Jon.

"Well, someone had to beat it out of you."

"Oh, thank you then. Turns out you were just another psycho that day."

The two laughed as they remembered the old days.

"Wulfur left for Orsinium, right?" She asked.

"Yes. Two days before us, didn’t we see him off?"

"I wasn’t there. I was running an errand for Master Nurelion."

"I like the old man." Jon said. "At least he saw us off when Alina didn’t."

"Right, she was glaring at me all day before we leave." Jullanar said.


"You took me with you and not her the ’First Lady of House Dare’."

"She had to stay and deal with things. She knows the company as good as I do and no one can oppose her word in Winterhold. She is the only daughter of the patriarch of the most powerful clan in the hold and the future wife of the richest man in the hold. She is basically the Queen of Winterhold."

"What Alina cares about is being the Queen of You, Winterhold just came along with the package." Jull said.

"Pffft!" Jon couldn’t help but laugh.

"You don’t believe me? That girl gets really jealous, you know! She accepted me only as your second wife and barely accepted Aela to stop you from going to the bathhouse. She would have killed Elishka if she wasn’t someone important in the company." Jullanar said with full seriousness.

"..." Jon only smiled and nodded.

"Women are scary creatures, Jon. Put the world at a side of the scale and the men we care about at the other, and you would see the world burn every time."

"I know."

"In your case things tend to be a little complicated but we know that it is hard to contain you with just the two of us. Now we are three... just don’t go as far as four, okay? Alina and I may actually lose it and start thinning the number."

Jon sighed and didn’t reply, he wasn’t sure how to answer that anyway. On one hand, he wasn’t sure of his active sex drive and on the other, he wasn’t sure if there is another girl powerful enough to withstand him outside his circle.

"Maybe a female Giant will work as the fourth... you know that thing about giants milk, right? People get to call you Giantsbane if you drink it." Jon said.

"I am not asking how you know that and I clearly don’t want to know more details about it."

The two kept talking from subject to subject and from joke to the other.

"Right, speaking of Giants. Wasn’t Lady Skadi dealing with the Giant problem we are having lately?" Jull asked.

"Yes, that idiot Skald the Elder drove off the giants from around Dawnstar right to Winterhold just because he doesn’t like me. He even ignored every fact that he is endangering the road of the Talos worshipper refugees and breaking Empire Law of overhunting endangered species." Jon became infuriated.

"I doubt he even gets what the terms mean. But look at the bright side, we now have giants in Winterhold, and mammoths, you love those."

"Yes but there is a dark side in the bright side, we don’t know where to put them. There is no food west to [Neo Saarthal] and except at the beach if the Giants decided to hunt the Horkers. If the Horkers are gone then the fishes are going to increase, if fishes increase then another sea monsters from the depth of the sea of ghosts are going to show up around our beaches. The ecosystem is getting fucked up."

"... Man! I am not an expert in this but do you bunch of rulers have to worry about the wolves and fishes in your holds too?"

"I am not sure about others but I do."

"... I am sure Lady Skadi and Alina will manage."

"Let’s hope so."


"Sea monsters! Sea monsters!"

Some of the sailors on the lookout started shouting.

"See?" Jon looked and Jullanar as his bad feeling about the ecosystem was on mark.

The two of them ran towards the direction of the caller and saw something crawling in water.

"By the nine! Is that a Sea Ghost?" One sailor shouted.

"Nah, ya idiot. It’s a Sea Serpent. Ready your spears... Oi’ it’s Boss." A veteran sailor replied and recognized Jon.

"I’ll take care of it."

Jon jumped off the Ship and landed on the surface of the water, he was using the [Waterwalking] spell and walked on the sea leisurely.

Just a few meters away from him, a large sea snake was crawling on water, its sheer size made the sailors on the ship shiver in fear. The Ship was called the [Hasty Bee], a new cruiser ship made to be very fast and move on three engines. It was still a battleship but was the least equipped in the cruiser grade.

Jon gazed at the Sea Serpent in and saw its mighty body. The thing’s head was at least as big as a Dragon’s head that he remembered from the game but its aura wasn’t even anything compared to Paarthurnax. Size wasn’t everything after all. This serpent wasn’t even as strong as an Elder Mammoth. Still, its length exceeded 30 meters.

Jon cracked his fingers and smiled.

"If I don’t remember masturbating in the sea, how did a fucker like you come to be?"

Jon’s sexy imagination (not dirty mind) seemed to have successfully taunted the Sea Serpent and it fixed its direction towards Jon. With a few twists of its body, its swim speed increased by many folds and it bounced over at Jon opening its mouth wide wanting to swallow him in one go.

Jon’s Aura was focused on his body and eyes, he saw the scene in slow motion as the serpent opened its jaw and twisted its head while bouncing forward. A mocking smile appeared on Jon and a feeling of superiority filled his heart, he was angered that a weakling like that snake dared to act haughty in front of him.

’Weakling? Why do I think of a being I met for the first time as a weakling?’ Jon was confused of the strange logic that popped in his head but he leisurely swung his fist reinforced by his [Tyrant Aura] and carrying his iconic [Thunder Cookie] spell.

The hit landed on the side of the top jaw of the serpent and an unbelievable scene unfolded. The serpent was tossed away like a toy with its large body and magnificent appearance.

Jon looked at his fist and realized that he hasn’t fought in a long time, not even when [El Diablo] was captured, he mostly left it for Isha because it was her labour. He also only used Magic in his visit to [The Shivering Isles]. Basically, since he was at Level 3, Iron Bone stage, Dragon Frame realm.

"Damn! Is this a bad thing or a good thing?" Jon looked behind him and saw Jullanar on the ship with his eyes open wide along with other sailors.

"... You want some sushi for a late night snack, honey?"

Jullanar smiled wryly and nodded.

"Yes, darling. Just don’t mash the meat too hard."

"Yep, on it."

The Human / Dark Elf couple were the only ones insane enough to make heads and tale in this situation. This was the last bit of fun they had before they arrive at Solitude in the next day.


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