Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 315 Thor and Idun

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*A week later.*

"Look at those two cuties."

"Jonhild, if you wake them up, you won’t see the end of it. Roll over here."

"Yes, Ma."

Just on what basis can one denied to the right of getting close to those two cuties. I understand they are the devils that can’t be put to sleep easily but they are way too cute.

A boy and a girl, that’s what the family was blessed with. The boy is ’Thor’ and the girl is ’Idun’.

The Cute Aura they emit can melt away any Aura in existence, even Nefertiti is very fond of them. She comes to see them from afar then runs away immediately. ’Curious little hoomans’ she calls them.

My real brother and sister that share blood with me. Now that’s something.

Nurina discarded all her duties on Laaneth and decided to stay in the Firemane clan a few more days or maybe months depending on how can we force an overpowered Dunmer mage to leave. And speaking of Laaneth, we had to send Uncle Tyr to her as it seems the two share a history that I am not informed about.

Anyway, it was very peaceful and harmonious around here. Everyone gave Hilda her space as it seemed that her skills of raising kids got rusty, she was perfect at keeping one from falling into the hands of the Thalmor though.

The one who was happy the most was Jonrad. He made a few parties here and there and danced till he fell. Each day was a celebration of a sort during the past week.

Because of the Firemane’s long lifespan that is double the normal Nords, the birthrate is low but having twins is quite the common thing. This is all due to the Giants’ bloodline in us. Hilda and Skadi are twins, cousins Vladimir and Veka are twins, cousins Signi and Eirik are twins and so on.

"Thor and Idun. You decided on those names too fast."

"Oh, that was when you were born. We didn’t expect anything to happen back then so we planned those names for the newborn whether a boy or a girl. The idea of calling you Jonhild only came to us after we realized we may not continue together as a family for a long time so we had to keep you with something of us and Jonhild became Jon. If only we knew you would become this ugly." Jonrad said.

"The only reason I am not beating your face to a mirror is to not wake up those to angels." I said.

"You two hate looking alike that much?" Hilda asked.

""We are nothing alike.""

"Suit yourselves. You two are sleeping together in the barn by the way until you sort out that ugliness thing between you." Hilda said.

"Come on. Don’t be like that."

"It’s insolvable. How can you even ask for such a thing?"

"That’s final."

"Fine, I am going out for a drink with Bragi." Jonrad excused himself and went out.

I watched him pick his katana and head out, he always keep his weapons close just like me.

Damn, too many similarities!

"So... how do you feel? Do you want me to do something around?" I asked Hilda.

"Oh! Will you listen to this good boy! You finally decided to put down whatever you were tinkering with and decided to help me?"

In my hand, there was a Light Screen and I was trying to apply a new method of a Binary Enchantment on it.

"I was just working, you know."

"Yeah, yeah. Keep doing whatever that is and don’t come to me when you can’t see anymore."

"Fine, I know a few healing spells that can cure blindness anyway."

"Suit yourself."

Hilda was in a good mood after Thor and Idun went to sleep.

"Oh, right. I spoke with Grandpa about combat last week."

"Good! Your grandfather is really a great warrior, I can’t defeat him no matter what I tried."

"Yeah, we spoke about your fighting style too. He told me that you learned something or two from Grandpa Ve."

"... He said that?"

"Yes." I was choosing my words carefully here.

Hilda looked away and nodded.

"It is true. I learned something or two. I was very young back then when he was alive but I heard about the way he fought and I imitated it till I came with my own."

"I see... How did grandpa fight then?"

"Father fights with a Sword and Shield like a true War Chief."

"I am asking about Grandpa Ve." I said.

Hilda looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

"Why is this sudden interest in your grandfather?"

"Nothing, I just got curious because of your answers."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"It wouldn’t dare!" This saying offends me a lot.

"Hahaha... oops! Almost woke the kids. Shut up!"

Hilda looked at me and smiled.

"Don’t bother about learning my style and go learn from your father."

"... I am not trying to do so."

"Really? I thought you were curious because you wanted to learn..."

"Learn fighting like a mad person who doesn’t bother getting injured to heal himself over and over. Sorry, I have my own fighting style and I am quite satisfied with it."

"Then why are you asking?"

"... Fine, Grandpa let me hold the family’s sword [Gram] and I checked the Enchantment on it then learned it was enchanted by Grandpa Ve, so I got curious."

"Father let you hold [Gram]?" Hilda was taken aback for some reason. "Father doesn’t let anyone other than Jonrad and Sigurd... oh! I see!"

She thought for a while then looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"I know that father sometimes has a big mouth, what else did you get from him?"

"Nothing, why would I..."

"Speak. Father let you hold [Gram] which means he opened up for you. You are smart Jon but I know my father way better."

"Okay, I found out that enchantment soul of [Gram] is a vampire soul and Grandpa confirmed my suspicions when he told me that Grandpa Ve used to hunt vampires."

"... So he told you." Hilda seemed bothered by the fact.


"Listen, Jonhild. I am going to conclude it for you. Vampires are a sensitive topic in our clan and in the Moonblade clan, don’t go asking around and get yourself in trouble. All you need to know is... Your father Jonrad and father-in-law Sigurd have a big grudge against vampires, your grandfather Ve and Alina’s grandfather Hjor Moonblade were both killed on the hands of those creatures and just because of the danger, we managed to convince Sigurd and Jonrad to not go after them. Don’t you open up old wounds, son. Understand?"

"... Y-Yes."

Hilda’s tone was annoyed but I could see that she was very sincere.

So Ve Firemane and Hjor Moonblade, sworn brothers to grandpa Tormund were killed by vampires. This matter is getting deeper and deeper. I am not sure if I will like it or not but I think I shouldn’t dig around the subject for now and let it go for the time being.


"You are leaving already?"

"Sorry, Hilda. That boy will cause a scene if we don’t go back."

Hilda and Nurina were saying goodbyes to each other but it was really hard to part from those two little cute brother and sister of mine.

"Hooman, look! They are dreaming."

Even Nefertiti couldn’t keep her eyes off them. This goodbye is getting harder by the second.

"Do you really have to go?" Hilda asked.

"Yes, I am having an important meeting in Solitude in the next month. The High King is calling for an Assembly before the yearly tournament. I need to assemble a team to represent Winterhold and ready some stuff for the event. You know how things go with politicians, you can never be extra careful around those twerps."

"Then I wish you luck, kid. Come see your brother and sister after that is over." Hilda said.

"Now that I think about it, if nothing rudely appeared in my schedule then I am free after the Assembly. That’s good, I promise I will come."

"I will come to get you if you didn’t, and it won’t be nice." Hilda hugged me and said so.


That day, I departed from the clan grounds hoping to return after a month or two at the very most.

The Assembly will take a lot of my time and effort and Wulfur will be leaving to Orsinium, the Orc Kingdom between Skyrim and Hammerfell.

Anyway, the Assembly is what matters now. I don’t Ulfric Stormcloak, Laila Law-Giver, Dengeir of Stuhn, and Skald the Elder would attend this assembly. They were already trying to press Jarl Korir not to go and sent a few messages for me.

I also suspect that Skald the Elder, Jarl of the Pale, will do something rash if I traveled through his land to Solitude. The man is completely nuts. Last month, we received refugees from his hold but that was not interesting, the interesting thing was the identity of these refugees. They were Giants! It seemed that Skald doesn’t like me so much to the point that he pushes the giants and mammoths from his hold to mine.

Handling the giants is actually something that needed to be done before leaving to Solitude and lucky for me, the Firemanes agreed to lend a hand. Aunt Skadi will come to talk some sense into those giants.

Still, there was that feeling that something I was missing something and things were going wrong from a direction that I was not watching. I just couldn’t get rid of that feeling.


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